Edition 25

3 Dec 2022

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We Encourage You to Click Hereto Read Past Editions
The views and opinions of the authors contributing to this newsletter are those of the respective author and do not necessarily reflect the official policies or positions of STARRS or its allies. Many thanks to all the concerned Americans cited for providing the public with insightful information

Former Top SEAL Explains How To Change The World!

How To Change The World

What Does It Take to Succeed? 

America’s former top SEAL and Joint Special Operations Command Commander, Admiral William McRaven (Ret) explains the top ten lessons he learned from SEAL training that everyone can use to succeed in life. He says, “If you want to change the world:

1. Make your bed every morning;

2. Find someone to help you paddle;

3. Measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their flippers;

4. Get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward;

5. Don’t be afraid of the circuses;

6. Sometimes you have to slide down the obstacles headfirst;

7. Don’t back down from the sharks;

8. Be your very best in the darkest moments;

9. Start singing when you are up to your neck in mud;

10. Don’t ever, ever ring the bell.”

Click The Photo Above to Find Out What He Means By Each Lesson

Register Now for an On-Line Event

with Matt Lohmeier

Sunday, 11 Dec 2, 7 pm ET

Join Legal Insurrection Foundation (LIF) President, Professor William A. Jacobson, and Matt Lohmeier, public speaker and author of bestselling book, Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military, as they discuss the ever-encroaching march of Wokeness in the U.S. Military and how best to combat it.

Register Here!

Top Developments

STARRS Chairman Sends Letter to SECAF and USAF Service Chiefs Regarding Future of the Vaccine Mandate

STARRS implemented another initiative on 1 Nov. Chairman of the Board, Lt Gen Rod Bishop (USAF Ret) wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Air Force (SECAF) and the USAF and USSF Service Chiefs asking them to reconsider their position on the mandate. He then sent it to 2000 or so retired AF general officers. 

Read the Letter

STARRS is Having

an Impact!

STARRS’ tireless efforts to educate members of Congress about the risks of the COVID vaccine mandate appear to have generated tremendous momentum. Take a look!

1. Read about more than 20 Republican governors who are calling on Congress to remove and prohibit the Biden administration's COVID-19 vaccine mandate for members of the U.S. armed services and hear the story of First Class Rescue Swimmer Chad Watson (with 18 years of service) who joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss his perspective on the vaccine mandate and his request for a religious exemption.

Read the Article Watch the Video

2. Senate Republicans Threaten to Derail Crucial Defense Policy Bill Over Biden’s Vaccine Mandate.

Read the Article

3. Lamborn, Steube Demand Transparency from U.S. Naval Academy Regarding Denial of Diplomas to Unvaccinated Midshipmen.

4. Americans Are Losing Trust in the Military; The rise of woke politics has undermined public confidence in the brass.

Read the Article

5. Appeals court upholds pause on Air Force vaccine mandate. The ruling comes in response to a lawsuit from 18 active duty and reserve members who were denied religious vaccine exemptions.

Read the Article
Read the Military.com Article


A Day Before Veterans Day West Point Vax Objectors Get 12 Hours for Final Decision on Jab

Five class of 2025 West Points cadets were informed at 0600 on 10 Nov that their appeals of their medical exemptions requests had been denied and they had until 1600 that day to decide if they would take the COVID vaccine or face disciplinary action, including separation from the service. Religious accommodation appeals were denied in Aug, leading many to file medical exemption requests. The few cadets who have not resigned and have a "strong desire to continue to serve" while also remaining "consistent in their faith,” were given written notification that failure to take the vaccine may result in "separation from the service.” The form continues to explain that involuntary separation could result in an honorable discharge, a general under honorable conditions discharge, or an other than honorable discharge. A cadet receiving either of the last two "may be ineligible for many, if not all, veterans benefits," explains the form, and "may face difficulty in obtaining civilian employment as employers may have a low regard for less than honorable discharges.”

Update from the parent of one of the cadets: All remaining unvaccinated cadets received formal reprimands for conduct unbecoming a cadet and failure to obey a lawful order on 21 Nov. For now, they continue to attend classes. It is unknown at this time when the next step will be taken against them. The good news is they were allowed to go home to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families!

Read the 'Just The News' Article
Watch Fox and Friends Interview with West Point Grad Rep (Elect) Wesley Hunt (R-TX) Regarding the Situation

Woke Warfighters

How Political Ideology is Weakening America’s Military

From the Offices of Sen Marco Rubio and Rep Chip Roy

The United States military is the greatest fighting force in the world. It is also one of the most humble and sacrificial the world has ever known. America’s volunteer warriors regularly risk their lives not in the name of conquest, but so others may be free. They are driven by a love of country and a sense of service and honor that is increasingly rare today. 

The United States and the world are better off because of these brave men and women. Unfortunately, the current administration is weakening America’s warfighters through a sustained assault fueled by woke virtue signaling. 

Read the In-Depth Report

A Call To Action

Thank you for expressing interest in STARRS. We encourage you to take an active role in our mission, to include educating your elected representatives at the local, state and national levels, and expressing your concerns. We also encourage you to educate your fellow citizens by speaking at gatherings, writing editorials for local papers, talking to school boards and encouraging others to join you and STARRS.

STARRS is a predominantly volunteer organization, but we have financial obligations to maintain webpages, subscribe to software, pay travel costs associated with presentations, legal expenses supporting service members fighting adverse actions associated with woke/progressive ideology, and other related matters. Your donations make all this possible and are greatly appreciated!

Visit Our Website

Thank You Veterans

Veterans Day Message from the STARRS Chairman of the Board

I want to take this opportunity to not only wish my fellow 18 million vets a happy Veterans Day, but also remind us of the oath of office we all took.

First of all, thank you vets for all your sacrifices, missed birthdays, missed Christmases, and months and years spent away from home. For all this I humbly offer you a very special thanks! We Americans owe so much to those who served during WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and here at home or abroad during the Cold War and the Global War On Terrorism.

You made an extra commitment to liberty and protecting our nation from a poisonous authoritarian ideology wherever it was around the world. I would contend that that commitment and inspiration to serve was driven by the last four words of our oath of office; “So help me God.”

Evidence of your dedication and commitment is strewn across Europe and the Pacific in American cemeteries adorned with rows and rows of Christian crosses and Jewish Stars of David on the graves of heroes we remember on Memorial Day.

It is ironic that those we honor on that special day and those we honor today (you, my fellow vets), served and fought to keep the enemy at bay and away from our shores.

Today our military is being weakened right here at home—from within! As Abraham Lincoln warned, “Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step across the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.”

With these words in mind, I ask that we all remember some other words from our oath—“against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Our time serving our nation is not over; our oath does not have an expiration date.

For those trying to divide us with Marxist based ideas like Critical Race Theory (“identity politics on steroids”, as one Air Force Academy cadet described it to me), or the other tentacle of a cancerous tumor we have been infected with — an unnecessary military vaccine mandate that is trampling the laws of our land and the religious freedom rights of thousands (the very principles upon which our republic was founded) — you are going to meet the same fate our enemies did at the Battle of the Bulge or Midway in WWII, Heartbreak Ridge or Incheon Bay in the Korean war, Khe Sahn or Hamburger Hill in Vietnam, and Ramidi or Falujah in Iraq - defeat!

You will be defeated because this group of 18 million veterans now have the power of the pen and their voices as their weapons of war, and they love our country, love American values and, most of all, love our Creator!

With their love and commitment (to borrow from Abe Lincoln once again) this nation, under God, shall have a rebirth of freedom, and “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Happy Belated Veterans Day!

Lt Gen Rod Bishop, USAF (Ret)

Volunteers Needed!

STARRS is a predominantly volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to serving and standing up for patriotic Americans. To be as professional, efficient and effective as possible, we are always in need of new volunteers. Everyone is welcome to offer assistance and we are looking for skilled patriots to fill many roles.

We currently have two critical needs:

1. Digital Media and Information Technology Specialist to include website management, social media and other IT related tasks

2. Operations Research, to research issues and analyze available information

Click to See How You Can Get Involved!


USAFA Closes Three STARRS FOIA Requests Without Providing the Requested Information

On 13 October, the Academy’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office notified STARRS President Ron Scott that they closed three of our FOIA requests without providing any responsive documents.

The closed FOIA requests asked for documentation supporting the reasons provided for the blanket denials of cadet COVID-19 religious accommodation requests as stated in USAFA’s denial letters issued to cadets. The three justifications given were: 1) unvaccinated cadets are a risk to others due to close quarters and interactions with others; 2) they are more likely to get a severe illness impacting mission accomplishment; and 3) the vaccine is the single most effective tool to protect the health and safety of unit members.

The FOIA office stated the requested documents were not available and recommended STARRS consult the CDC.

STARRS has submitted a total of 26 FOIA requests to USAFA. Of those, 12 have been closed without the requested information being provided, one received an inadequate and/or misleading response, and 13 remain unanswered after the 20-day federally-mandated response window (nine of those being over a year old).

Help Us On The Hill!!!!

Since STARRS’ unofficial founding in July of 2020, we have been interfacing with a small cadre of congressmen and senators, as well as their staffs. We communicate frequently with them, keeping all appraised of the latest developments in the military, our recent initiatives to combat Critical Race Theory and other divisive activities like the unnecessary vaccine mandate, while always seeking ways to achieve synergism. Thus increasing the probability that our efforts will be successful. You can help us by connecting us with legislators or staff members that you know.

Read the Article on the STARRS Website

STARRS Chairman Selected as a

Member of the New Heritage

Panel on Military Service and Readiness

Lt Gen Robert D. “Rod” Bishop, Jr., retired USAF, STARRS Chairman of the Board, joined a group of eight distinguished policymakers, thought leaders, veterans and defense experts on the Heritage Foundation's new National Independent Panel on Military Service and Readiness (NIPMSR).

"I am very proud and honored on behalf of STARRS supporters to be a member of this panel facilitated by the prestigious Heritage Foundation and led by the probable next Chairman of the Military Readiness Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Mike Waltz," said Lt Gen Bishop. "The panel is going to roll up our sleeves and strive to have a major impact in restoring the selfless servant warrior culture into our military.”

Read The Press Release

Highlights from the STARRS

Board of Directors Meeting, 14 Oct

Congratulations to members who have assumed new roles and/or positions:

  • New BOD Vice-Chairman, MG Joe Arbuckle, USA (Ret)
  • New BOD Member, Brig Gen Tracey Siems, USAF (Ret)
  • New STARRS Director of Operations, Matt Lohmeier, USAFA ’06, former USSF Lt Col, author

STARRS continues to educate service members and all Americans about the threat the Marxist infiltration poses to our military, national security and society in general. Major activity during the last quarter:

  • Media appearances: 27 (including the Huckabee Show, Fox and Friends, War Room and One America News)
  • Published articles: 33
  • Established media contacts: 14 (including Tucker Carlson and Pete Hegseth)
  • Press Releases: 6
  • Established collaboration relationships w/ other organizations: 5
  • Established a new Facebook page
  • Working with a professional company to upgrade the website

The BOD reaffirmed the STARRS mission: STARRS educates our fellow Americans on the dangers of racist and radical ideologies infiltrating our military in order to eliminate these divisive influences and maintain a unified and cohesive fighting force.  

The BOD approved three goals:  

  • Grow the organization
  • Get the vaccine mandate dropped and remedies for those harmed
  • Get the DoD to end CRT training and instead focus on military readiness

Boots on the Ground Perspectives on Racism and Radicalism

Recent comments received from cadets:

1. USMA cadets have a nickname for their American History class. They call it their “I hate America class.”

2. Lt Gen Bishop described a conversation with a USAFA forth class cadet: “The thing that has surprised him the most in his first five months is just how Woke the academy is. One of many examples he gave me (outside of the Diversity and Inclusion [D&I]-specific training) was his leadership class. He said "it is nothing about leadership, it is all about bias." He spoke about his male, Lt Col instructor labeling how STARRS exposed USAFA’s D&I Sep training session "a scandal.” Good news: the cadet went on to say how many of his classmates were disappointed in that assessment and do not agree with the indoctrination--"even my black friends are fed up with this--think it is overkill."

3. A West Point cadet said his freshman English class was "totally Woke." He added that the "History of the US Army" class he is now taking is "totally CRT.”

UPDATE: US Coast Guard's War on the Unvaccinated

U.S. Coast Guard Academy Cadets Cashiered Over Vaccine Mandate Speak Out

Four of the seven former Coast Guard Academy cadets, all either immigrants or children of immigrants, discuss their family backgrounds and reasons for attending the academy, why they held the line by refusing to take the COVID vaccine, and the appalling and unprofessional treatment they were subjected to while progressing through the official exemption request process. They also discuss the lawsuit that they are part of and for which STARRS is raising funds to support.

Watch the Interview on the Rob Maness Show

USAFA Holds a Transgender Awareness Week

USAFA held a Transgender Awareness Week13-19 Nov. According to a flyer approved by a Cadet Colonel and provided to STARRS by another cadet, the week is when “transgender people and their allies take action to bring attention to the community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around issues of prejudice, discrimination and violence that effect the transgender community.” The Cadet Wing was invited to two events. Midday on 17 Nov they showed and discussed a documentary about a trans-activist titled The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone in one of the lecture halls. Lunch was provided to the first 60 cadets. The following evening they showed the documentary Disclosure about how Hollywood depicts transgender individuals and how they have impacted American society. Dinner was provided for the first 50 cadets. Click the imbedded links to see what was shown to participating cadets.

USAFA Superintendent Lt Gen Richard Clark Responds to Criticisms About DEI Training

STARRS’ concern with the general’s arguments is that CRT focuses on diversity of race, gender and sexual orientations. He asserts this leads to diversity of thought, requiring the assumption that groups within these categories are monolithic in backgrounds and perspectives. He hints at the need for diversity of thought to fully explore options and root causes of problems and the potential consequences of various courses of action. STARRS agrees that diversity of thought and background is beneficial, but selecting candidates and promoting people based on diversity of race, gender, etc. does not equal diversity of thought because everyone is an individual and does not have the same thought processes, nor backgrounds, as all the others in their stereotypical racial or gender group. In today’s American society, people of all racial and gender groups are represented in all socio-economic and geographic sectors. 

Unity is our strength - “Every service member bleeds BDU” as we used to say. Physical characteristics are irrelevant! Merit, dedication, patriotism, character, courage, mission-focus, dependability, etc.; these are what matter!

Featured Articles

Air Force Academy’s ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ Training Angers Conservatives

Forbes contributor Eric Tegler wrote an outstanding article explaining D&I instruction, programs and culture at USAFA. Much of the information presented was obtained from the office of Rep Mike Waltz, R-Fla. The article discusses the mandatory recent training session titled “Diversity & Inclusion: What it is, why we care, & what we can do”; the lawsuit STARRS filed against the Department of Defense for not responding to Freedom of Information Act requests regarding the academy’s diversity training; signs of discontent among service members and cadets about the training and emphasis on D&I; the new D&I minor program of instruction now offered; affinity groups focused specific “identities”; and the incorporation of D&I cadet positions in the squadron, group and wing staffs (identified by a purple rope they wear across their left shoulder) that are guided by USAFA’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. A very recent development is also explored, the academy is advertising and encouraging cadets to apply for identity-based fellowships that restrict application to specific identity groups and minorities, specifically stating that cisgender men not apply; apparently not even cisgender minority men are allowed to apply!

Read The Forbes Article

Siri & Glimstad LLP: Law Firms Join Forces with US Army Soldiers to Protect First Amendment and Religious Freedom Restoration Rights—Complaint Filed!

Read The PR Newswire Article

The US Naval Academy is Adrift

In the age of Wokeness, ideological (re)education

trumps mission-preparedness

In early 2021, the Naval Academy published a Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, a complementary compendium to its 2030 Strategic Plan. This vision, if achieved, will erode the competency of future officers and imperil our national security.

Read The Article
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What is Wrong with the 

Military’s Vaccine Mandates?

Military Whistleblowers Confront a Rogue Chain of Command

Dark Horse Podcast host Bret Weinstein speaks with two active duty and one past service member about their military experience during COVID. They seek to bring to light what they are seeing and what it represents.  

1Lt John Bowes is an Air Force F-16 student pilot who is grounded over refusing the vaccine.  

Former Marine Major Dale Saran, an attorney who ended the Pentagon’s anthrax vaccine mandate in 2004, is now fighting to end the Pentagon’s COVID vaccine mandate. He explains that one of seven veterans of the first Gulf War, who had been mandated to take the emergency use authorized anthrax vaccine, developed Gulf War Syndrome, leading to the DoD prohibition from using unlicensed drugs. He currently represents more than a thousand service members in two separate cases that he hopes will end the current mandate.  

Navy Commander Olivia Degenkolb, a 20-yr active duty naval officer was slated to serve as the Navy’s attaché in Beijing China. After completing the training and within days of her flight, she was placed on “operational hold” because she had not been vaccinated and now faces discharge after her religious accommodation request was denied. 

Watch the Podcast

Military Officers Injured After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine Call for End to Pentagon’s Vaccine Mandate

Three service members share the details of their immediate and long term vaccine injuries that threaten their careers and potentially their lives. In conjunction with other injured service members, they submitted a 100-page report to members of the US House and Senate. One of them stated he was “shocked and frustrated to have only received lukewarm responses from a couple of senators and their staffers.” The response from their military chains of command were no better. “They’d rather obey orders than risk their next promotion.”

Read The Details 

Vascular and Organ Damage Induced by mRNA Vaccines: Irrefutable Proof of Causality

Evidence from experimental studies and autopsies of patients deceased after vaccination collectively demonstrate the following:

1. mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site but instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs;

2. mRNA-based COVID vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in many organs;

3. Vaccine-induced expressions of the spike protein induce autoimmune-like inflammation;

4. Vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcome.

Download the Article in PDF

The Woke Military

'Modern Warriors' Sound Off on Wokeness in the Military: If We Prioritize Politics, 'We'll Lose the Next War'

'War on Warriors' streaming now on Fox Nation, hosted by Pete Hegseth

Former Apache helicopter pilot Wesley Hunt, retired US Army Captain Jason Church, former Lieutenant Colonel Stu Scheller and former Green Beret Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla., shared their perspective on changes in the military culture; emphasizing that the emphasis within the military should be on meeting standards, not Woke demands.

Watch the Discussion On Fox Nation

Is the Military too ‘Woke’ to Recruit?

How political perceptions may be stifling the 

willingness to serve

The services struggled to meet their recruiting goals this past fiscal year. DoD tends to blame it on job competition from the private sector, problems with young people meeting the qualifications (physical, educational and behavioral) and a decrease in interest in serving. Others, like Senator Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala, argue the lack of interest stems from efforts to build a “Woke Army.”

Click Here to Learn What Leads Them to This Conclusion

No, Affirmative Action in the Military Doesn’t Boost National Security, It Erodes It

Former USAF Chief of Staff General Ron Fogelman and Claude M. McQuarrie III argue that warfighters deserve the best-qualified leaders available, regardless of race, and that providing them is a moral and national security imperative.

However, Department of Defense (DOD) surrogates speciously have argued to the Supreme Court that the DOD’s use of racial preferences in service academy admissions is “mission critical” and “indispensable to” national security. 

A substantial majority of Americans oppose the use of racial preferences in college admissions. Pew Research has found that 74 percent of Americans, including 59 percent of blacks, polled in March 2022 agree that race should not be used in college admissions.

Read The Article

DOD Schools Create Woke K-12 Armies With Leftist Indoctrination

Shocking brainwashing of military kids is taking place at overseas schools managed by the Department of Defense Education Activity

Read About the Claremont Institute’s Report
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