SSJ School News

January 18, 2024 - Issue #19



Merit Award Dress Down Week for Merit Award Winners


First Penance

8th Grade Talent Show Practice


Musical Rehearsal


Preview Morning for Prospective Families

Pizza Prayer & Play


Jesus Day


Catholic Schools Week


Catholic Schools Week Opening Liturgy

School Open House for Current Families, Parishioners, & Prospective Families


I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend and the extra snow day. Now that our almost two year snow drought has ended it is time to review some procedures regarding snow/inclement weather days. Hopefully, every parent has completed the Snow Emergency Dismissal form that was sent out prior to Christmas. A form needs to be completed for each child. This is in the event that we are in school and the school districts decide to dismiss early that your child’s teacher knows how each child is to be dismissed.  In the need for a 2 hour delay or school cancellation Saints Simon and Jude School follows West Chester Area School District’s decision. A phone message, email, and text message will be sent to each family and staff member when WCASD sends us word. As you are aware, we have a new Parent Alert system through FACTS. There was a glitch with the system on Monday night so I apologize for the multiple phone messages you received from me regarding a 2 hour delay on Tuesday. Thankfully, by Tuesday morning the system was fixed when I needed to send out the phone message that school was closed. Again Tuesday evening the system was fine when I sent out the 2 hour delay for Wednesday morning.

When school is closed we can have a Flexible Instruction Day. We may send home or post work for the students to complete or we may do Google Meet (zoom) classes. The phone message and email will indicate if we are doing Google Meet (zoom) lessons for the day. Your child’s teacher will send out the Google Meet (zoom) schedule for the day. Hopefully, we will not need to have too many weather related Flexible Instruction Days but it is important to be prepared.

Let us remember in prayer our second grade children, their families, and teachers as they take the next step in their faith journey and receive the Sacrament of Penance for the first time this Saturday, January 20. May God bless them and keep them close to Him always.


Our celebration of Catholic Schools Week is fast approaching! This year our nation will celebrate catholic schools from January 28-February 3, 2024. The theme for this year is: Catholic Schools United in Faith and Community. It certainly is a great time to celebrate all the wonderful things happening here at SSJ! A schedule of events will be sent out next week.

May God bless you and your family,

Sister Regina


Chairs for Sale

I am happy to announce that our new folding chairs for the gym have arrived. We will be selling the old (in good condition) red chairs for $5.00 a chair.  If you would like to purchase a chair or chairs please email Mrs. Heraghty, or Mrs. Rezer, and let them know the number of chairs you would like and when you would like to pick them up. Cash or checks made out to Saints Simon and Jude School are accepted.

Chick-fil-A Day

In the event that the school is closed tomorrow, Chick-fil-A lunches will be provided on Friday, January 26 (preorder required).

Preview Morning & Open House

Thank you for referring prospective families to SSJ! We are happy to host two upcoming events, a Preview Morning and our Catholic School's Week Open House. We hope that you and your families will also join us for the Open House to see our students' fabulous work!

  • Preview Morning - Thursday, January 25 - 8:10 AM Arrival - 8:20 AM Morning Assembly - 8:30 AM Tour with 8th Grade Ambassador - Q&A

  • Catholic Schools Week Open House - Sunday, January 28 - 10:30 AM-Noon - Walk Through or Tour with 8th Grade Ambassador - Q&A

We ask that prospective families click here to RSVP for either event.

7th & 8th Grade Cluster Dance

SSJ is excited to host a 7th and 8th Grade Cluster Dance on Friday, February 9th for our students and those at other local Catholic schools. More details are below. Our classroom teachers will send the permission slips to all parents/guardians.

We Fill Buckets at SSJ!

Our faculty and staff who will receive their buckets tomorrow are Mrs. MaryKate Schreiber (Rm. 3); Mrs. Patti Tulskie (CCIU Reading); and Ms. Helene Catrambone (CCIU Math).

During the week of January 22nd, students will acknowledge: Miss Giana Buoni (Rm. 13); Miss Blair McNamara (CCIU Speech & Language); and Mrs. Heather Coulter (CCIU Guidance).

This year we are promoting kindness at SSJ School for our faculty and staff. Every week, three faculty and staff members will have a bucket, and students are invited to fill their buckets. Items that might be good would be thank you notes, candy, class supplies, trinkets, or something you think that person would enjoy.


H&S Flash Raffle Sale & Winner

Tickets are 2 for the price of 1 (2 tickets for $50!)

In celebration of Catholic Schools Week, Sunday, 1/26/24 through Saturday, 2/3/24, raffle tickets are 2 for the price of 1 (2 tickets for $50!). The drawings for $250 are held twice a month during morning assembly and will continue until June. Please use the PayPal Link to purchase your tickets. Be sure to enter your family/students' names in the notes section. The next drawing will be on February 9th, so increase your chances to win while supporting SSJ's many events and activities! If you have any questions, contact Jennifer Miley at Thank you for your continued support!

Congratulations to the winners of our last raffle, the Krause family, Rebecca, gr. 2!

Bag Bingo

SSJ Designer Bag Bingo will be held on Thursday, February 23rd in The Meehan Center. Seating is limited and tickets will sell out quickly! You can purchase your bingo ticket, grand prize ticket (LOUIS VUITTON!!), and raffle tickets all through the link. Raffle tickets and 50/50 will also be sold at the event for more chances to win. Click here to buy your tickets now.

Once you have purchased your ticket, click here for a SignUpGenius to sign up for a table.  Don’t have a group? Buy a ticket and we will pair you up with new friends!

The event is BYOB and favorite food to share with your table. Tables are 10 people max. If you have more than 10 please consider splitting into 2 tables. Please contact Anne Marie Gerhart at for any questions and if you are interested in donating a bag or a door prize. 

Catholic Schools Week Volunteers

Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 28th. This is a wonderful week for everyone in the SSJ school community with lots of fun and exciting events! We are looking for volunteers for the Open House on Sunday 1/28 after the 9:30 AM mass and on Friday 2/2 to help during school drop off/morning assembly while the teachers enjoy a much deserved breakfast. Click here for the SignUpGenius with more details.

Dine and Donate Event

February 1 - Dairy Queen Dine and Donate. Details below.

Save the Dates

Save the date for the Father/Daughter Dance on Saturday, March 23rd.

DATE CORRECTION! Save the date for SSJ Night at the Phillies, Saturday, April 20th. More details and link to RSVP are below.


Spring Musical Crew

Stage crew is open to students in grades 6, 7, and 8. Please click here and read the Information and contract regarding crew participation for The LIttle Mermaid, Jr. Only those who send back the contract signed to Kathi Clapham's attention (email or by way of CARES mailbox) will be considered part of the crew. The deadline is February 3rd or we cannot guarantee a crew shirt or crew job.

Production jobs will be decided by the production team based on need and past involvement with stage crew. Any questions, your child may send a message through Google Classroom (code in the contract).

The first crew meeting will be on February 2nd (time TBA either at lunch or after school).

Spring Musical Parent Volunteers

You're invited to help with SSJ's spring musical, The LIttle Mermaid, Jr.! Click here to be directed to our SignUpGenius.



We are happy to pray for the needs of our school family. If any family has a prayer request please send it to

For the grandfather of Jaxon Sentyz (room 14), who suffered an injury. May Christ’s healing hand comfort him and grant him a complete recovery.

For Katie Weinberger, aunt of Owen (room 5) and Lilly Cline (room 8), who is ill and will be undergoing surgery. May Christ's healing hand grant her a successful surgery and a complete and speedy recovery. 

For Mrs. Judy Ikena, mother of Miss Ikena (room 8), who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant her a complete and speedy recovery.

For Derrick Banks, Jr, son of Mr. Derrick Banks, who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant him a complete and speedy recovery.

For Mr. Robert Ewing, grandfather of Ben Brango (room 16), who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant him a complete and speedy recovery. 

For Mr. Leo Stenson, father of Miss Stenson (room 12), who is ill. May Christ’s healing hand grant him a complete and speedy recovery.

Display and Veneration of Ancient Relic of St. Jude the Apostle

Wednesday, January 31at Saints Simon and Jude Church

SSJ has the honor of hosting this ancient relic that is on tour in the US for the first time outside of Italy as an effort to bring comfort and hope to those in need. Regarded as the patron saint of lost or impossible causes, this visit offers a unique opportunity to experience a connection with one of the most venerated figures in Christian History. Are you hopeless? Go to St. Jude.

Wednesday, January 31

1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Public veneration in church

6:00 pm Private veneration for SSJ PREP and School

7:00 pm Mass in honor of St. Jude (live streamed)

8:00 pm Public veneration resumes

10:00 pm Public veneration ends

More Information: visit 

IF you can help volunteer as an usher or helper, please send a note to with "Relic Helper" in the subject line.


Lunchroom Monitors Needed

Saints Simon and Jude School is looking to hire lunchroom monitors. The hours would be from 12:00-1:30PM. It can be 1 day a week or as many as 5 days a week. If interested, please contact Sister Regina Elinich at or 610-696-5249.


Technology Teacher Needed

Saints Simon and Jude School is looking to hire a part-time technology teacher. Hours are negotiable. If interested, please contact Sister Regina Elinich at or 610-696-5249.

Pre-K 4 Literacy Club

There are limited openings for Mrs. Kinka's and Mrs. Glatts' Literacy Club that begins in early February. More details are below.

Emergency Baby Formula Collection

So many of you are always sharing with the less fortunate. Once again we are asking for you to lend a hand. There are newborns who are in need of formula and we would like to give them a chance to begin their development in a healthy manner. The Baby Formula Collections continues until February 9th. If you are able to help out, we are asking for one can of baby formula which can be brought into school. This would be a tremendous help and very much appreciated by those in need. God bless you for your generosity and let us all respect life in every way.

Pizza Pray & Play

All parish families are invited to Pizza, Prayer, and Play on January 25th for an evening of fun! Registration is required. See details below.

Steve Angrisano is Coming to SSJ

Save the Date! Steve Angrisano is coming to Saints Simon and Jude on Friday, March 8th at 7:00 PM. Steve is an internationally recognized Catholic musician, composer, and presenter. Click here for more information.

SSJ Book Fair Volunteers Needed

The Annual SSJ Book Fair is almost here and we need your help! Please sign up as we need cashiers and shopping helpers. Parents are welcome to shop with their child(ren), even if all slots are filled during a specific time. Please click here to review the available time slots in the Sign-Up Genius. Thank you!

Saints Simon and Jude School

6 Cavanaugh Court, West Chester, PA 19382 | 610-696-5249