Shalom News North America
An instrument of hope, formation, and action
concerning priority matters of social justice.
Advent and the Cosmos
Climate Change
Human Trafficking
Human Rights Benchmark
Human Rights Day
Holiday Hunger - COVID-19
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Virtual Posadas
Roses in Dec
Prayer Vigils for Executions
Dear Friend,
"The Triune God impels us into the heart of the world to be women of peace, hope and love." - Love Gives Everything
Thank you for accompanying us on this journey! May the resources found in this e-newsletter support your efforts to reflect peace, hope, and love during these challenging times.
We pray you enjoy a most blessed Advent and Christmas time, and that we all enjoy a healthy and more peace-filled new year.
Shalom North America Contacts
Click here for our printer-friendly (pdf) version of the newsletter.
Advent and the Cosmos: The Ever-Present Season of the Coming of Christ
Advent scriptures stir our hearts as they narrate our ancestors’ hope in the long- awaited fulfillment of God’s promises. Advent anticipation rises in us; we wait with expectant longing for the coming of the Christ and the justice, peace, and joy that accompany Christ’s arrival. While traditional, as well as culturally popular understandings about Advent continue, new understandings about Advent are beginning to emerge. These new understandings, in part, are outcomes of what we are discovering about how the universe, as well as how our planet, came to birth. The universe story not only reveals scientific truths about the origins and continued unfolding of the universe, but it also provides new insights about who God is, where God is, and how God acts. Read full reflection here.
ActNow to Address Climate Change and Sustainability
In light of worsening climate impacts around the world and strong public concern about the climate crisis, the United Nations is calling on everyone everywhere to turn the recovery from COVID-19 into an opportunity to do things right for the future. Every one of us can help limit global warming and take care of our planet. By changing our habits and making choices that have less harmful effects on the environment, we have the power to confront the climate challenge and build a more sustainable world. The UN’s ActNow campaign offers an experience for individuals to learn, engage, and take action for a more sustainable future. Learn more, download the ActNow App.
SDG 2 - End Hunger, Achieve Food Security, Promote Sustainable Agriculture
Child and Youth Sex Trafficking Report Cards
On November 18, Shared Hope International launched the Report Cards on Child & Youth Sex Trafficking: State Action. National Change and also released the advanced legislative framework which sets a new standard for state grades. The Report Cards will focus more deeply on survivor-centered and trauma-informed approaches for responding to children and youth who have been exploited, while encouraging meaningful and sustainable prevention efforts. Download the report, watch the issue area videos, take action.
2020 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Report
The COVID-19 crisis has exposed and exacerbated systemic weaknesses, inequalities and unacceptable practices throughout global value chains. With only ten years to go to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is clear, more than ever, that urgent change is needed if we are to realize the ambitions of the 2030 agenda. Against this backdrop, the 2020 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark assesses the human rights disclosures of 230 global companies across five sectors identified as presenting a high risk of negative human rights impacts. Watch webinar recording (below), view presentation slide deck, review the report.
Recover Better - Stand Up for Human Rights
Human Rights Day is observed on December 10 – the day the UN General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This year’s theme relates to the COVID-19 pandemic and focuses on the need to rebuild by ensuring Human Rights are central to recovery efforts. We will reach our common global goals only if we are able to create equal opportunities for all, address the failures exposed and exploited by COVID-19, and apply human rights standards to tackle entrenched, systematic, and intergenerational inequalities, exclusion and discrimination. Learn more.
Hunger this Holiday Season
As the holidays approach amidst a worsening pandemic and the economic crisis it drives, just 44 percent of households with children are “very confident” that they can afford food over the next few weeks, according to new Census survey data. Food isn’t the only concern. More than 4 in 10 children live in households that are struggling to cover such basic costs as food, rent or mortgage, car payments, medical expenses, or student loans. This widespread hardship will continue throughout the holiday season unless policymakers provide strong economic relief as soon as possible. Delay will be costly. Learn more, take action.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
On December 12, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In Mexico in 1531, Spanish forces had violently taken over the land and oppressed the indigenous people there. It is in this context that the Blessed Mother appeared and chose a poor, indigenous man to bring her message of compassion and peace to his nation and all the world. With the knowledge that her tenderness extends especially to our vulnerable and marginalized brothers and sisters, may we remember that “what our Lady did for Juan Diego, she continues to do for each of us: bringing us close to her Son, Jesus; mothering us into discovering our own innate self-worth and dignity; and assuring us of God’s loving presence and protection” (Guadalupe Family Services). SSND prayer resource, contemplative video prayer service.
New Barrier to Citizenship - Action Alert
The Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC) has issued an alert raising alarms about a proposed new version of the U.S. citizenship test that they say is much longer and significantly more difficult than previous versions. The barriers this new test will put in place and the overall implications on access to citizenship are massive. Without vocal and resounding opposition now, this test could be in place for a decade or more and affect millions of people seeking to naturalize. Learn more/take action.
2020 International Migrants Day (12/18)
Migrants and the SDGs
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes for the first time the contribution of migration to sustainable development. 11 out of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) contain targets and indicators relevant to migration or mobility. The Agenda's core principle is to "leave no one behind," not even migrants. The SDGs’ central reference to migration is made in target 10.7: to facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. Other targets directly related to migration mention trafficking, remittances, international student mobility and more. Learn more.
Hope for Refugees, Though Work Remains
President-Elect Biden recently committed to raising the annual refugee admission target to 125,000, affirming that "in the stranger, we actually meet our neighbor." However, significant investment will be required to rebuild the resettlement program after years of decimation. As Congress is currently considering funding for Fiscal Year 2021, people of faith must demand support for the refugee resettlement and other funding for displaced people. Learn more/take action.
Virtual Posadas
From December 16-24, you are invited to join the Ignatian Solidarity Network in a daily virtual experience of music, art, prayer, reflection, and action as we journey with the Holy Family and migrants around the world in search of shelter and protection. Learn more here. Las Posadas reflection resource.
Roses in December
December 2, 2020, marks forty years since Maura Clark, MM, Ita Ford, MM, Jean Donovan and Dorothy Kazel, OSU, gave their lives for the sake of justice and peace for the Salvadoran people. We invite you to take time this week to reflect on their sacrifice. Click here for a prayer service (by LCWR and the SHARE Foundation); see this toolkit for biographical and historical information, advocacy campaigns, and action steps; click here to participate in a virtual gathering hosted by the Maryknoll Sisters (7:30 EST).
Virtual Prayer Vigils for Executions (Dec 4-11)
This summer, the federal government restarted the
practice of capital punishment following a 17-year hiatus from executions. Since then, the Department of Justice has executed eight people, more than doubling the total number of executions administered by the government in the 57 years prior. Catholic Mobilizing Network's Virtual Prayer Vigils for Federal Executions offer a space to pray and lament as a faith community in the face of these wrong-headed attacks on human dignity. Vigils feature prayers, petitions, and Scripture reflections from Catholic bishops, Church leaders, and other allies from across the abolition movement. Virtual Prayer Vigils are livestreamed on CMN's Facebook Page. Learn more.
The SSND Shalom Network witnesses to the Gospel with audacity and hope as we collaborate to build just relationships and respond to the urgent needs of our times.
Shalom News North America is an e-publication of the Shalom North America Contacts (SNAC) of the School Sisters of Notre Dame - Arlene Flaherty, Ethel Howley, Jeanne Wingenter, Kathleen Bonnette, Rose Mary Sander, and Tim Dewane. Your comments, suggestions, and feedback are always welcomed. Email us at
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