January 24, 2025


SSMMA Board Approves 2025 Legislative Priorities

On Thursday, January 16th, the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association passed its 2025 Legislative Priorities, which focus on issues important to local communities and their constituents. SSMMA’s advocacy program looks to partner with local leaders and county, state, and federal lawmakers on a shared agenda that improves the economic vitality and quality of life in the Southland.  

The following are SSMMA’s Legislative Priorities for 2025: 

  1. Preserve Current Public Safety Pension Commitments 
  2. Ensure Stability and Sustainability - Address Property Tax Crisis and Disparity
  3. Secure and Protect Promised Revenues
  4. Improve Community Quality of Life and Equitable Opportunity

One top priority for SSMMA mayors this year is to deliver the message to State lawmakers to resist calls from public safety unions to roll back critical pension reforms. Reverting to more expensive pension plans would dramatically increase costs for municipalities and taxpayers. Governor Pritzker and lawmakers took steps just a few short years ago to stabilize downstate public safety pension systems starting with pension boards and investment consolidation. Now, there are several costly and unnecessary proposals in Springfield to expand Tier II benefits which immediately undermine the gains realized, and are unsustainable.

These proposals would raise costs on local governments— now and in perpetuity— and set at-risk communities on the path to insolvency. Holding the line on any increases to Tier II downstate public safety pension fund obligations is critically important at this time. Otherwise, struggling local governments would be pressed to impose substantial property tax hikes on their taxpayers to meet this added financial burden. We must prevent this foreseeable crisis. 

Other priorities for Southland communities and details on SSMMA’s 2025 Legislative Program and action agenda can be found at www.SSMMA.org/legislation or by contacting Kristi DeLaurentiis, SSMMA Executive Director at kdelaurentiis@ssmma.org or 708.922.4670. Stay tuned and watch for updates and action alerts!

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Visit our website for SSMMA's meeting schedule, Zoom log-in information, and meeting materials.

Check out SSMMA's 2025 Meeting Calendar

SSMMA Business Meeting - February 6 at 6:00pm via Zoom

SSMMA Legislative Breakfast - February 7 at 8:30am

(Invite only registration is REQUIRED by Friday, January 31)

Transportation Committee Meeting - February 7 at 2:00pm

Environmental Justice Committee Meeting - February 13 at 2:00pm

SSMMA’s Environmental Justice Committee Invites

You to Drive Action for the Southland

SSMMA invites Southland leaders to join our Environmental Justice Committee’s next meeting on Thursday, February 13th, at 2:00 PM, via Zoom. The Committee, established to identify and address systemic challenges within the Southland, focuses on improving the long-term health and vitality of Southland residents and communities.  

“The Environmental Justice Committee is an essential platform for addressing long-standing issues in our communities. It not only provides valuable resources like grant opportunities and policy updates but also fosters collaboration among municipalities to tackle challenges together,” says EJ Committee Chairwoman and Mayor of the Village of Lynwood, Jada D. Curry. “I encourage every municipality to appoint a representative so we can continue building a stronger, healthier, and more equitable Southland, together.”

This month’s meeting will feature information on the plans underway in Cook County to create a south suburban solid waste agency or program that would advance sustainability and environmental stewardship throughout the region. The meeting will also present an opportunity to discuss and weigh in on how SSMMA can better assist marginalized communities and accelerate action on historic challenges. Attend and add your voice on what is needed to build an engaged coalition of municipal and civic leaders to ensure collaboration across municipalities to drive impactful change.

SSMMA’s EJ Committee aims to be a crucial force for addressing chronic environmental issues in the Southland by providing support to municipalities as they work toward meaningful, long-term solutions. This meeting offers a unique opportunity to participate in shaping regional policies and accessing resources to improve the lives of Southland residents.

For meeting details or questions email David Clay II at david.clay@ssmma.org

Cook County Invites Public to Provide Input on Draft of First Ever Environmental Justice Policy

Cook County Government is asking for public feedback on a Cook County Environmental Justice Policy draft. Attend an in-person town hall on Monday, January 27, from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at South Suburban College for an important discussion on Cook County’s draft Environmental Justice Policy.

The event will include a brief presentation, breakout discussions to share your thoughts, and opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback. County staff will be available to listen and engage.The County is also collecting public comments electronically here.

 Please share broadly with those in your network and community.

Additional Grant Opportunities and Resources

• The American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) has opened applications for its 2025 Community Challenge grant programs, including Flagship, Capacity-Building and Demonstration Grants. Learn more.

Stormwater Partnership Program Grant pre-application is due January 31, 2025. Learn more.

• FEMA has released a NOFO for the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program. BRIC grants are designed to assist communities in developing disaster risk planning, analyzing hazards, and implementing projects to increase resiliency and safety. Learn more.

• The Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current program provides $500 million in funding to reduce flood risk for NFIP-insured properties with repetitive or substantial flood damage. Learn more.

• Find a list of DECO grant opportunities for the state of Illinois here.

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency is accepting grant applications for green infrastructure projects, under the GIGO program. Learn more.

• Check out Will County's small business assistance resource page.

News from Community Partners

Updates to Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO) Provisions

The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (District) has adopted amendments to the Watershed Management Ordinance (WMO), effective January 9, 2025. The WMO regulates development in Cook County and sewer construction within the District’s service area.

Key updates include extended permit deadlines, new wetland mitigation options, clarified rules for projects near Lake Michigan, simplified violation fees, and enhanced detention and volume control requirements.

All WMO permit applications submitted on or after January 9, 2025, must comply with the amended ordinance. For details, visit mwrd.org/wmo or contact Mr. Adam Witek at WitekA@mwrd.org. See the amendment summary here.

Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Accepting Grant Applications

2025 Homes for a Changing Region Program

The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus is accepting applications for the 2025 Homes for a Changing Region program. This initiative provides free technical assistance to help municipalities address housing challenges, create balanced housing options, and meet the needs of diverse residents. Supported by the Illinois Housing Development Authority, the program offers data-driven insights, stakeholder engagement, and tailored action plans.

Applications are due by Friday, February 28th. Spots are limited—apply now to secure your community's participation! Contact Ben Schnelle at bschnelle@mayorscaucus.org for details.

Powering Safe Communities

The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, in partnership with ComEd, is accepting applications for the Powering Safe Communities program through March 29, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. CDT. The program offers grants of up to $10,000 for public safety and electrification projects. Eligible applicants include municipalities, townships, counties, and local governments within ComEd’s service area. Non-profits may also apply if partnered with a government entity.

Recipients must provide matching funds and complete projects within one year of receiving the grant. Past grants have supported projects like electric vehicles, charging stations, public safety equipment, and emergency systems.

Learn more and apply: Powering Safe Communities Program.

Learn About Recycle Coach: Empowering Communities to Recycle Smarter

Join the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus for an upcoming webinar on Wednesday, January 29 at 11:00 AM to learn more about Recycle Coach, a platform that helps residents understand how to recycle or dispose of household materials properly. Learn more.

Job Postings & Requests for Proposals

• SSMMA offers a list of local job opportunities and RFPs throughout the south suburban region directly on our website.

• Municipalities and organizations can send job openings and proposals here to be publicly posted.

SPC News

Stay tuned for updates and upcoming events.

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