APR. 2023
Helping Veterans
build rewarding careers
& meaningful lives
  1. Mission Handoff
  2. Healthcare Safety
  3. VA Support
  4. Mission Defenders
  5. NDIA Award
  6. Events/ Training
SSV Mission Handoff
On April 28th the community gathered together to say 'Thank You' to Paulette Risher for her decade of service to SSV, and to welcome Rich Landolt as the new President & CEO of SSV. To symbolize the switch, the two leaders handed off the organization's Mission Statement, ensuring a continuity of care. The room was filled with an amazing group of Veteran-friendly folks including Joe Fitzgerald, Deacon Paul Keil, Board Chair John T Wright, and several members of the SSV Board and Staff.

"Last night's event will be one of the most memorable moments of my life. And, while I and Rich enjoyed it tremendously, it was also a wonderful reflection on SSV." - Paulette Risher, Major General, US Army (Retired)

In appreciation of Paulette's service, and in lieu of gifts, friends have donated $5,450 to help Veterans in crisis through SSV's "Direct Veteran Support" services. THANK YOU! You can still contribute a gift in honor of Paulette Risher. LINK
PHOTO: Richard B. Landolt, President/CEO of SSV, Rear Admiral, US Navy (R) and Paulette Risher, Major General, US Army (R).
VIDEO: WAAY-TV Marie Waxel
MISSION MOMENT: How Your Support is Helping Veterans & Employers
Empowering Veterans to find fulfilling post-military careers and build meaningful lives they love.
Veterans Find Meaningful Careers in Healthcare Security
Mr. Scheffler is a former Marine and one of several Veterans who are proud members of the Security & Safety team at Huntsville Hospital Health System. He said that one reason he joined the military was to share his passion for helping others. Now he continues this passion by through his civilian career.

As you can imagine, safety and security duties at one of the largest healthcare systems in the state require a diverse set of skills. Basic Military training instills a strong sense of teamwork and provides the tools this team uses daily to assess and de-escalate situations quickly. Out of its 180 staff members, almost half have proudly served in the armed forces.

“They are part of a select few that have sacrificed and kept us safe. The skills and experience they bring from the military also makes them excellent employees.” - Calvin Ousby Jr., CHSSO, K-9 Supervisor READ MORE
Calvin Ousby Jr. (K-9 Supervisor/Investigations) & Officer Heinz Scheffler (Marine)
All of our services are offered at no cost to the Veterans and employers we serve through the generosity of individuals, corporations, community partners and other benefactors like The Call of Duty Endowment.
VA Assistance Support / Gift from the Community
THANK YOU to Raytheon Technologies and Collins Aerospace (a Raytheon Company) for their generous support of SSV's VA Claims & Benefits Assistance Program. During 2022 SSV's VA Counselors secured $6.2M on behalf of our clients in North Alabama. This program is only possible through the generosity of multiple grantors, including Raytheon and Collins Aerospace, together their gifts provide the program's much-needed financial support. 
Become a “Mission Defender” and a true superhero to Veterans with your monthly gift to SSV! LEARN MORE 
On April 18 Mr. Moses Nervis, a Veteran counselor with SSV received the NDIA-TVC Technology Award.
“Instead of teaching Veterans dependence, he teaches them independence, empowering them to take charge of their lives and continue to contribute to their communities.” - Jesse L. Barber 
Sign up to take any of our no-cost career preparation workshops to get ready for the civilian job market, or meet one-on-one with a Veteran counselor for Career Assistance.
MAY is Military Appreciation Month
Tell your Veteran friends about our services!
P.S. Stay in touch!
NEWS  I info@SSV.org 