- Clean California Project Underway on State Route 12
- Update: I-80 Closures for Contra Costa I-80 Pavement Rehab Project
- STA Hosts Planning Commissioner Training Meeting, Aug. 25
- STA Joins City of Dixon to Celebrate 40 Years of Dixon Readi-Ride
- Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Program Update
- Bay Trail/Vine Trail Groundbreaking, Aug. 24
- Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Underway, Next Meeting in September
- Safe Routes To School (SR2S) 2022-23 Annual Report & Outreach
- Solano Mobility Programs Year-End Update for FY2022-23
- Get Involved with STA Advisory Committees
- STA Staff Update
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Clean California Project Underway on State Route 12 | |
Caltrans’s Clean California Project is a statewide initiative to remove litter, create jobs, and beautify California, with potential projects in all 58 counties and with nearly a third of the funds going directly to cities, counties, tribes, and transit agencies to clean local streets and public spaces.
In Solano County, the Suisun & Fairfield Route 12 Corridor Project aims to significantly improve the traveling experience on the Suisun and Fairfield State Route 12 corridor by the following planned aesthetic enhancements: installation of drought/heat-tolerant groundcover, recycled water irrigation, greenscaping with climate-appropriate diverse plantings, community identification, and fencing. The project objective envisions this entrance corridor as an aesthetic gateway for visitors and residents alike. The Suisun phase of the project is currently underway, with construction for the Fairfield phase to begin shortly.
Visit here for more information on the Clean California initiative. Click here for more information on the Caltrans District 4 Beautification Projects in Solano County.
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Update: I-80 Closures for Contra Costa I-80 Pavement Rehab Project | |
Caltrans scheduled closures on eastbound and westbound I-80 between mid-July 2023 and early September 2023 as part of the Contra Costa I-80 Pavement Rehab Project, consolidating over 120 nights of closures into a four-weekend timeframe. Caltrans has already completed the three eastbound closures, with just the 104-hour full highway closure of westbound I-80 remaining. The westbound closure is scheduled for Labor Day weekend, starting Thursday, August 31, at 9 PM, and concluding no later than 5 AM on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Westbound I-80 will be closed and traffic detoured beginning at the WB I-80/I-780 interchange in Vallejo.
For more information on this project and the latest detour maps, please visit Caltrans’s Contra Costa I-80 Pavement Rehab Project webpage at
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STA Hosts Planning Commissioner Training Meeting, Aug. 25
The STA will be hosting a Solano Planning Commissioners Training on Friday, August 25th, from 9:00 AM-3:00 PM at the STA office. The goal of the workshop is to provide the planning commissioners of the seven Solano cities and the County with an informational session to expand their knowledge on a wide range of topics relevant to their role. Topics that will be covered include the basics of planning laws, how to work with city staff and the governing board, effective community engagement, California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) basics, and local planning challenges and opportunities.
This training is part of the STA’s work as the County Collaborative on Housing to coordinate with the seven cities and the County in developing local and countywide planning resources to plan for, pursue funding for, and to expedite the production of housing in Solano County.
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STA Joins City of Dixon to Celebrate 40 Years of Dixon Readi-Ride
Dixon Readi-Ride started in April 1983 to provide dial-a-ride transit service to its community with one nine-seat passenger van and celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. In its first year, Readi-Ride completed 2,960 rides.
Since then, Readi-Ride has grown exponentially, currently employing a fleet of eight 20-passenger buses, two minivans, and an eight-passenger bus for paratransit. In 2019, Readi-Ride provided 61,726 rides, averaging 246 rides per day. Readi-Ride currently provides door-to-door transit service within Dixon city limits between the hours of 7 AM-12 PM and 1-4 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Wednesday from 7-11 AM and 12- 4 PM. Rides can be reserved in advance as well. Dixon residents can call (707) 678-5020 to request a ride.
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Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Program Update | |
The Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Program launched on August 7th with a successful first week, providing 82 rides for travel between Vacaville, Dixon, and Sacramento. A total of 16 riders have signed up for the program. The service was created to complement the Solano Express Blue Line, which no longer travels to Sacramento. For more information on the Solano Mobility Express Vanpool Pilot Program, please visit or call the Solano Mobility call Center at 800-535-6883. | |
Bay Trail/Vine Trail Groundbreaking, Aug. 24
The Solano Transportation Authority will join the City of Vallejo, Napa Valley Vine Trail and Bay Trail organizers, Solano County Board of Supervisors, Caltrans, Bay Area Aird Quality Management District (BAAQMD), greater Bay Area dignitaries, and biking and pedestrian advocates in a groundbreaking ceremony for the Bay Trail/Vine Trail Project this Thursday, August 24th, at 10 AM.
The Bay Trail/Vine Trail Project will construct about 5 miles of bike and pedestrian trail facilities in the north end of Vallejo to ultimately connect the Vallejo Ferry Terminal to the jurisdictional boundary with American Canyon. The project will build sections of Class I multi-use trail and sections of Class II and IV bike lanes along Wilson Ave., Sacramento Street, Enterprise Drive, Lewis Brown Drive, Broadway Street, Sonoma Blvd., Meadows Drive, and Catalina Way. The project includes enhancements such as wayfinding, shelters, interpretive panel, and mileposts. The project addresses accessibility along all of the segments and will produce a safe and inviting facility for bike and pedestrian travel in northern Vallejo.
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Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) Underway, Next Meeting in September
In May, STA officially started the update to the Solano Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) with an initial series of meetings for the Active Transportation Committee; the Equity Working Group Committee; the Arterials, Highways and Freeway Committee; and the Transit Committee. You can view the presentations for each CTP subcommittee meeting here: the Active Transportation Committee; the Equity Working Group Committee; the Arterials, Highways and Freeway Committee; and the Transit Committee.
The next series of CTP committee meetings are scheduled for Fall 2024 with a focus on draft transportation priorities and funding. Public outreach is anticipated throughout the Plan’s development. The Transit Committee’s second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 13th, from 4:00 PM-5:30 PM. Solano County’s six bus operators are invited to present each of their transit services at this meeting and will be available to answer any questions regarding their service. The committee meetings are open to the public. For more information about any of the committee meetings for the CTP update, contact Director of Planning, Robert Guerrero, at
Upcoming CTP Meetings:
September 13, 2023: Transit Committee at 4 PM
September 27, 2023: Equity Working Group at 3 PM
October 11, 2023: Active Transportation Committee Meeting at 4 PM
December 13, 2023: Arterials, Highways and Freeways Committee Meeting at 4 PM
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Safe Routes To School (SR2S) 2022-23 Annual Report & Outreach | |
Annual Report Highlights:
For FY 2022-23, Solano Transportation Authority’s Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program focused on re-engaging Schools and communities in Solano County. Staff members were able to engage with 78 schools and attended over 40 events throughout the county, engaging 4,455 students. Safe Routes to School staff was also successful in launching five new Walk or Wheel programs in Benicia and Vallejo: Walk or Wheel programs encourage students to walk or bike to school one day a week to help with car congestion around school sites. In addition to outreach and events, SR2S staff in partnership with Solano Public Health worked with Fairfield High School students as part of the SR2S pilot Youth Engagement Program. Through this program, students produced a Public Service Announcement (PSA) Video for Bike to School Day. These videos were highlighted on social media and presented at the STA board meeting. Lastly, in June, staff kicked off the Safe Routes to School Plan Update with consultants DKS. This plan update is projected to finish in March of 2024.
This fiscal year, the SR2S program will partner with local law enforcement agencies through the Public Safety Education and Enforcement Grant to help deter unsafe behaviors of drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists, and to encourage all road users to obey traffic laws and share the road safely. In the Fall of 2023, the SR2S Program will release a call for projects for Cycle 3 of the SR2S Microgrants.
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2023 Tomato & Vine Festival Outreach:
On August 19th and 20th, the STA’s Safe Routes to School (SR2S) and Solano Mobility staff tabled at the Tomato & Vine Festival in Fairfield, where they engaged with over 300 attendees. Promoting pedestrian safety, sustainable transportation options, and subsidized programs for older adults and people with disabilities, the program highlighted the importance of creating safe pathways for students while encouraging community members to embrace greener modes of travel.
Solano Mobility Programs Year-End Update for FY2022-23
STA’s Solano Mobility Program recently completed its year-end annual update. Due to increased outreach efforts by Solano Mobility staff, Solano Mobility programs continue to expand and grow in usage. Some of the FY2022-2023 highlights are:
Countywide In-Person Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Evaluations:
- A total of 688 Evaluations were conducted. This was slightly over the 674 total evaluations conducted in FY21-22.
- There was a total of 94 Auto Renewals, which saved the program $19,049.
- Evaluations had been conducted through paper applications and a phone interview. In-person assessments will resume in September 2023.
Travel Training:
- STA welcomes Melissa Westlie as the new Solano County Travel Trainer.
- A total of 199 Travel Trainings (Individual, Field Trip, and Classroom) were conducted.
- 16 presentations to 427 audience members were completed.
- 2,538 individuals received information during 45 outreach activities.
- Upon request, trainees are and will continue to be provided with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves and hand sanitizer.
For more information, visit Solano Mobility’s Travel Training webpage or call the Solano Mobility Call Center at (800) 535-6883 about upcoming trips. Some Travel Training trip destinations include:
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- Jelly Belly Factory and Museum, Fairfield
- Old Town Sacramento
- Downtown Commons, Sacramento
- SFO, SMF, OAK Airports
- Pier 39 SF
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- Salesforce Transit Center , SF
- Suisun City and Suisun Waterfront
- Old Oakland Farmers’ Market
- San Francisco Fairmont Gingerbread House
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Medical Trip Concierge Program (GoGo Grandparent):
The GoGo program continues to be one of the most popular and most utilized Solano Mobility programs, surpassing last year’s numbers. The program was expanded to include Veterans and surviving spouses of Veterans and has begun assisting Solano County Court with the new Equitable Access to Justice Pilot Program, which launched in July 2023. Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles (WAV) were made available to the program in March 2023.
- 11,548 rides were taken using the GoGo Program, an increase of 3,253 rides over last FY
- A total of 201 WAV rides were provided between March and June
- STA began tracking trips by city: Vallejo and Fairfield residents utilized the program most often
Intercity Taxi Card (ITX) Program:
- 3,208 Intercity Taxi trips were taken in FY2022-23
- 35 WAV rides were taken
- STA entered into a formal agreement with the main Solano Taxi provider, Veterans Corp., to be the exclusive wheelchair accessible provider for this program
Veterans Mobility Program:
The Veterans Mobility Program began in April of 2022, providing rides to Solano County Veterans to the Martinez VA Clinic.
- 108 rides were provided this FY2022-23
- Outreach and presentations have reached 130 Veterans and usage is expected to increase next Fiscal Year
For more information about a specific program that we offer, please visit or contact the Solano Mobility Call Center, Monday – Friday, 8am‐5pm at 800‐535‐6883.
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Get Involved STA Advisory Committees
STA is asking for your help to build a more bicycle and pedestrian-friendly Solano County. The STA currently has open positions on our Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC). The BAC and PAC advise the STA on the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities as an active mode of transportation in Solano County. Committee members also help STA develop countywide transportation plans and projects and provide funding recommendations for active transportation projects.
We are looking for the following representatives:
Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC)
Pedestrian Advisory Committee (PAC)
- City of Dixon
- City of Vacaville
- City of Suisun City
- Member-at-Large
- Member-at-Large (Solano Community College)
For more information on the BAC Open Positions, click here, and click here for more information on the PAC Open Positions.
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Sunobia "Sunny" Hurd was recently promoted from part-time Customer Service Representative to full-time Senior Customer Representative in the Solano Mobility Call Center. Her start date was August 1st, and she will be supervised by Erika Dohina.
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