In this edition
  • Highway Safety Funds Awarded
  • Design of Westbound Truck Scales Moving Forward
  • SolanoExpress Funding Plan Update
  • City Development Activity Increases
  • Celebrate Bike to Wherever Month in May
  • Suisun City Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) Update
  • Programing of Hannigan Station Improvements
  • Solano Mobility Programs Update
STATUS Newsletter

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

Please sign up here to receive this newsletter directly in your inbox. 

  • Remote STA Board Meeting 5/12 at 6:00pm
Highway Safety Funds Awarded

On March 30, 2021, 266 California projects were awarded Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 funding, totaling $227.6 million in HSIP funds. In, Solano County, $4.7 million in HSIP funds were dedicated to 10 projects, more than any other SF Bay Area County. Combined with previously awarded HSIP Cycle 9 funds, the addition of the Cycle 10 funds awarded combine to bring $13.5 million in safety projects to Solano in the next three years. Approximately $6 million of that will be allocated towards pedestrian safety improvements.
Design of Westbound Truck Scales Moving Forward

At the April 14 meeting, the STA Board authorized STA to submit a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select a consultant team to provide final design services for the I-80 Westbound Truck Scales Project, part of Phase 2 of the broader I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Project. Since 2001, STA has been working with project consultants, Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to complete improvements to the I-80/I-680/SR 12 Interchange Complex. So far, several projects have already been completed since this time, including the I-80 High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes, the North Connector Project, the I-80 Eastbound Cordelia Truck Scales Relocation and the I-80/I-680/SR12 Interchange Construction Package 1 Project, which is currently underway. The proposed project will replace the existing Cordelia Truck Scales along Westbound I80. The new truck scales facility will be relocated 0.7 mile east from its current location and will provide a new braided offramp connection and new entrance ramp connection to/from Westbound I80.
The I-80 Westbound Truck Scales Project was approved by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) for funding the Plans, Specification & Estimate (PS&E) or design phase from the SB 1 2020 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program (TCEP). These funds, combined with State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds, cover the $29.27 million for this project. The I-80 Westbound Truck Scales Project will be designed collaboratively by STA and Caltrans. 
SolanoExpress Funding Plan Update
At the April 14, 2021 meeting, the STA Board approved a FY-2021-22 budget update to the SolanoExpress Intercity Transit Funding Agreement, which provides for the annual funding of intercity transit routes. This update was proposed to reflect current circumstances since the previous FY 2021-22 Intercity Funding Agreement update by the STA Board in October. STA is working with SolTrans and Fairfield and Suisun Transit (FAST) to update the schedules for the Blue, Red, Yellow and Green Express (GX) routes. The revised service plan will be brought to the STA Board in their meeting on June 9 and is scheduled to be implemented in August 2021 with additional service hours and frequency on all four routes. 
City Development Activity Increases

The STA and the County of Solano coordinates with all seven cities on the collection and management of the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF), a transportation component of the County’s Public Facilities Fee (PFF). It is still unknown how the COVID-19 pandemic will affect RTIF Revenue in the long term. At $2.2 million, the FY 2019-20 was the largest amount collected for any fiscal years since the RTIF began collecting revenue, despite the pandemic, which indicates that there has been a lot of development activity within Solano County. STA will continue to monitor the RTIF revenue and work with the seven cities and the County to advance RTIF funded projects.
Celebrate Bike To Wherever Month in May
May 2021 is Bike Month and marks the 27th annual Bike to Work Day (BTWD) campaign in the Bay Area. Traditionally, BTWD is a celebration of bicycles as a fun and healthy way to get to work, as well as an opportunity for those who don’t usually bike commute to try it out. It’s also a time to advocate for improved bicycle infrastructure and safety. Because of the continued COVID-19 pandemic, this year BTWD will once again encourage biking to wherever during the month of May.
To celebrate Bike Month 2021, Solano Mobility, in partnership with the seven cities, will host a Bike Bingo event. Bike Bingo will kick off May 1 to encourage the community to get out and bike for a chance to earn prizes. Participants will need to register at and find the bingo card for their home city. All residents of Solano County may participate. To register or for more information, contact Solano Mobility or sign-up at
Suisun City Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) Update
The STA Board has approved programming of $250,000 of State Transit Assistance Funds (STAF) to answer Suisun City's request for a Community Based Transportation Plan (CBTP) update. The STA will be assisting Suisun City and its residents to identify potential transportation improvements and priorities of the community and develop future equitable and accessible transportation programs and projects to implement these improvements. This is scheduled to start around the summer of 2021. 
Programing of Hannigan Station Improvements

In the April Board meeting, the STA Board approved $900,000 of FY 2020-21 State Transit Assistance Funds (STAF) as a match to $1 million of MTC Safe and Seamless Mobility Quick Strike Program funds to expand the Hannigan Station parking lot (equipped with EV chargers) as the next phase of a three-phase plan to improve train station capacity. Additional phases will consist of constructing a depot building that can house commercial services, providing a shelter and a bathroom for patrons, and opening the South Portal of the station by constructing a pedestrian promenade, a new access road, and a Class I bike path that connects with Travis Air Force base and the surrounding community and schools. 
Solano Mobility Programs Update

The Solano Mobility Commute Challenge incentivizes Solano residents and employees into taking alternative modes of transportation. Participation has steadily increased, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, 285 people have taken 22,000 sustainable trips and reduced 140 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere since the Commute Challenge program’s start in January 2019.
2021 STA Board Members