In this edition
  • STA Board approves Overall Work Plan for FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 
  • MTC/ABAG Presentation on Plan Bay Area 2050 Implementation
  • Caltrans Presentation on State Highway Maintenance
  • Regional Wayfinding & Mapping Pilot for Solano County Transit Operators
  • Solano Mobility hosts Bike Bingo for Bike Month 2021
  • Safe Routes to School Microgrant Program – Cycle 2 - $100,000 available
  • STA to serve as Administrator for Access For All Funding
  • RTIF Program Continues to Provide Resources for Solano County Projects
STATUS Newsletter

The STATUS Newsletter is published every month after the STA Board meeting to inform the public and our stakeholders of what’s happening with transportation in Solano County. 

Please sign up here to receive this newsletter directly in your inbox. 

  • Remote STA Board Meeting 6/9 at 6:00pm
STA Board approves Overall Work Plan for FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23 

On May 12, the Solano Transportation Authority (STA) Board adopted STA’s two-year Overall Work Plan (OWP) for FY 2021-22 and FY 2022-23, with over 50 work items including priority plans, projects, and programs for the forthcoming two fiscal years. Members of the public, staff, and stakeholder input are provided through the STA’s public Board meetings, the STA Technical Advisory Committee, the SolanoExpress Transit Consortium, and the STA Citizen-Based Advisory Committees. To review the Overall Work Plan for FYs 2020-21 and 2021-22, please click here.
MTC/ABAG Presentation on Plan Bay Area 2050 Implementation

MTC’s Director of Planning, Matt Maloney, presented an overview of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission/Association of Bay Area Governments’ (MTC/ABAG) Draft Plan Bay Area 2050 to the STA Board. MTC/ABAG staff has begun transitioning to the regional implementation of the Plan with the following projected outcomes:

  • Reduction of housing and transportation cost burden by 13%, with even greater improvements for low-income households
  • Improved access to frequent transit and to safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities, enabling nearly 20% of workers to shift away from commuting by auto
  • Provide more affordable housing in historically exclusionary jurisdictions, while helping at least 10% of the region’s low income residents to buy their first home
  • Meet the state-mandated greenhouse gas reduction target, while concurrently protecting nearly all homes from sea level rise impacts through 2050
  • Improve jobs-housing balance in counties throughout the Bay Area, yielding shorter commutes for all workers
The Plan contains 35 specific implementation strategies divided into four quadrants: Transportation, Housing, Economy, and Environment. MTC/ABAG is planning to release the draft Plan in early June and will seek public input through a series of workshops and public hearings throughout the month of July. For more information about the draft Plan Bay Area 2050 Implementation and upcoming public input opportunities, please click here.
Caltrans Presentation on State Highway Maintenance
Caltrans District 4 maintenance staff provided an update to the STA Board pertaining to ongoing efforts in the areas of litter removal, unsheltered policies, and opportunities for partnerships with Solano County Agencies. To address the increasing amount and rising cost of litter removal across the State and in Solano County, Caltrans announced the following three-pronged approach:
  • Education: Summer kick-off of new public education program
  • Enforcement: Continued discussions with California Highway Patrol, to increase their patrols in the area
  • Eradication: Increased resources including, 3 dedicated litter removal crews, emergency litter removal contracts, and increased staff overtime
Caltrans is also developing local partnerships through Maintenance Agreements to provide local agencies with opportunities to address litter and debris removal challenges. Additionally, Caltrans began their spring mowing program, so be on the lookout for mowing crews along the highways. For additional information regarding Caltrans maintenance, please click here.
Regional Wayfinding & Mapping Pilot Program for Solano County Transit Operators
As a follow-up to MTC’s presentation at the April 14th Transit Workshop, the STA Board unanimously voted to support a Regional Mapping/Wayfinding Pilot Program for Solano County. This is the first of a series of regional transit coordination recommendations expected from MTC’s Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force.

The Pilot Program’s objective is to implement a regional transit mapping and wayfinding system to make the Solano County transit rider experience more seamless. This would be accomplished by providing riders with a system that is better coordinated, easier to navigate, and more likely to attract new riders. The first step includes identifying methods to better integrate services, including coordinating service planning and changes, route design, schedules, and fares. The second step is to develop a common set of maps, signage, and branding.
Solano Mobility hosts Bike Bingo for Bike Month 2021
In partnership with the seven Solano County cities, the STA’s Solano Mobility Program is commemorating this year’s Bike Month with a Bike Bingo event. This a safe and healthy way to breathe in some fresh air, get some exercise, and it is also a wonderful opportunity to try one of Solano's Top 10 Bike Rides and enjoy the County’s many bike paths and trails. All residents of Solano County may participate.
Each city has 9 bike-accessible checkpoints established at major transit centers and other well know landmarks within the city. Participants are invited to visit at least 1 location to receive a free swag bag. Those that complete a Bingo will be entered to win a $25 or $50 gift card to a local business in their city and a fully completed Bingo card (visited all 9 locations) enters participants into a drawing for a $250 gift card to a local business. For your city’s Bike Bingo Card and more information on how to participate please visit Solano Mobility’s website.
Safe Routes to School Microgrant Program – Cycle 2 - $100,000 available 
The STA’s Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program will begin accepting applications for the second cycle of the SR2S Micro Grant program beginning June 1, 2021. The goal of this grant opportunity is to fund and support small-scale projects and programs that encourage walking and biking, and improve safety around schools in Solano County. $100,000 in funding is available to Solano County cities, school districts, schools, and community-based organizations. Applications will be accepted between June 1, 2021 and July 15, 2021 at 5:00pm. Please visit the SR2S website to view completed Cycle 1 Micro Grant projects and to apply for Cycle 2.
STA to serve as Administrator for Access For All Funding

At their May Board meeting, the STA Board approved STA’s designation to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator (LAFA) for a new state program. The Access for All Program provides funding for on-demand transportation service for people with disabilities (including users requiring a wheelchair accessible vehicle [WAV]). This program will be added to several existing Solano Mobility Programs as part of STA’s role as the Consolidated Transit Services Agency (CTSA) for Solano County.
RTIF Program Continues to Provide Resources for Solano County Projects

The second quarter statistics for the Regional Transportation Impact Fee (RTIF) program Construction showed that construction activity remained high in Solano County despite the COVID-19 pandemic. The RTIF program surpassed the $10 million mark in total RTIF revenue collected since the inception of the program and this month, the STA Board approved a $30,000 allocation to the City of Dixon (part of RTIF Working Group #5) for the Dixon Area Advanced Traffic and Rail Study and Parkway Boulevard Cost Share Agreement with the Union Pacific Railroad Company that will help complete the design phase for the project.
This allocation will help the City of Dixon meet the traffic demands likely to result from the significant growth projected for the south side of the City, including:
  • Approximately 1,400 new Single Family Dwelling Units
  • Approximately 130 new Multi Family Dwelling Units
  • Approximately 900,000 Square Feet of new Commercial space
For more information about the RTIF Program, please click here.
2021 STA Board Members