SRCEH's mission is to end and prevent homelessness in the Sacramento region through policy analysis, community education, civic engagement, collective organizing and advocacy

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November, 2016
Joint Sacramento City Council & Board of Supervisors Meeting on Homelessness & Housing
January 31, 2017
6 pm
location TBD

February 28, 2017
6 pm
location TBD

March 28, 2017
6 pm
location TBD

Food Research Action Center:  
National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference
March 5 - 7, 2017
Omni Shoreham Hotel
2500 Calvert St, NW, Washington, DC

Corporation for Supportive Housing: CSH
May 23 - 25, 2017
Denver, Colorado

2017 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium
June 21 - 24, 2017
Washington, DC
Building Changes

California Budget & Policy Center

California Wellness Foundation

Center for Community Change - Housing Trust Fund Campaign

Center on Budget & Policy Priorities

Coalition on Human Needs

Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance

Health & Human Services [HHS]: 
Housing and Urban Development [HUD] and Department of Education [[ED]

National Consumer Advisory Board; National Health Care for the Homeless Council

There will be three joint meetings between the Sacramento Mayor & city Council and Sacramento Board of Supervisors

January 31, 2017
February 28, 2017
March 28, 2017

all will be at 6 pm
location TBD

or contact Emily Halcon, Sacramento City Homeless Services Coordinator

Justice for 
Joseph Mann:
Greater Accountability & Better Training 

SRCEH Calls on City Council to Adopt Specialized Units  -   
Crisis Intervention Teams

Joseph Mann [51 year old, Black, homeless man with mental health issues] was tragically shot 18 times by the Sacramento Police on July 2016.

On Tuesday, November 1, 2016, the City Council discussed strengthening the accountability section of Officer Next Door framework.   The City Council then scheduled four community meetings in mid-November to hear directly from City residents on the Officer Next Door Policing Strategy.

November 22, 2016: 
Accountability & Transparency: 
SRCEH stands in solidarity with Sacramento Area Congregations Together [ACT], Black Lives Matter and L.E.A.D. in calling for increased accountability and transparency and a City Policy on the appropriate use of force.

Crisis Intervention Teams [C.I.T.]: "Memphis Model:" 

SRCEH recommends that City funds be reallocated to expand the number of Sacramento Mobile Crisis Response Teams [currently there is only one team], so that there is one Crisis Intervention Team in each City Council District, trained to work with people mental health issues.

Compare the Current SPD training to PERF to "Memphis Model:
Attached is SRCEH Fact Sheet comparing the current SPD training on crisis intervention [8 hours] to the proposed training by Chief Sommers - Police Executive Research Forum [16 hours divided into 4 modules - so 4 hours on crisis intervention; to the nationally recognized "Memphis Model"- 40 hours of training - now used in 2,633 local CIT programs  and 346 regional CIT programs - either specialized teams or at least 25% of the police force trained in crisis intervention.  Local CIT units including Placer, El Dorado and Yolo counties.

3rd Annual Homeless Interfaith Memorial

December 19, 2016
7 pm - 8 pm
Trinity Cathedral
2620 Capitol Ave,

Confirmed participants:
  • Mayor-Elect Steinberg
  • Supervisor Kennedy
  • Very Rev. Dr. Brian Baker, Dean, Trinity Episcopal Church
  • Rabbi Mona Alfi, Congregation B'Nai Israel
  • Pastor Joy Johnson, Higher Hope Christian Church & Board Chair, Area Congregations Together [ACT]
  • Angel Blue, Lakota, Lower Brule Tribe
  • Jessica Barthalow, Legislative Advocate, Western Center on Law & Poverty
  • Deacon Joe O'Donnell Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento
free parking:  2701 N. Street

For more information: contact Bob Erlenbusch, Executive Director, SRCEH 916-993-7708 or


CA voters in 6 communities passed local affordable housing measures to address their local crisis of homelessness and lack of affordable housing:

Los Angeles - Prop HHH: authorizing $1.2 billion in bonds to create 10,000 units of affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness

Santa Clara - Measure A:  $950 million for affordable housing

Oakland - Measure KK:   $600 million for affordable housing and essential services

Alameda - Measure A1:  $580 million for affordable housing

Berkeley - Measure U1:  $5 million for affordable housing

San Mateo - Measure K:  extends 1/2 cent sales tax an additional 20 years to be used for affordable housing


a campaign by the National Coalition for the Homeless & the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty

Endorsing the National  Housing Not Handcuffs Campaign means you agree "that in order to end the crisis of homelessness, the criminalization of homelessness must end immediately.  All persons experiencing homelessness should instead have access to affordable housing, education, health care, employment, income, and other opportunities and services that allow all to live in dignity."

New publication on the increase in criminalization of people experiencing homelessness
Homeless people 11 times more likely to experience incarceration than the housed population


Identifying Racial & Ethnic Disparities in the Criminal & Juvenile Justice Systems through Data Collection

November 29, 2016

2:30 PM - 4 PM [ET]



Planning for Sustainability - Supporting Community-Based Reentry Programs

November 30, 2016

2:00 PM- 3:30 PM [ET]




Cultural Competencies for an Aging LGBTQ Population

December 13, 2016

10 AM - 12:00 PM [PST]



Homeless Civil Rights Update

The Western Regional Advocacy Project [WRAP] recently announced they have a Homeless Bill of Rights bill in 2017!  Oregon WRAP members include the Right 2 Survive, Sisters of the Road and Street Roots.

Yakima, WA:
The ACLU in Yakima, WA says the city's policy of arresting the homeless who chose not to stay in a shelter puts the city at risk of legal action

Seattle, WA:
The Department of Justice [DOJ] issued a letter on October 13, 2016 reaffirming that the Seattle Council Bill 118794 is "without question" consistent with important constitutional principles. The Seattle bill creates protections for people experiencing homelessness who are forced to live in public spaces, while also carving out sections of town where encampments are not permitted.  DOJ Letter to Seattle City Council  

Los Angeles, CA:
A day after the voters approved Proposition HHH [$1.2 billion to build supportive housing], the Los Angeles City Council adopted a nighttime ban on living in vehicles near homes, parks and schools, over the objections of advocates who claimed the measure will criminalize thousand of people experiencing homelessness.

Denver, CO:
Class action lawsuit against Denver alleging the city is violating the U.S. Constitution when it conducts regular sweeps of homeless people.

Austin, TX:
Austin saw a 17% increase in homelessness in 2016, partly due to cities in Texas, including Amarillo and Dallas giving homeless people a one way bus ticket to Austin

Sacramento Park Rangers: Homeless Criminalization:
Updated Fact Sheet

Each month SRCEH posts the updated Park Ranger Homeless Criminalization Fact Sheet based on the Park Rangers monthly acitivity report posted on their website.

To date, from March 2014 to October, 2016, the Park Rangers have issued 2,395 anti-camping citations [$230 each]; closed 2,611homeless camps and made only  104 referrals to the County Dept. of Human Assistance - an expensive, ineffective "whack-a-mole" strategy

Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness
| 916-993-7708 |
1331 Garden Highway, Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95833