By Michael D. Pefley, USAFA '74, VP Communications, STARRS
Brent Ramsey, Capt, USN (Ret), Director At Large, STARRS
This opinion piece published in American Thinker argues that in our US military, possibly the least racist organization in America, one’s identity or race is irrelevant in combat when an adversary is trying to kill you and your teammates. No one cares about race when bullets are whizzing past your head. Yet the Biden Administration continues to declare white supremacy as America’s number one threat, and has pushed the Secretary of Defense to create the “Counter Extremism Working Group” to uncover extremism in the military ranks. With 3.1 million personnel in uniform, DOD reports less than 100 annual incidents of “extremism,” without adequately defining “extremism.”
The military’s embrace of CRT with its ambiguous terminology of equity (as opposed to equality) is demanding equality of outcomes (usually quotas), which is anti-merit, or more sinisterly implementing reformulated Marxism.