What does "renewal" mean?
Welcome to the
Year of Renewal
at Saint Pius X!
“To Renew All Things in Christ.” This was the motto of our patron, Saint Pius X. We put this on our website, our letterhead, and even in the art in our new church. But how often do we stop to think about what this really means? This month, we kick-off a “Year of Renewal.” We will explore the many ways that each of us, our parish, and our Church is invited to be “renewed.” We’ll look inward and see the way that the liturgical year is the “true teacher of faith” that calls us to continual renewal of our faith (Directory for Catechesis, 82). We’ll also look outward, and learn how the principles of the Catholic Social Tradition give us a blueprint for the renewal of our society, moving ever closer to the vision of the Kingdom of God. Throughout this year, we also hope to grow as a parish family, renewing our relationships and service as we slowly emerge from the isolation wrought by COVID-19.
Each month will focus on a theme of renewal, with specific weekly communications (bulletin, eNewsletter, social media) that share church teaching on the topic, prayers and liturgy that enhance our understanding of the theme, opportunities for service and sacrificial giving, and saints who model the theme. There will be a bonus email once a month with connections to the theme, articles, and activities for families to share at home.
Our theme of renewal will carry through into our religious education programs, adult faith offerings, Lenten Series, and more. We will also host a parish mission night on Wednesday, September 29. Fr. Bill Lies, C.S.C., Provincial Superior for the Congregation of Holy Cross, will share with us what it means to “Renew All Things in Christ.” Programming for children and teens will be provided. We hope that you are as excited as we are to embark on this journey of renewal!
Bible Study is offered at the parish on Thursday mornings immediately following the 8:45 a.m. Mass.
Bible Study is also live on Facebook at the same time!
Bring a Friend
to Mass Weekend!
August 7 & 8
We encourage all to invite a friend who has been hesitant to return to Mass, or maybe bring a friend who has never been to Saint Pius X, to join us on August 7 or 8!
Activities are being planned following each Mass as well.
Saint Pius X
Blood Drive
Monday, August 9
3:30-7:00 p.m.
South Parking Lot / Playground
Please sign up to give blood, share life (and receive a gift card for donating, along with a free scoop of ice cream)!
Bring the whole family for fun on the playground featuring music, face painting for the kids (or adults), and Paddy Shack ice cream, just $3/scoop!
Sign up online:
Sponsor Code: StPius
Commemoration Weekend
August 14-15
It’s becoming obvious that life at the parish is returning: programs, events, and more are being planned. We are working hard to welcome everyone back! However, we aren’t just “moving on” in a rush to reopen the parish. We are sharply aware that the pandemic changed everyone’s lives, in good and bad ways, happy and sorrowful ways. We all went through a crazy, confusing, spiritually-demanding mess of a pandemic! We recognize that parishioners need to grieve, reflect, celebrate, and give thanks. That’s why we’ve created Commemoration Weekend.
The Commemoration Committee invites you to participate in opportunities to acknowledge the pain and suffering caused by the pandemic, and help give meaning to the losses and struggles of our parishioners and their families through a one-time event and ongoing prayer opportunities.
Saturday, August 14, 4:15 p.m.
PEC Courtyard (between PEC and PLC)
Led by Fr. Bill, join us for this opportunity for grieving and reflection, honoring the losses and struggles of our parishioners and their families caused by the pandemic. Candles will be provided and will remain lit throughout the weekend for individual prayer.
To acknowledge the losses we’ve experienced, but also recognize the blessings we have received, we ask that each family take a fabric square available at all the doors outside of the Church, inscribe both a loss and a blessing on the fabric, and return them by August 6. The squares will be quilted into a display for the Parish Life Center to commemorate the effects of this unprecedented time.
REGISTRATION (Click HERE for more details):
Sunday, August 8: Deadline for Pre-Registration with Race Shirt
Wednesday, August 18: Final Deadline for Pre-Registration (no race shirt)
Saturday, August 21: Onsite Race Day Registration
See registration page for race event fees
August 21
will be celebrated like
we’ve never done before!
Lots of volunteers are needed!
There are many food and beverage options planned.
We have several corporate sponsorship opportunities.
For all the details, visit: