SRI&ETTC Professional Development Calendar - January 2025
Professional Development for the K-12 Community provided by the
Southern Regional Institute and Educational Technology Training Center (SRI&ETTC)
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10 West Jimmie Leeds Road
Galloway, New Jersey 08205
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Phone: (609) 626-3850
Fax: (609) 748-6212
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Classroom Management
January 22, 2025
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In this exciting and informative workshop participants will address classroom and behavior management issues, and learn specific strategies to use to increase teacher effectiveness. After the workshop participants will be able to go back to the district with tools to implement in their classrooms the very next day.
Participants will learn about:
- Principles of behavior management
- Analysis of the functions of behavior
- Antecedent based strategies
- Discipline vs. punishment
- Establishment of rules and procedures
- Strategies for difficult students
Participants will have time to work and brainstorm together about discipline strategies and policies. Participants will also have adequate time to ask questions about what strategies work and why.
This workshop is beneficial for K-12 Teachers, ESL, SP ED, Supervisors, Student Support Staff, Counselors, CST, Administrators, and Supervisors struggling with student behavior issues.
Please note: This workshop is being offered as a Hybrid Course with in-person and Live via Zoom registration options. When registering for this course please select the option that best suits the needs of your district.
Click here for more information or to register for the Classroom Management workshop
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31st Annual Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway - Murphy Writing of Stockton University
January 17-20, 2025 | | |
The Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway is a conference where educators hone their creative writing skills and expand their teaching strategies. Now celebrating its 31st anniversary, the Winter Getaway is known for challenging and supportive workshops featuring small classes led by award-winning professionals. Faculty include Jan Beatty, Nicole Callihan, Jiordan Castle, Tyrese L. Coleman, Libby Cudmore, Celeste Doaks, Hugo dos Santos, R.G. Evans, Luray Gross, Lois Marie Harrod, Sam Heaps, Le Hinton, Anndee Hochman, Heather Lanier, Davon Loeb, Peter E. Murphy, Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, Christine E. Salvatore, and Gretna Wilkinson.
Participants will engage with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards by practicing different types of writing for different purposes and audiences; and have the opportunity to choose from workshops including fiction, playwriting, songwriting, memoir, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Each workshop offers craft discussion, writing prompts, writing time, feedback, motivation, and inspiration
The conference was founded by veteran teacher Peter E. Murphy in the belief that when writers leave behind the distractions of their busy lives to gather in an encouraging community, they are able to make important breakthroughs in their art. The author of a dozen books, Peter has received numerous awards and fellowships.
Workshops are available for both beginning and experienced creative writers. Learn more at:
Click here for more information or to register for the Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway
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The Science of Reading
February 2025
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The Science of Reading for Elementary Teachers
February 7, 2025, 9 am to 3 pm
The science of reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing. This research has been conducted over the last five decades across the world and is derived from thousands of studies conducted in multiple languages. The science of reading has culminated in a preponderance of evidence to inform how proficient reading and writing develop; why some have difficulty; and how we can most effectively assess and teach and, therefore, improve student outcomes through prevention of and intervention for reading difficulties. This session will provide participants with strategies to shift practices to those that align with the research in order to improve student outcomes.
Please note: This workshop is being offered as a Hybrid Course with in-person and Live via Zoom registration options. When registering for this course please select the option that best suits the needs of your district.
Click here for more information or to register for
The Science of Reading for Elementary Teachers workshop
The Science of Reading for Secondary Teachers
February 26, 2025, 9 am to 12 pm
For educators of middle and high school students, there's no denying the importance of reading for student success. As a result, it's only right to make sure that education programs are based on the most up-to-date science of reading principles. What works for an elementary student will not necessarily work for those slightly older - and specific adjustments may be needed. This workshop aims to examine the "do's and don'ts" when teaching reading to students in grades 6-12 within the context of scientific research by reviewing positive behaviors (what you should do).
Please note: This workshop is being offered as a Hybrid Course with in-person and Live via Zoom registration options. When registering for this course please select the option that best suits the needs of your district.
Click here for more information or to register for
The Science of Reading for Secondary Teachers workshop
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Intervention & Referral Services (I&RS) Training
Spring 2025
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Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Team Training
March 25, 2025, 9 am to 3 pm
Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Team Training is designed to provide schools which have new or reorganized (e.g, new members, new structure) school building I&RS teams with basic information, materials and skills to help them fulfill the regulatory requirements for the planning, development, implementation and maintenance of programs of I&RS (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8). This training can also be used to provide review for existing teams. The workshop focus will include identifying and addressing academic, behavior and health issues and developing effective intervention strategies and action plans. In this training participants will also discuss how to incorporate RTI into the I&RS process.
Please note: This workshop is being offered as a Hybrid Course with in-person and Live via Zoom registration options. When registering for this course please select the option that best suits the needs of your district.
Click here for more information or to register for I&RS Team Training
Closing out the I&RS Year
April 9, 2025, 9 am to 1 pm
There are many tasks to accomplish at the end of the school year that will ensure a smooth transition into the next school year with regard to Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS). I&RS guidance requires schools and districts to assess the team's procedures, share the results, and apply improvements in the upcoming school year. Professional learning needs for the I&RS team or professional staff should be identified and planned. School leaders and I&RS team members should use the results of their assessment to create recommendations for school-wide planning purposes. This session will focus on how to conduct the end-of-year assessment of I&RS procedures and plan for the upcoming school year. Connections to other building-based teams will be shared as well as how to best collaborate with other teams in order to increase positive outcomes from I&RS. In addition, Title funds will be identified that can be used to support I&RS functions. Scheduling options for I&RS meetings will be shared as well.
Please note: This workshop is being offered as a Hybrid Course with in-person and Live via Zoom registration options. When registering for this course please select the option that best suits the needs of your district.
Click here for more information or to register for the Closing out the I&RS Year workshop
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Why the Humanities Matter
Workshops for K-12 Educators
Spring 2025
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LGBTQ-Inclusive Pedagogy
March 5, 2025
Beginning in Fall 2020, state law requires New Jersey schools to include the "political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people” in middle school and high school curricula. Through discussion and hands-on activities, we'll explore gender and sexuality as socially constructed categories that shape history, science, literature, and tools for measuring social change over time. Teachers in all fields will develop practical applications to build cultural competency, strengthen students' critical thinking skills, and enhance school and classroom climate.
Disability Culture
March 17, 2025
Beginning in Fall 2020, state law began requiring New Jersey schools to "include instruction, and adopt instructional materials, that accurately portray the political, economic, and social contributions of persons with disabilities” in middle school and high school curricula. Through discussion, hands-on activities, and collaborative group work, we'll explore disability as a socially constructed category that shaped history, science, literature, and political/legal connections over time. Teachers in all fields will develop practical applications to build cultural competency, strengthen students' critical thinking skills, and enhance the cultural climate of the classroom and school.
Teaching Creative Writing: Challenges and Freedoms
March 20, 2025
In this workshop Stockton Creative Writing Professor Cynthia Arrieu-King will guide participants through a variety of accessible and diverse creative writing exercises for the classroom, allowing participants to test out the writing prompts firsthand. The workshop will address ways to alter the lessons according to individual classroom needs and offer ways these assignments can be scaffolded towards larger projects. We will also review potential pitfalls and answer questions about each exercise.
Please note: All workshops are being presented Live Online via Zoom.
Stockton University's Why the Humanities Matter Institute for Teachers workshops are available at NO COST to attend, but pre-registration is required!
Click here for more information or to register for A Why the Humanities Matter Institute workshop
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Foundations of Arts Integration (Grades K-8)
March 28, 2025
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Arts integration is an effective strategy for cultivating positive climate and culture, as well as deepening student engagement. This session will introduce participants in the fundamental components of high-quality arts integration. Participants will explore how to move confidently from planning to implementation. Drawing upon New Jersey's Arts Integration Think and Do Workbook, participants will identify realistic goals and develop concrete actions steps to guide their arts integration work. This workshop is open to all K-8 educators.
This workshop is being presented by Arts Ed NJ,
Please note: This workshop is being offered as an in-person session only.
Click here for more information or to register for the
Foundations of Arts Integration workshop
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Strategies to De-escalate Conflict and Respond Effectively to Disruptive Student Behavior
April 3, 2025
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In this workshop participants will learn how to develop caring and trusting relationships with students, and learn methods to help students de-escalate conflict and respond effectively to difficult social situations. Participants will learn to identify what disruptive students are communicating when they escalate conflict, and learn to understand the desperation cycle and how to end it. Participants will learn strategies to help disruptive students find more effective ways to meet their needs and work towards a more peaceful learning environment. In addition, educators will have the opportunity to discuss challenging behavior patterns with the instructor.
Please note: This workshop is being offered as an in-person session only.
Click here for more information or to register for the Strategies To De-escalate Conflict workshop
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Looking to Schedule Professional Development?
The SRI&ETTC is able to provide custom programming for your district in a wide number of topics, professional development programming and coaching. All of the workshops on the public calendar are available as custom in-district sessions. PD dates fill-up quickly! Contact Dr. Barbara Hagerty to discuss professional development options.
Email: Phone: 609-626-3862
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Computer Science Workshops are available through the CS Coastal Hub Grant.
Workshops are FREE, but pre-registration is required!
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Climate Change Learning Collaborative Workshops are available through the CCLC Grant. Workshops are FREE, but pre-registration is required!
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Workshops in the Cloud
Online, Self-Paced, Available Anytime
Presented by the SRI&ETTC at Stockton University
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Workshops in the Cloud are online workshops offered by the SRI&ETTC that you can take from the convenience of your home or classroom. Workshops in the Cloud contain the same great content you would expect from our traditional workshops, but registrants can review the content as many times as needed within the allotted time frame and learn at their own pace.
Workshops in the Cloud are available for individual registrations, or for school districts looking to register multiple educators contact the SRI&ETTC at 609-626-3850.
Current offerings include:
- Accessibility Tools for Today's Classroom
- Build Equity with Choice Boards
- Dyslexia I: What We Need to Know
- Dyslexia II: Building on What We Already Know
- Google Admin Online
- Power Up Your Slides with Bitmoji
- Teacher Effectiveness Institute for Beginning Educators
- Writing with Spice
Click here to register for a Workshop in the Cloud
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A Free 15-Hour Course on Sheltered English Instruction
Developed by the SRI&ETTC Funded by the NJ Department of Education
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Educating students who still are acquiring English proficiency can be complex in an age of high stakes evaluations and assessments as well as college and career-ready standards. English language learners (ELLs) are not monolithic in their educational background, cultural experiences, and ability to adapt to learning environments. However, through well-planned instruction, ELLs can attain challenging academic standards.
For more information on this FREE Sheltered English Instruction course visit
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The SRI&ETTC Public Calendar is updated frequently.
For more information on the workshops listed below visit
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January 2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Climate Change and Our Community: How Climate Impacts the Pinelands (Core #3), 1/13/2025
- CS Coastal Hub Elective: Code Crafters: Unplugged Adventures in Computer Science for K-5, 1/14/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative Lending Library Information Session, 1/16/2025
- 31st Annual Winter Poetry & Prose Getaway- Murphy Writing of Stockton University, 1/17 to 1/20/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Teaching Climate Change through the Humanities for Grades K-5, 1/21/2025
- CS Coastal Hub Elective: Ethics & AI for Grades K-12, 1/22/2025
- Classroom Management, 1/22/2025
- CS Coastal Hub Elective: Integrating Computer Science in The Secondary Math/Science Classroom, 1/23/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Teaching Climate Change through the Humanities for Grades 6-8, 1/23/2025
CS Coastal Hub Elective: Code Without Screens: A Hands-On Robotics Rodeo (Grades K-3), 1/25/2025
- CS Coastal Hub: Virtual Office Hours and Q&A - January 2025, 1/28/2025
CS Coastal Hub Elective: Ozobot Explorers-Mastering the Ozobot Curriculum, 1/28/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Designing Interdisciplinary PBL Units Aligned to NJSLS in Climate Change (Core #4), 1/30/2025
CS Coastal Hub Elective: Python Basics: A Beginner's Introduction to Programming, 1/30 & 2/6/2025
February 2025
- CS Coastal Hub CORE2 Cohort 1 - 3 Day (Designed for High School Teachers), 2/4 to 3/4/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Choosing and Evaluating High Quality Resources (Core #6), 2/5/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Teaching Interdisciplinary PBL Units on Climate Change Aligned to NJSLS and Incorporating Experiential Learning (Core #5), 2/6/2025
- The Science of Reading for Elementary Teachers, 2/7/2025
- CS Coastal Hub Elective: Elementary Engineers: CS Crafting with Micro:bits, 2/8/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Sustainable Jersey for Schools, Live Online via Zoom (February 2025), 2/12/2025
- CS Coastal Hub Elective: Creative Coding with Python: Music and Sound Design using EarSketch, 2/12 & 2/19/2025
CS Coastal Hub Elective: Bolt into Robotics: Discovering Fun with Sphero Grades 4-12, 2/22/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Teaching Climate Change through the Humanities for Grades 6-8, 2/25/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Teaching Climate Change through the Humanities for Grades K-5, 2/27/2025
- The Science of Reading for Secondary Teachers, 2/26/2025
- CS Coastal Hub: Virtual Office Hours and Q&A - February 2025, 2/27/2025
March 2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Using Local Ecosystems in the Classroom, 3/4/2025
- CS Coastal Hub Elective: Coding with Drones for Grades 6-12, 3/5/2025
LGBTQ Inclusive Pedagogy, A Workshop for K-12 Educators Presented by Stockton University's Why the Humanities Matter Institute for Teachers, 3/5/2025
CS Coastal Hub Elective: Bits of Brilliance: Physical Computing with Micro:bit for Secondary Schools, 3/8/2025
- Climate Change Learning Collaborative: Sustainable Jersey for Schools, Live Online via Zoom (March 2025), 3/13/2025
Disability Culture, A Workshop for K-12 Educators Presented by Stockton University's Why the Humanities Matter Institute for Teachers, 3/17/2025
Teaching Creative Writing: Challenges and Freedoms, A Workshop for K-12 Educators Presented by Stockton University's Why the Humanities Matter Institute for Teachers, 3/20/2025
- CS Coastal Hub: Virtual Office Hours and Q&A - March 2025, 3/25/2025
- Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Team Training, 3/25/2025
- Foundations of Arts Integration (Grades K-8) presented by Arts Ed NJ, 3/28/2025
April 2025
- Strategies To De-escalate Conflict and Respond Effectively To Disruptive Student Behavior, 4/3/2025
- Closing Out the I&RS Year, 4/9/2025
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Explore Stockton by visiting the Counselor's Corner for more information on School Tours and Family Tours. Stockton Admissions Counselors are here to assist as you help your students navigate the admissions process!
For more information visit or email
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The Master of Arts in Education program is pleased to offer an on-line graduate level Literacy track designed to prepare teachers to meet the needs of all PreK-12 learners in the areas of reading and writing. Through the Literacy track, teachers have the option to earn a Reading Specialist Endorsement. The Reading Specialist endorsement prepares teachers to diagnose and correct reading and writing problems, work cooperatively with school staff specialists, and organize and implement a total literacy program. For information please contact Dr. Kimberly Lebak at | | | | |