SSJ School News

December 7, 2023 - Issue #14



Feast of the Immaculate Conception No School


8th Grade Christmas Dance


January/February Pretzel Google Form Closes


Santa's Secret Shop Gr. K-8


Merit Award Dress Down Week


The Little Mermaid Virtual Parent Information Meeting Gr. 4-8


Confessions Gr. 3-8


Ronald McDonald House Service Project & Cookie Exchange


Jesus Day

Polar Express Day PreK 3 & 4


Tomorrow we honor Our Blessed Mother under her title of the Immaculate Conception. It is under this title that Mary is the patroness of our country, the United States of America. December 8th is a holyday of obligation. There will be no school. Masses will be celebrated here at Saints Simon and Jude Church tonight at 7:00PM and tomorrow at 6:45AM, 9:00AM, and 7:00PM.

As our first week of Advent quickly draws to a close we look at how we have prepared. I’m sure each of us can probably say that we have prepared materially since Advent started and hopefully we have also taken time to prepare spiritually. On Thursday, December 14th, our children in grades 3 through 8 will have the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Penance. We are grateful to Father Gerlach, Father Omeke, and all the neighboring priests who will hear the children’s confessions providing the opportunity for our children to experience God’s loving mercy and forgiveness. 

As we continue our Advent journey of preparing for the birth of Our Lord Jesus, let us remember to pray for the needs of one another. Let us ask Our Mother Mary to intercede for us as we pray, “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you”.

Sister Regina

Advent Prayer - Second Sunday


Dear Lord,

Through the darkness, I look for your wisdom. I want my heart to be open to you.

But sometimes in these days, it seems that so many things come between us.


Help me to be awake and aware of the radiance you bring to my life.

Help me to be grateful each day for the blessings of family and friends.

Let me be a peacemaker in my own life, and in the world.

Let me pray especially for this difficult world and those who are so in need of an end to violence.

My heart begs for this as my Advent prayer today.


Report Cards

The children have received their First Trimester report cards today. Let us continue to encourage and support our children in their academic pursuits and help them strengthen any area where improvement is needed. Please sign the report card envelope and return to school. The report card may stay at home unless you are requesting a conference with your child’s teacher/s.

8th Grade Scholarship News

Congratulation to 8th grade student, Amélie Staron! She has received both an academic merit scholarship and a music scholarship to Sacred Heart Academy. We are so proud of her accomplishments! 


The following students were recognized for their first trimester reading work using the Achieve3000 online Reading Program. Congratulations to all!

Highest Average Score

5th Grade - Caden Zimmerman 

6th Grade - Nate Hynes & Joe Wheeler 

7th Grade - Finn Norton & Connal Farrell

8th Grade - Charlie Megosh

Greatest Lexile Point Gain

5th Grade - Caden Zimmerman

6th Grade - Joe Wheeler

7th Grade - Crae McComas 

8th Grade - Patrick Cleary and Jack Farley

Crazy Christmas Clothing Dress Down Day

On Wednesday, December 20th, modeling the charity of St Nicholas, student council is hosting a fund raiser for the Ronald McDonald House. Get in the Christmas spirit by making a donation and dressing down in crazy Christmas clothing. Certificates will be awarded for the craziest Christmas outfits. Do not buy anything new, simply wearing green and red will do. The important part is to help raise money for a worthy charity ( 

CARES Inclement Weather Reminders

If the school has a two-hour delay, there is no morning CARES. If there is an early dismissal, there is no afternoon CARES.

We Fill Buckets at SSJ!

Our faculty and staff who received their buckets today were Miss Katie Whoriskey (Rm. 15); Mrs. Kathi Clapham (CARES & Theatre Director); and Mr. Steve Land (Maintenance).

During the week of December 11th, students will acknowledge: Mrs. Jennifer Dixon (Rm. 4); Mrs. Dawn Walls (Maintenance); and Mr. Ryan Berry (Maintenance),

This year we are promoting kindness at SSJ School for our faculty and staff. Every week, three faculty and staff members will have a bucket, and students are invited to fill their buckets. Items that might be good would be thank you notes, candy, class supplies, trinkets, or something you think that person would enjoy.


Raffle Winners

Congratulations to the Abbadessa family for winning last week’s raffle of $250 AND this week's raffle of $250! Who wants to be our next winner? If you would like to purchase a ticket for $50 click here or return the tickets that were sent home with your youngest SSJ student in September.

Breakfast with Santa

Thank you Melissa Cloeter, Lauren Popper, and Kristen Zimmerman for coordinating SSJ’s Breakfast with Santa this past Saturday! It was such a wonderful morning. Thank you also to the Dads who helped in the kitchen!

Save the Date

A new HSA fundraiser, SSJ Skate Night, will be on Monday, December 18th, 5-7 PM. Click here for more details.

Christmas Collection for Faculty & Staff

A message was sent out last Thursday regarding the HSA annual Christmas collection for SSJ faculty and staff. If you would like to donate electronically click here and use PayPal. Otherwise, please use the envelope that went home in your child/children’s backpack and return it by Friday, December 15th. 

Santa's Secret Shop begins Monday 12/11

Jolly old St. Nicholas, lean your ear this way... Santa's Secret Shop opens this Monday for students in K-8!

Information sheets and shopping envelopes were sent home with children this week. Please check the signup below or your teacher's classroom communication to confirm which day your student will be shopping. Students are permitted to wear Christmas socks/accessories on their assigned shopping day.

There are 3 payment options:

  • Cash (smaller bills appreciated; please no $100 bills)
  • Check (if you are sending a blank check, please note the max amount allowed in memo line, change will be given in cash for those with pre-filled amount)
  • Voucher (details on purchasing vouchers included on the information sheet, please send in the detachable voucher. Change will be given in cash)

The success of the shop relies on volunteers; please click here and sign up to help fill remaining openings. (Please note, clearances are needed for shop hours). Any questions can be directed to Carolyn Wise


The Little Mermaid Virtual Parent Information Meeting Gr. 4-8

Parents of cast and ensemble already signed up AND parents who are interested in learning more about the spring musical, are invited to join our directors for a virtual meeting.

Time: Wednesday, December 13, 7:00 PM

Meeting Link: Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 728 6565 2490

Passcode: b4Ar3L

Spring Musical Registration

Congratulations to our cast and ensemble members for our spring show, The Little Mermaid, Jr.! Please click here to complete a registration form for each child you have participating. Please note, there is a link to make your payment after you submit the form AND there is a "Cast & Parent Contracts" link to print, review, sign, and send into school.

Registration for all ensemble members is open until Sunday, January 7, 2024 for students in grades 4 to 8.

Set Design & Building

We are in need of student and parent volunteers to help us design and build our set for The Little Mermaid, Jr. No experience or particular skills are necessary. Join in the fun! It you're interested, please email us at


Toy Drive

SSJ CYO's Fourth Annual Toy Drive will take place on Sunday, December 17th, from 5pm-8pm. Click here for more details.

Christmas Tree Sale

Once again, SSJ CYO has partnered with B&B Christmas Trees (owner is a graduate of SSJ & an alum of SSJ CYO). Simply mention you’re a part of the SSJ CYO Family and B&B will donate 10% of your purchase directly back to SSJ CYO. So come out and get a beautiful tree and support your Explorers!



We are happy to pray for the needs of our school family. If any family has a prayer request please send it to

For Mrs. Judy Ikena, mother of Miss Ikena (room 8), who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant her a complete and speedy recovery.

For Derrick Banks, Jr, son of Mr. Derrick Banks, who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant him a complete and speedy recovery. 

For Mr. Ronald Paiste, grandfather of James Dougherty (room 17), who has died. May he be resting in God’s loving embrace. May Our Mother of Sorrows console and comfort his family and all who mourn his passing.

For Mr. Robert Ewing, grandfather of Ben Brango (room 16), who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant him a complete and speedy recovery. 

For Mr. Leo Stenson, father of Miss Stenson (room 12), who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant him a complete and speedy recovery.


Pretzel Orders Due Monday 12/11

Pretzel orders for the months of January and February will began on Monday, December 4th. Click here to order.


All orders are due by Monday, December 11th. Payment for pretzels must be made using your FACTS account. Checks and cash are no longer accepted. You must submit the online form in addition to depositing money in FACTS. If you have any questions, please contact the school office at 610-696-5249 or

Enrollment for Siblings is Open

We are now accepting applications for NEW student siblings for the fall. An email with instructions was sent on Wednesday, November 29th. Please note, there is a high demand for our preschool and kindergarten classes, so we suggest you apply as soon as possible. For all currently enrolled students, you do not need to do anything to reserve a spot as we have a Continuous Enrollment process. We will begin accepting applications from families new to SSJ in mid December.

Festive Christmas Basket Missions Fundraiser

Student Council is sponsoring a Christmas baskets raffle. One basket is full of fun cheer for the elementary students. Another basket has festive treats geared towards middle school students. The baskets are full of merry Christmas items, such as ornaments, Christmas candy, Santa hats, etc. The raffle tickets will be sold at snack time in each homeroom. The sale began on December 5th  and go through December 14th. The winning tickets for each basket will be chosen at morning assembly on Friday December 15th. Ticket cost 3/$1 or 50 cents each. Proceeds will benefit the Missionary Childhood Association (MCA), Children Helping Children (

Sports Equipment Drive

Sam Hillanbrand, Class of 2020 and two of his classmates at West Chester East are conducting a sports equipment drive for athletes in need. All donations will be given to a non-profit organization called Leveling the Playing Field to distribute the sports equipment. Any child/family that wishes to donate a sports item for this drive may send the item in to school. All donations will be greatly received and appreciated.

Congratulations November Peacemakers

During the month of November, our students followed the example of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini who was born in 1850. She was the youngest of thirteen children and her parents were farmers. Even as a young child, she was determined to enter a religious vocation. In 1877, she took her vows and soon after, she became known as Mother Cabrini. Mother Cabrini founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, which served as an orphanage which also educated students. Today, the Missionary Sisters can be found throughout the world, wherever there is a need. As Catholics, we are called to follow the church’s social teaching to care for the poor and those in need. Our peacemakers of the month strived to be just like Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini by demonstrating charity in their daily lives.


Row 1 (left to right): Valentino Gaudiosi, Gavin Durkin, Natalia DiFelice, Francis DelVescovo

Row 2: Kendall Abrego, Brynlee McAllister, Eamon Castagna, Nick Wysocki

Row 3: Ryan Macaulay, Vivian DelVescovo, Abigail Lammert, Victoria Gaudiosi

Row 4: Hedrick Bitegeko, Dominic Corea, Luci Vengilio

Row 5: Ryan Anderson, Tessa Foret, Genevieve Buckley 

Preschool & Grade 8 Gingerbread House Decorating

Saints Simon and Jude School

6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382 | 610-696-5249