Week of September 29- October 5, 2024
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... to Love, to Serve, to be Hope ...
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Are you interested in learning how to serve at Mass?
We need you! Serving at Mass is open to children ages 5th grade and above, as well as teens and adults. We will set up a training time that works for you, make sure you are comfortable every step of the way, and then make sure you have an experienced server with you the first couple of times you serve at Mass. Schedules are set around dates you are available.
Sound good? Please reach out to Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org or our Lead Server, Sheila Stei at steveandsheila1234@q.com or 651-470-3541. Sheila will be offering a training session between Masses on Sunday, September 29. Please let her or Wendy know if you plan to attend or need to make arrangements for a different date.
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Saturday, September 28:
- Individual Reconciliation, 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
5:00 pm Mass, Fr. Tim/Deacon Mickey preaches -Mass Intention for Timothy Bade
Sunday, September 29:
God’s Word for Kids during 9am Mass -Both age groups 4/5 year old and 6-10 year old
9:00 am Mass, Fr. Kevin LIVESTREAM available
- LYTS, 10:10 am - 10:55 am
- 11:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim - Mass Intention for Souls in Purgatory
- Confirmation Y2 Catechist Meeting/dinner
Monday, September 30:
Tuesday, October 1:
- Friends in Faith Bible Study, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
- Festival Wrap-Up Meeting 6:00pm
- AA meeting, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- Choir rehearsal, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- Bell Choir, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Wednesday, October 2:
- K/Elementary Faith Formation parent/child: Prayer & Orientation, 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
- K/Elementary Faith Formation parent/child: Prayer & Orientation, 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Catechist training Middle School, 7:00 pm
Thursday, October 3:
- Lawn Mowing Crew 3
- 10:00 am Mass
- Bible Study, 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
- Council meeting, 5:45 pm - 8:00 pm
- Al-Anon meeting, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, October 4:
Saturday, October 5:
- Food Shelf weekend and Coffee Sales
- "Beast Bag" Assembly 3:30pm
- Individual Reconciliation, 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
5:00pm Mass, Fr. Tim, Deacon Mickey preaches
Sunday, October 6:
- Food Shelf weekend and Coffee Sales
Fr. Kevin Prairie Walk offsite 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
God’s Word for Kids during 9am Mass - 4/5 year old and 6-10 year old
9:00 am Mass, Fr. Tim LIVESTREAM available
- LYTS, 10:10 am - 10:55 am
- 11:00 am Mass, Fr. Kevin
- Blessing of the Beasts, 2:00 pm followed by Running with Rocco (tent 3:30 pm)
- Confirmation Year 2 Parent/Student Night, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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We are recruiting Volunteer Catechists—the heart and soul of the program. All lessons are prepared for you and emailed to you a week ahead of time.
Have some time to share?
· For the Elementary program contact Wendy Caduff at wendyc@stbeagan.org or 651.683.9808 ext. 111.
· For the Middle School program contact Jolaine Liupakka at jolainel@stbeagan.org or 651.683.9808 ext. 109.
Please consider donating your time to our faith community
— whether or not you have children in the program!
A list of FAQ's for elementary catechists that might help clear some questions.
Elementary is still in need of catechists for 1st gr and 4th gr at 6:00 pm, please see the video below:
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A BIG THANK YOU to all who graciously donated during this past summer’s Mission Appeals in your parish. My Bishop will put your money to good use toward the construction of a well in the Diocese of Same Tanzania to provide a source of clean water to villagers and help improve their health by avoiding water-borne illnesses. Your generosity is a huge blessing to my people and we ask for your continued prayers and you will be in my prayers also.
God Bless You! Fr. Mansuetus Setonga from the Diocese of Same [pronounced SAW-MAY
The STB Hand-bell choir will begin practicing October 1st and we would love to have some new ringers join us.
We meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-8:30 PM and play at various masses throughout the academic year. The ability to read music is helpful but beyond that, we'd welcome your enthusiasm as a substitute ringer or a committed musician.
If you are interested, please contact Chris Angel, the music director, at 651-452-8767 or email him at chrisa@stbeagan.org.
Sunday, OCTOBER 6 at 2:00 pm
Plan to bring all your critters to the Blessing of the Beasts for the Feast of St. Francis.
We will bless all the animals in our parish that walk, creep, run, fly, swim, or slither. Invite your friends to join us with their animals.
There will be treats for cats, dogs, rabbits and other furry friends.
Sorry, we can’t feed the lizards and the snakes, but they are welcome to come and be blessed!
Service hours will be given for students who come to help with the animals on Sunday and/or help prepare treat bags on Saturday, October 5 at 3:30 pm.
Do you love animals?
Join our committee to plan and prepare our Annual Blessing of the Beasts.
We will find a time to meet that fits everyone's schedule. We’ll plan the music, the readings and the treats.
We always have young people to help with the animals.
This committee is open to all ages.
You just have to love the beasts and want them to get blessed.
Questions? Contact Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org
There are still 10 spots available for Sunday, October 6 from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Last day to register is TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024.
Please drop off your payment at our STB office by Thursday, October 3, 2024
- $30 adult / $15 Child.
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For the past 30 years Father Kevin Clinton has been developing 70 acres of his ancestral farm as a conservation reserve. Six ponds, a creek, 25 acres of tall grass prairie, 5 acres of 700 trees planted 29 years ago, and 20 acres of original forest form the Quirk/Clinton Conservation Reserve.
Spend a fall afternoon on a nature tour and a walk on the “wild-side” of things with Father Kevin “outstanding in his field”. The fall is a great time to experience what nature has done over the summer. Tall prairie grass and flowers, mowed trails through the woods and prairie, learning from the wonder and beauty nature creates—this is all a part of this enchanting tour.
The afternoon will conclude with a picnic of brats, (with condiments—ketchup, mustard, pickle relish and sauerkraut), fruit, cookies, and assorted beverages on a hillside with a vista across the countryside.
Location: Cleveland, MN, 75 minutes southwest of the twin cities.
Participants need to be able to do a leisurely walk for a couple miles.
Interested in planning fun, social activities and outings for STB Seniors?
We’d like to create a few lighthearted social gatherings for Seniors at STB!
Would you consider being part of a core team of 4 or 5 that would meet to brainstorm fun ways to get together?
Our first task is to come up with a great name for the gatherings and then decide what we want to do.
Let’s meet soon!
Call or email Mary at STB to help – (651) 683-9808 Ext. 108 or marym@stbeagan.org
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Looking Ahead ….
STB Fall / Advent Enrichment Opportunities
Each of us is different, our interests, our needs and our relationship with God.
Please take some time to review the many ways to learn, pray, serve, listen and share with the community of STB. Mark your calendar and please watch the bulletin / website for more details and registration.
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Have you ever been driving around and notice people asking for help on street corners and at the end of exit ramps? If you have noticed this too and feel unsure about how to help, consider making blessing bags.
Blessing bags, also known as necessity bags or care kits, include a variety of items for people who are homeless, hungry and in need of basic necessities. You can keep these bags in your car to offer when you see someone asking for help. Many of these bags will also be going to Catholic Charities Dorothy Day Center in St. Paul.
Join the STB Community in assembling personal care blessing bags for those in need. This event will occur after the 9:00 Mass on Sunday, October 27, 2024 during Trunk or Treat.
Please help by bringing in the assigned items by Thursday, October 24.
Thank you!
Last name beginning with: (Travel size items for all items please)
- A-D protein bars or beef jerky sticks
- E-H Chapstick and/or lotion
- I-K shampoo and conditioner
- L-N deodorant
- O-Q body wash or small bars of soap
- R-T adult socks -size large
- U-W toothbrush and toothpaste
- X-Z small Kleenex tissue packs
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At home, at work, at school, and volunteering in your community,
you use your God-given gifts to Love, to Serve, and to be Hope!
Join us for an introductory, one-session
What is Living Your Talents and Strengths (LYTS)?
Sunday, September 29 / 10:10 – 10:55 am / Room 101
Registration is not required.
Attending this introductory LYTS session is a way for you to become familiar with what LYTS offers. This introductory session will include a brief introduction to the CliftonStrengths® talent development tools and practices, which equip people to better articulate their God-given talents and gifts. There is no commitment beyond this session.
For those interested in continuing the LYTS journey after the intro session, they will be given the option to bring home a book to take the talent assessment. Those attending the session will also learn about ways to continue the LYTS journey at home, online, and/or in a small group format.
What if you are not available on September 29? Send an email to strengths@stbeagan.org to contact a LYTS facilitator, who can give you the introductory session on the phone or on Zoom.
Do you use CliftonStrengths at your workplace? Attend LYTS to understand how CliftonStrengths can also apply in your faith life.
Are you a parent or a teacher? Learn how CliftonStrengths can better equip you to help children and teens celebrate and develop their God-given natural talents.
What are LYTS participants saying? https://stbeagan.org/lyts
LYTS is 100% affirming, supportive, growth-inducing, positive experience. What I liked the most about LYTS is the clear explanation of the talent themes and strengths and the chance to discuss with others to integrate the learnings. ~Judy Urban
Two New Parishioners
Daniel & Angela BROOS
Rebecca & Roberto DIAZ
This summer the Spirit of Justice Ministry presented a challenge to live out Gandhi’s call to “live simply so others may simply live” …to cut out some excess from our spending and set that money aside to donate to a worthy cause. We asked people to share their experiences. Here are a few.
For the summer, I decided to not buy my favorite Almond M&Ms. You might think “no big deal, small bag”. However, I do not buy the small bag. I buy the big bag that says “share”. The only person I share them with is myself, so it was a big deal! I will donate my savings to the Open Door Food Shelf.
~Fr. Tim
During the challenging times of COVID-19, I sought a meaningful way to express gratitude to those who serve us daily. I began distributing Lindt truffles and Ghirardelli chocolates as small tokens of appreciation. The joy and surprise these simple gifts brought – from smiles and laughter to tears and even dancing – were truly heartwarming.
When the Living Simply Challenge was introduced, I decided to continue this act of kindness in a new way. I now keep 20 dollar bills in my wallet and when I encounter someone in need – whether on the street or the freeway ramp – I give them both a $20 bill and a piece of chocolate. It’s a small gesture, but it’s my way of showing that I see and appreciate them.
Philomena Satre
I have been adding an additional amount to my tips for servers so they can directly benefit from my bonus.
Deb S.
I have been abstaining from some, but not all, alcoholic drinks when I go out with family and friends. I have set aside that money and have donated it through Kiva.org to a farmer in Kenya named Josephine, who will use the funds to purchase seeds and fertilizer.
Dan R.
It’s not too late to share your stories. Please email them to parish@stbeagan.org.
Adopt-A-Highway Clean-Up Project. To move our mission beyond our parish doors, the Sustainability Committee has secured the adoption of Cliff Road, between Pilot Knob and Lexington, from Dakota County for the Catholic Community of St. Thomas Becket. Saturday, October 12 is the next scheduled clean up of our stretch of road.
We will meet outside the front of the church at 8:30am to gather supplies and then move out to different zones along the road. Expect to spend two to three hours between safety briefing and clean up efforts.
Minimum age to participate is 12. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult, or have an adult available to sign waiver. Bring your own gloves, grabbers, sunscreen, and hats. Please bring a safety vest if you have one. The county will provide bags and some safety vests. Participants should wear long pants and closed-toe shoes.
Please bring your own safety vest and/or trash collection bucket, if you have them.
Please contact Michelle Sharp at michelle.m.sharp@gmail.com
Have you seen this woman?
Two years ago, we heard from Sen. Mary Kunesh about efforts to address the crisis of murdered and missing indigenous women. We learned that, while Native women and girls make up only 1% of the population of Minnesota, they represent 8% of known murder victims and 20% of sex trafficking victims.
The Spirit of Justice Committee has invited Sen. Kunesh to update us on the statewide work to address this issue as well as other Native issues in Minnesota.
Please join us: Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
(6:00 – 6:30 for social time, pizza, wine and soft drinks) here at STB.
This event is free, but we ask that you sign up so that we can properly plan for space and food. There will be a free will offering for local organizations who support Indigenous Minnesotans.
Please remember in your prayers Luann Marie Phillipich, who passed away unexpectedly in her home on Thursday, September 19 at the age of 64. Our sincere condolences go to her brothers Tom (Kathy Jakel) Phillipich of Chisholm, and Bob (Kathy Hansen) Phillipich and to all her nephews, her niece, her great-nieces and nephews and her cousins who all played an important role in her life.
Luann grew up in Gilbert, MN and was very proud of her Iron Range and Slovenian heritage. She completed her undergraduate and Master's degrees in Library Science at St. Scholastica and St. Catherine University, respectively. Luann spent many years working for the Minnesota Historical Society and the Dakota County Library system; several of those years were at the Heritage Library in Lakeville, where she had many treasured friends. She continually sought to provide top-level service to her library patrons, and took special pride in delivering books to the elderly and arranging programs that would be of interest to them. Luann had a very strong Christian faith, and she was very active in her church, St. Thomas Becket in Eagan, where she had many dear friends.
The Funeral Mass was held here on Tuesday, September 24 with a luncheon afterwards. Thank you to all who graciously assisted with Mass, the musicians, those who helped with the meal, including the people who organized, set-up, served the food and cleaned-up.
May God grant eternal rest
and give comfort to the family at their time of loss. Amen.
OCTOBER 7/14/21/28
Fall is here! Please consider helping out with Hospitality in the coming months.....if you are new, we will provide "training"! Kids love it, and it's not a long term commitment....you can chose to try it once, once a month, or whatever fits in your schedule.
Sign up on-line on our website, or starting this weekend, a paper sign-up is posted by the kitchen. Thanks in advance for your support of one of the longest and special ministries here.
Twin Cities South Suburban
“Understanding the Basic Characteristics of Grief”
Paul V. Johnson - Retired Bereavement Professional
Where? Augustana Lutheran Church is located at:
1400 South Robert Street, West St. Paul, MN
October 3, 2024
“Finding Peace During the Holiday Season”
Linda Triplett - Author
Time? Registration, 6:30 p.m.
See full details:
Got architectural skills?
The Worship Council is looking for a couple of folks willing to design a Memorial Windchime (like the one at St. Olaf’s College) for STB to build one for our parish.
If interested please contact Jack Hackley at nhackley338@comcast.net.
View St. Olaf's Windchime Memorial:
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Don’t shine so others can see you.
Shine so that through you,
others can see God.
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The Knights of Columbus would like to extend a heartfelt "Thank you!" to everyone who bought items from the recent Gertens plant sale and to those who donated to the Coats for Kids program. Nearly $1000 was raised to purchase warm winter coats for needy children in the area. Thank you so much!
Visitation School Sed Vitae Speaker Series Presents:
Deliberate Parenting: Raising Kids With Character, October 2, 7-8:30 p.m
In this interactive program, Joe Cavanaugh, Founder and CEO of Youth Frontiers, presents "Deliberate Parenting." Leveraging 30+ years of experience working with over 2 million youth, he shares strategies for raising kids who are strong, responsible and who know they are precious, not perfect - three traits essential to their resiliency and readiness to navigate the often bumpy road of life. Participants will leave feeling encouraged, equipped and challenged to do their part to ensure our next generation is grounded in character.
Join us on October 2 at 7:00 p.m. at Visitation School with a brief reception to follow. Event is free and open to all - Please register at visitation.net/speakerseries.
General Schedules page HERE
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Let's pray for each other!
When you get to this page, double click on the brick wall to post your prayer or a prayer request, or click on the "+" on the lower right of the wall.
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September 29, 2024
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Maggots, grubs, worms. When I imagine one or many of these nasty slimy buggers living inside my body — unseen, feeding off my flesh, slowly rotting me out — I feel deeply disgusted. If I knew I had a worm, I would do anything to remove the alien invader, and fast. But what if I couldn’t ever get it out?
This is precisely the image Jesus uses to describe those who cause others to sin and fail to cut out what leads them to sin. He contrasts the kingdom of God with Gehenna, “where the worm does not die.” If we can stomach it for a moment, there is much wisdom in this nauseating metaphor.
First, sin is always parasitic. It feeds on what is good like a worm in a host. It’s not symbiotic or additive, as virtue and love always are. Sin invades, devours, and damages the sinner. Second, sin is always social. No matter how hidden, it quietly eats away at others — usually the most poor and vulnerable, the “little ones,” as the Lord says. How healthy it is for us to acknowledge this! Our gossiping, greed, over-indulgence, lying, pride, laziness, lust for power and reputation, and so on … they do not add anything to life. They are worms eating away at others and ourselves.
We cut out these filthy parasites through genuine repentance and bold action. Imagine the peace and relief that follows the removal of a sickening worm from your body. How much greater is the peace we enjoy when the spiritual worms are gone for good. We’d never wait to act against physical parasites. Neither should we with the worms of sin.
— Father John Muir
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Breaking the Stewardship Mold
Have you noticed how we always tend to pigeonhole one another — and ourselves? “I could never serve on the Parish Council. That’s for Rick and Ellen and that whole group of people who have done it for years.” “Greg takes care of faith formation in the parish — he always has. He doesn’t need my help.” “I can’t afford to give the big bucks like those families who sit up front can. My offering wouldn’t matter even if I did increase it.”
Thinking like this is a good indication that we aren’t in conversation with God about what His will is for our lives. If we have already decided what we are and are not meant to do, we aren’t likely to pray over it, to discern it.
We have to be open to the spirit of the Lord wherever it leads us, regardless of what we or others have come to expect from us. We human beings come to believe that we are such good judges of what others can offer — or what we ourselves can offer. But God has plans for us to which we aren’t privy. God calls everyone to serve Him in the way that pleases Him best, and only He can decide what that is. Everyday Stewardship demands a continual accounting of who we can be, what we can offer — even if it’s outside our comfort zone, even if it’s something that never occurred to us before.
There’s only one Person who can tell us what God wants from us. Do we even think to ask Him?
— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
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Please hold these parishioners in your prayers:
Robert Carraher
Roger Urban
Lynn Galarneau
Gary Hite
Nancy Bailey
If you have someone you would like added to our confidential Prayer Line call Bonnie Berquist at (cell) 612-865-3691, (home) 651-450-1043 or email her at Bonnie_B_02@msn.com.
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Nm 11:25-29/Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 (9a)/Jas 5:1-6/Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
Jb 1:6-22/Ps 17:1bcd, 2-3, 6-7/Lk 9:46-50
Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23/Ps 88:2-3, 4-5, 6, 7-8/Lk 9:51-56
Jb 9:1-12, 14-16/Ps 88:10bc-11, 12-13, 14-15/Mt 18:1-5, 10
Jb 19:21-27/Ps 27:7-8a, 8b-9abc, 13-14/Lk 10:1-12
Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5/Ps 139:1-3, 7-8, 9-10, 13-14ab/Lk 10:13-16
Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17/Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130/Lk 10:17-24
Next Sunday:
Gn 2:18-24/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 (see 5)/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-12
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The Catholic Community of Saint Thomas Becket is dedicated to protecting children and vulnerable adults. Your cooperation and support strengthens our parish’s commitment to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe in our community. Volunteers serving with minors and vulnerable adults must complete requirements before engaging in ministry. For more information contact:
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