
Week of September 15-21, 2024

... to Love, to Serve, to be Hope ...


Silent Auction proceeds will go to our own STB Wind Chime Memorial.


Saturday, September 14:

  • 4:00 pm Mass, Fr. Tim NO 5:00 pm MASS
  • Fall Festival at 5:00 pm

Sunday, September 15:

  • God’s Word for Kids during 9:00 am Mass
  • 9:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim LIVESTREAM available

Deacon Mickey preacher / Intention for Souls in Purgatory

  • 11:00 am Mass, Fr. Kevin / Intention for Timothy Bade

Monday, September 16:  

  • No Event Scheduled

Tuesday, September 17:

  • Friends in Faith Bible Study, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm   
  • AA meeting, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Choir rehearsal, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Wednesday, September 18:

  • Serve at Dakota Woodlands, 3pm-6:30pm offsite

Thursday, September 19:

  • Lawn Mowing Crew 1
  • 10:00 am Mass
  • Prison Ministry Card Writing, 10:30 am - 12 pm
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
  • Liturgy Committee, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
  • Al-Anon meeting, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday, September 20:

  • No Event Scheduled

Saturday, September 21:

  • Individual Reconciliation, 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
  • 5:00 pm Mass, Fr. Kevin -   Mass Intention for Timothy Bade

Sunday, September 22:

  • God’s Word for Kids during 9am Mass - Both age groups 4/5 year old and 6-9 year old
  • 9:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim LIVESTREAM available
  • Bible Study 1: Gathering the Chosen: The Exodus, 10:30 am - 11:30 am
  • 11:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim


Interested in planning fun, social, activities and outings for STB Seniors?

We’d like to create a few lighthearted social gatherings for Seniors at STB!

Would you consider being part of a core team of 4 or 5 that would meet to brainstorm fun ways to get together?

Our first task is to come up with a great name for the gatherings and then decide what we want to do.

Let’s meet soon!

Call or email Mary at STB to help – (651) 683-9808 Ext. 108 or marym@stbeagan.org


The STB Hand-bell choir will begin practicing October 1st and we would love to have some new ringers join us.


We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM and play at various masses throughout the academic year. The ability to read music is helpful but beyond that, we'd welcome your enthusiasm as a substitute ringer or a committed musician.


If you are interested, please contact Chris Angel, the music director, at 651-452-8767 or email him at chrisa@stbeagan.org.


Looking Ahead ….

STB Fall / Advent Enrichment Opportunities

Each of us is different, our interests, our needs and our relationship with God.

Please take some time to review the many ways to learn, pray, serve, listen and share with the community of STB. Mark your calendar and please watch the bulletin / website for more details and registration.



Deadline is Extended to:

Monday, Sept 16, 2024!!!!

It's Time!

If you have children ages Kindergarten through Confirmation, it’s time to register them for our faith formation program!


We have weekly classes that meet on Wednesdays as well as a home study option. If your child goes to a Catholic School but needs to    prepare for a Sacrament here at STB (First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation) we ask that you go online to register for sacramental preparation.


If you are new to the parish or have never tried our faith formation   program before, now is the time to check it out. It is Solid. Strong. Engaging. Fun. Faith-filled. 


It is a weekly program that meets on most Wednesdays, starting October 2, and follows the district calendar. More info can be found on our website. 





We are also recruiting Volunteer Catechists—the heart and soul of the program. All lessons are prepared for you and emailed to you a week ahead of time. Have some time to share? 

Questions? A list of FAQ's for catechists might help clear some questions. 

Contact Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org or 651.683.9808 (ext. 111) if you can donate your time to our faith community—whether or not you have children in the program!


Thank you to all Golfers!

A great time was had by all at the 14th Annual Bogey’s Best Ball Golf Tournament. Thank you to all that participated again this year.   We have 40 golfers that come back every year! Come back again next September and bring another   foursome!! Fore!!!



Join us to write Birthday cards for inmates at St. Thomas Becket from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm on Thursday, September 19.

Please come any amount of time and write as many cards as you wish. Thank you for considering.



Are you interested in learning how to serve at Mass? 

We need you! Serving at Mass is open to children ages 5th grade and above, as well as teens and adults. We will set up a training time that works for you, make sure you are comfortable every step of the way, and then make sure you have an experienced server with you the first couple of times you serve at Mass. Schedules are set around dates you are available. 

Sound good? Please reach out to Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org or our Lead Server, Sheila Stei at steveandsheila1234@q.com or 651-470-3541. Sheila will be offering a training session between Masses on Sunday, September 29. Please let her or Wendy know if you plan to attend or need to make arrangements for a different date.



Join us to knit shawls for our ministry every third Thursday at 6:30 pm in room 102 starting Thursday, September 19.




Eucharist in the Bible Series

Gathering the Chosen: The Exodus Experience

Sunday, September 22nd - 10:15am


Deacon Mickey Friesen will be making the first of four presentations during the next year on the Eucharist in the Bible. He will help us to connect our biblical roots to the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith and worship. 

The first presentation will explore the Exodus Experience and being Chosen to be God’s people. 



NEW Weekly Bible Study

Sign-up Now – NEW Weekly Bible Study

7-Week Fall Series Begins September 26


JOIN US for a new weekly Bible Study coming to St. Thomas Becket

Deacon Mickey Friesen will lead our 7-week Fall Study and Discussion.


The Fall Bible Study Series will be: The Book of Exodus and the Eucharist.


We will study several books of the Bible over the next year to learn more about

Scripture and make connections with our faith life today. 


Our theme for the year will be:  The Eucharist in the Bible.


Start Date: Thursdays, beginning September 26th

Time: 10:30am – 12 Noon.

To Sign up: Contact Deacon Mickey at

mickeyf@stbeagan.org / 651-291-4445


Sign up by September 20th to make sure we have enough materials.


At home, at work, at school, and volunteering in your community,

you use your God-given gifts to Love, to Serve, and to be Hope!


Join us for an introductory, one-session

What is Living Your Talents and Strengths (LYTS)?


Sunday, September 29 / 10:10 – 10:55 am / Room 101

Registration is not required.


Attending this introductory LYTS session is a way for you to become familiar with what LYTS offers. This introductory session will include a brief introduction to the CliftonStrengths® talent development tools and practices, which equip people to better articulate their God-given talents and gifts. There is no commitment beyond this session.


For those interested in continuing the LYTS journey after the intro session, they will be given the option to bring home a book to take the talent assessment. Those attending the session will also learn about ways to continue the LYTS journey at home, online, and/or in a small group format.


What if you are not available on September 29? Send an email to strengths@stbeagan.org to contact a LYTS facilitator, who can give you the introductory session on the phone or on Zoom.


Do you use CliftonStrengths at your workplace?  Attend LYTS to understand how CliftonStrengths can also apply in your faith life. 


Are you a parent or a teacher? Learn how CliftonStrengths can better equip you to help children and teens celebrate and develop their God-given natural talents.


What are LYTS participants saying? https://stbeagan.org/lyts

LYTS is 100% affirming, supportive, growth-inducing, positive experience. What I liked the most about LYTS is the clear explanation of the talent themes and strengths and the chance to discuss with others to integrate the learnings. ~Judy Urban




New Parishioners

Timothy & Linda

L e v i 




OCTOBER 7/14/21/28


So much of how we form community and celebrate Mass starts when we enter the doors. Many have shared that the smiles and warm greetings given by a greeter at the door has made all the difference as they come to St. Thomas Becket for Mass. We don’t know if it’s their first time visiting or if they are coming with a heavy burden, but we do know that our friendly hello has made a difference. 

Some have said the greeter is the first person they met at 4455 South Robert Trail, others share it’s one of the reasons they joined our parish community. Can you come 15-20 minutes early to the Mass of your choice, take a stack of worship aids, and stand at the door greeting people? 

Please Sign-up ONLINE as a Greeter or look for the sign-up board in the commons.

If you notice nobody is doing the ministry, feel free to step in and do it to keep the STB welcome alive and well!


Fall is coming, summer schedules are ending! Please consider helping out with Hospitality in the coming months.....if you are new, we will provide "training"! Kids love it, and it's not a long term commitment....you can chose to try it once, once a month, or whatever fits in your schedule.

Sign up on-line on our website, or starting this weekend, a paper sign-up is posted by the kitchen. Thanks in advance for your support of one of the longest and special ministries here.


Ever wonder…

…how those who bring up the gifts of bread and wine at offertory time are chosen? 


Have you thought it would be an honor to present the gifts at the altar, or a neat experience for your family? Please let us know! 


Simply sign up on this white board when you arrive at Mass, located on the table inside the sanctuary, to the right of the doors. You can also speak to the Mass Coordinator to let them know you are interested—that person is often standing near the baptismal font greeting people and holding cross necklaces, looking to recruit Eucharistic Ministers as they arrive. Thanks!

Step by Step of What to Do


We want to keep nurturing

our youngest members of STB! 


As well as their parents, who are often tired and find Mass can be a very long hour. As we call up our children,  ages 4-10, to be dismissed after the Opening Prayer to go out with an adult or teen leader until the offertory time to hear God’s Word and reflect on it together, we know this is a rich time meant just for them. 


Ages 4 and 5 go to one room to hear a popular Bible story, sing a song and do a craft. Ages 6-10 go to a separate space to hear the readings of the day proclaimed and share what they hear God’s Word saying to them. 


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need a few more Volunteer Leaders to come forward to help lead at the 9:00 am Mass so this can be offered consistently year-round. Training is provided, materials are emailed to you the week before, you will lead in teams of two, and the schedule will be made based on your availability. 


Questions? contact Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org or 651.683.9808    (ext. 111) if you are curious or ready to help. Our little ones, and their parents, thank you!


from Red Pine Elementary School


Got architectural skills?

The Worship Council is looking for a couple of folks willing to design a Memorial Windchime (like the one at St. Olaf’s College) for STB to build one for our parish.

If interested please contact Jack Hackley at nhackley338@comcast.net

View St. Olaf's Windchime Memorial:


Twin Cities South Suburban

“Understanding the Basic Characteristics of Grief”

Paul V. Johnson - Retired Bereavement Professional


Where? Augustana Lutheran Church is located at:

1400 South Robert Street, West St. Paul, MN

Thursday, September 19, 2024

“When Grief & Loss Pile On”

Sue Vento - Former Director of Outreach Church of the Assumption, St. Paul


Time? Registration, 6:30 p.m.

See full details:



New Name – same great process! RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) has been renamed to OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)

Have you considered becoming a Catholic?

Do you know someone who might be curious?

Please know that OCIA is a wonderful process to bring you or your loved one into the faith.

More details on our website.

Need more information?

Please call or email Mary at (683) 651-9808 Ext. 108 or marym@stbeagan.org




Doing is more valuable than saying.



General Schedules page HERE

Where to find schedule links:


Go to www.stbeagan.org and look under HELPFUL LINKS, there you will find schedules, click on it and you will be able to find the link to the signup.

You can also type in the URL: https://stbeagan.org/schedules


Let's pray for each other!

When you get to this page, double click on the brick wall to post your prayer or a prayer request, or click on the "+" on the lower right of the wall.



September 15, 2024

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This morning I received a text message that a member of my extended family will likely die of cancer within the next few hours. His name is Luke. He is a 45-year-old husband and father of six. Though I am not as close to him as my sister (she is his sister-in-law and knows him well), I wonder: how can we, including Luke himself, manage such a terribly awful and unfair situation?

The words of this Sunday’s Gospel offer a powerful and challenging path. Jesus says, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34). Today I see with new freshness the starkness and strangeness of the words take up. The cross stands for suffering which is unjust, absurd, seemingly hopeless, and humiliating. Jesus doesn’t say “accept” or “endure” or “tolerate,” but “take up.” Embrace it, actively. Choose it and lift it up for others to see what terrifies and sickens us. But somehow, for Jesus, this is the path to “saving one's life.” A new world is breaking in, one in which love is everything, when no relationship can be wounded or die. I trust that in the embraced suffering of Luke and his loved ones, Jesus is taking up his cross and saving us all.

By the time you read this, barring a miracle, Luke will have died. He will be carrying his cross no longer. But we all still face suffering. This week let’s not just endure, but take up our crosses, big and small. That’s our only hope for saving our lives.

— Father John Muir



Can You Walk the Walk?

I’ve met and talked with enough people to feel confident that if you polled 100 fallen-away Catholics about why they didn’t want anything to do with the Church, the term “accountability” would pop up in almost all of their answers.

And to be fair, a lack of accountability isn’t just a Catholic problem. Talking the talk but not walking the walk has been a shortcoming handed down throughout the ages, across all creeds and nationalities.

Loving our neighbor, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, feeding the poor — it all sounds fantastic, especially when we’re the ones saying it. But the doing — well, that’s a different story, isn’t it? We would do well to remember that Christ calls one of his best friends “Satan” when Peter tries to convince Jesus to stray from his destiny.

Have you ever been called Satan by one of your good buddies? I’ll bet it’s not a great feeling. But think about what Peter was doing. He had just said, “You are the Christ.” And now, mere moments later, he’s saying: “Don’t say these things. Don’t say you’re going to suffer. Don’t say you’ll be killed.”

He was telling Christ to squander what the Lord had given him. He was telling him that having faith was fine, but being faithful? It’s just a little too hard. God has a destiny for you, too, and He’s asking you to be open to it. Maybe it’s not in your comfort zone. Maybe you don’t think you can do it.

Lord, give us faith — but help us, also, to do the work.

— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS



Please hold these parishioners in your prayers:

Robert Carraher

Roger Urban

Lynn Galarneau

Gary Hite

Nancy Bailey

If you have someone you would like added to our confidential Prayer Line call Bonnie Berquist at (cell) 612-865-3691, (home) 651-450-1043 or email her at Bonnie_B_02@msn.com.  




Is 50:4c-9a/Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 (9)/Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35


1 Cor 11:17-26, 33/Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17/Lk 7:1-10


1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a/Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5/Lk 7:11-17


1 Cor 12:31—13:13/Ps 33:2-3, 4-5, 12 and 22/Lk 7:31-35


1 Cor 15:1-11/Ps 118:1b-2, 16ab-17, 28/Lk 7:36-50


1 Cor 15:12-20/Ps 49:6-7, 8-10, 17-18, 19-20/Lk 8:1-3


Eph 4:1-7, 11-13/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5/Mt 9:9-13

Next Sunday:

Wis 2:12, 17-20/Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6-8 (6b)/Jas 3:16—4:3/Mk 9:30-37

Safe Environment, Victim Assistance, and Reporting Abuse Resources LINK
The Catholic Community of Saint Thomas Becket is dedicated to protecting children and vulnerable adults. Your cooperation and support strengthens our parish’s commitment to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe in our community. Volunteers serving with minors and vulnerable adults must complete requirements before engaging in ministry. For more information contact:



Faithful Shepherd

Catholic School

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Open Door Pantry


National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)

Loyola: 3 minute retreat

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

[651-683-9808]  [reception@stbeagan.org]  [www.stbeagan.org]

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