MOX Termination Continues
The official contract termination notice from Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) was issued late last month for the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility (MFFF), or MOX, at the Savannah River Site.
The MFFF was the result of a US-Russian agreement signed in 2000. The Plutonium Management Disposition Agreement (PMDA) required each country to permanently dispose of 34 metric tons of weapons grade plutonium. The original agreement was for each country to re-process the plutonium to create fuel for light water reactors, while the United States was to immobilize a share of its 34 metric ton commitment.
In 2010, the agreement was amended to change the disposition methods. Russia changed their intentions to create fuel for fast breeder reactors, while the United States decided to drop the immobilization component of the agreement. Russia completed its fuel re-processing plant in September 2015. MFFF was placed on cold standby in 2016, with termination pending, in response to which Russia froze the PMDA.
The current United States strategy for the 34 metric ton commitment is a process which involves mixing plutonium with inert material for long-term burial. This dilute-and-dispose process would send this material to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. South Carolina's senior senator, Lindsey Graham, has called dilute-and-dispose strategy "half-baked" and "not feasible."
He has gone on to described the termination of the MFFF as a "colossal mistake," one that is "shortsighted" and equates to the federal government "breaking its commitment" to the state.
NNSA has voiced a commitment to supporting the current workforce and to work with MOX Services contractor throughout the transition process to reduce short-term impacts to workers, the surrounding community, and the State of South Carolina. MOX Services is the prime contractor for the MOX project.
One organized effort between MOX Services and the other SRS employers is a job fair specifically for those facing layoffs at the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility. Other efforts include one-on-one counseling, resume collections, potential stress management and financial planning classes.