Professional Development from STARLINK

News and Updates

STARLINK is always exploring new ideas about teaching and learning. This month we've gathered 6 courses that focus on leadership, careers, learning opportunities, student motivation, positive outcomes in academic programs, and integration and instruction in technology.

Featured courses:

  • Pathways to High-Performance Learning and Careers

Magna 20 Minute Mentor

  • How Can I Effectively Teach Unprepared Students?
  • How Do I Accommodate Student Veterans with Disabilities?
  • How Can I Promote Enrollment and Retention in Challenging Courses that Motivate Instead of Frustrate?

Trends & Issues

  • Episode 110: Hardware & Software, Security Issues, Online Teaching & Learning, and VR & AR
  • Episode 120: Hardware & Software, Research Reports/Trends/Theory, Digital Citizenship & Security Issues, and Instructional Design

We look forward to seeing you online!

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"The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.' "
- Maria Montessori

Working in Higher Education: Careers, Trends, and Must-Have Skills

Lauren Landry | Northwestern University

Higher education is undergoing considerable change. The "traditional," on-campus college student, newly out of high school, is no longer the norm. Thirty-eight percent of post secondary learners are over the age of 25, and more than six million students are enrolled in at least one online course.

As student demographics shift, so do the needs and priorities of colleges and universities. What hasn't changed, however, is the difference you can make working in higher education.

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5 Ways Blockchain Is Helping Educational Institutes

By: Hanady Al Ahmadieh/BLOCRECS, A Medium Corporation

With the EdTech market growing at a CAGR of 9% and with education and its systems being disrupted continuously, blockchain proves no difference in contributing to this disruption. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that allows people to exchange value in a trustless manner. Blockchain's main features being made use of in education are its immutability and transparency. Here are 5 ways in which blockchain is changing education . . .

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How to Use Google Assistant's New Translate Feature

By: Gadgets Now Bureau

Internet search giant, Google, has started rolling out support for translating conversation using Google Assistant. You will be able to use this new feature if you have Google Home speakers, smart display or any other speaker built-in Google Assistant as well. Google is calling this feature the 'interpreter mode' and has said that to start it, you can use English, French, German, . . .

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