Week of September 8-14, 2024
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... to Love, to Serve, to be Hope ...
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In celebration of the new school year all students are invited to bring their school backpacks and/or electronic devices to Mass on Sunday, September 8 at both Masses.
At the end of Mass youth will be invited to bring them forward and the whole church will bless them.
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Friday, September 6:
Visitation for Kathleen Barbour, 10:00 am
- Funeral Mass for Kathleen Barbour, 11:00 am
- Luncheon to follow at 12:00 pm
Saturday, September 7:
- Food Shelf and Coffee Sales
STB Golf Tournament, 8:00 am offsite
- Individual Reconciliation, 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
- 5:00 pm Mass, Fr. Tim - Deacon Mickey preaches
Sunday, September 8:
- Food Shelf and Coffee Sales
God’s Word for Kids during 9am Mass - Both age groups 4/5 year old and 6-9 year old
9:00 am Mass, Blessing of backpacks, Fr. Tim LIVESTREAM available
- 11:00 am Mass, Blessing of backpacks, Fr. Tim
- Decorate for Fall, 12:30 pm
- Baptism, 12:15 pm
Monday, September 9:
- Mass Coordinator Dinner, 6:30 pm
Tuesday, September 10:
- Friends in Faith Bible Study, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Spirit of Justice, 6:30 pm offsite
- AA meeting, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
- Choir rehearsal, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Wednesday, September 11:
Serve at Dakota Woodlands, 3pm-6:30pm offsite
Thursday, September 12:
- Lawn Mowing Crew 4
- 10:00 am Mass
- Parish Leadership council, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
- Al-Anon meeting, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, September 13:
Saturday, September 14:
4:00 pm Mass, Fr. Tim NO 5:00 pm MASS
- Fall Festival at 5:00 pm
Sunday, September 15:
Deacon Mickey preaches / Intention for Souls in Purgatory
- 11:00 am Mass, Fr. Kevin / Intention for Timothy Bade
On Sunday, September 8, after the 11:00 mass we will decorate the church for the Fall Season. We will start at 12:30 pm (after a baptism). If you can help, just come or contact Wendy for more information. wendyc@stbeagan.org
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Save the date:
Saturday, September 14
Ticket Sales after Mass
Ticket sales after Mass the weekends of
August 31-September1
September 7-8
Purchase them ONLINE
Last day to buy them online is
THIS Friday, September 6, 2024.
Please Consider Volunteering
We are excited for our Fall Festival and are looking for volunteers to help plan!
There are many areas to choose from, such as silent auction, games, food and volunteer coordination. Large or small time commitments needed, individuals or families.
Sign up on the board in the commons or ONLINE.
Donations Needed
We are in need of bottles of wine for the wine toss and donations for the Cake Walk.
Donation Shapes are in the commons to take for your items
Unfortunately the Petting Zoo had to cancel, replaced by Life Size Connect Four
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Looking Ahead ….
STB Fall / Advent Enrichment Opportunities
Each of us is different, our interests, our needs and our relationship with God.
Please take some time to review the many ways to learn, pray, serve, listen and share with the community of STB. Mark your calendar and please watch the bulletin / website for more details and registration.
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I want to start with a HUGE Thank You for the financial commitment you have made to the “Growing into Our Future” Capital Campaign. We are less than a year into the 3-year campaign and have collected 48% of pledged commitments; I am proud of what we are doing and hope you are, as well.
One of the challenges to begin projects associated with a parish spending over $25,000 is to receive permission from the Archdiocese, which is called a Proxy. This is to guarantee the parish has the dollars to pay for the projects. This has taken some time; however, we have received the Proxy to move forward.
- All the outside doors are up to date with a security system which requires a card or your phone to open doors during the week.
- In the ceiling of the Commons, you will see small round cameras that allow us to know who enters the building and when.
- A group of parishioners involved in the use of the kitchen have visited 3 area churches to look at their kitchens and have received helpful information, we will now have proposed plans drawn up.
- 3 bids have been received for resurfacing the parking lot along with electrical to facilitate the placing of security cameras in the parking lot.
- Sound and lighting improvements in the church have been put out for bids.
- We have requested bids from 3 companies to upgrade our HVAC system from pneumatics to digital.
If you have any questions please contact Kevin Magyar (kevinm@stbeagan.org) or myself (timw@stbeagan.org) at the parish office.
Fr. Tim
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It's Time!
If you have children ages Kindergarten through Confirmation, it’s time to register them for our faith formation program!
We have weekly classes that meet on Wednesdays as well as a home study option. If your child goes to a Catholic School but needs to prepare for a Sacrament here at STB (First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, or Confirmation) we ask that you go online to register for sacramental preparation.
If you are new to the parish or have never tried our faith formation program before, now is the time to check it out. It is Solid. Strong. Engaging. Fun. Faith-filled.
It is a weekly program that meets on most Wednesdays, starting October 2, and follows the district calendar. More info can be found on our website.
We are also recruiting Volunteer Catechists—the heart and soul of the program. All lessons are prepared for you and emailed to you a week ahead of time. Have some time to share?
Questions? A list of FAQ's for catechists might help clear some questions.
Contact Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org or 651.683.9808 (ext. 111) if you can donate your time to our faith community—whether or not you have children in the program!
So much of how we form community and celebrate Mass starts when we enter the doors. Many have shared that the smiles and warm greetings given by a greeter at the door has made all the difference as they come to St. Thomas Becket for Mass. We don’t know if it’s their first time visiting or if they are coming with a heavy burden, but we do know that our friendly hello has made a difference.
Some have said the greeter is the first person they met at 4455 South Robert Trail, others share it’s one of the reasons they joined our parish community. Can you come 15-20 minutes early to the Mass of your choice, take a stack of worship aids, and stand at the door greeting people?
Please Sign-up ONLINE as a Greeter or look for the sign-up board in the commons.
If you notice nobody is doing the ministry, feel free to step in and do it to keep the STB welcome alive and well!
Fall is coming, summer schedules are ending! Please consider helping out with Hospitality in the coming months.....if you are new, we will provide "training"! Kids love it, and it's not a long term commitment....you can chose to try it once, once a month, or whatever fits in your schedule.
Sign up on-line on our website, or starting this weekend, a paper sign-up is posted by the kitchen. Thanks in advance for your support of one of the longest and special ministries here.
Ever wonder…
…how those who bring up the gifts of bread and wine at offertory time are chosen?
Have you thought it would be an honor to present the gifts at the altar, or a neat experience for your family? Please let us know!
Simply sign up on this white board when you arrive at Mass, located on the table inside the sanctuary, to the right of the doors. You can also speak to the Mass Coordinator to let them know you are interested—that person is often standing near the baptismal font greeting people and holding cross necklaces, looking to recruit Eucharistic Ministers as they arrive. Thanks!
Step by Step of What to Do
Eucharist in the Bible Series
Gathering the Chosen: The Exodus Experience
Sunday, September 22nd - 10:15am
Deacon Mickey Friesen will be making the first of four presentations during the next year on the Eucharist in the Bible. He will help us to connect our biblical roots to the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith and worship.
The first presentation will explore the Exodus Experience and being Chosen to be God’s people.
NEW Weekly Bible Study
JOIN US for a new weekly Bible Study coming to St. Thomas Becket.
Deacon Mickey Friesen will lead our weekly study and discussion.
We will study several books of the Bible over the next year to learn more about Scripture and make connections with our faith life today.
Our theme for the year will be: The Eucharist in the Bible.
Start Date: Thursdays, beginning September 26
Time: 10:30am – 12 Noon.
Sign up: Contact Deacon Mickey at mickeyf@stbeagan.org / 651-291-4445
We want to keep nurturing
our youngest members of STB!
As well as their parents, who are often tired and find Mass can be a very long hour. As we call up our children, ages 4-10, to be dismissed after the Opening Prayer to go out with an adult or teen leader until the offertory time to hear God’s Word and reflect on it together, we know this is a rich time meant just for them.
Ages 4 and 5 go to one room to hear a popular Bible story, sing a song and do a craft. Ages 6-10 go to a separate space to hear the readings of the day proclaimed and share what they hear God’s Word saying to them.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need a few more Volunteer Leaders to come forward to help lead at the 9:00 am Mass so this can be offered consistently year-round. Training is provided, materials are emailed to you the week before, you will lead in teams of two, and the schedule will be made based on your availability.
Questions? contact Wendy at wendyc@stbeagan.org or 651.683.9808 (ext. 111) if you are curious or ready to help. Our little ones, and their parents, thank you!
Got architectural skills?
The Worship Council is looking for a couple of folks willing to design a Memorial Windchime (like the one at St. Olaf’s College) for STB to build one for our parish.
If interested please contact Jack Hackley at nhackley338@comcast.net.
View St. Olaf's Windchime Memorial:
Our deepest sympathy goes to parishioner, Jane Kreyer , and her family on the death of her mom, Kathleen Barbour, who passed away on Sunday, August 25 at the age of 92.
Please remember Kathleen in your prayers.
May God grant eternal rest and give comfort to the family
at their time of loss. Amen
Twin Cities South Suburban
“Understanding the Basic Characteristics of Grief”
Paul V. Johnson - Retired Bereavement Professional
Where? Augustana Lutheran Church is located at:
1400 South Robert Street, West St. Paul, MN
Thursday, September 12
Time? Registration, 6:30 p.m.
See full details:
View flyer at www.stbeagan.org/growing-through-loss
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New Name – same great process! RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) has been renamed to OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Have you considered becoming a Catholic?
Do you know someone who might be curious?
Please know that OCIA is a wonderful process to bring you or your loved one into the faith.
More details on our website.
Need more information?
Please call or email Mary at (683) 651-9808 Ext. 108 or marym@stbeagan.org
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Spirit of Justice Ministry
We hope you are taking up Gandhi's challenge of "Living simply so others may simply live", and setting aside money to pay forward to a worthy cause. This can be a great opportunity to be, as Fr. Tim said in a recent homily, the Bread of Life for another person.
We have heard from a few parishioners who wanted to share their plans.
One has chosen to add an additional amount to the tips she provided to servers as a way to directly impact the people who could benefit from the bonus. Another person is abstaining from some (but not all!) alcoholic drinks when dining out, and setting aside the money into his savings account, to be given at the end of the summer to a worthy cause to be determined later.
If you have a story to share about your approach to the Living Simply Challenge, please share it with us. There are a few options:
email your story to parish@stbeagan.org
- create a handwritten copy of your story (artwork is optional). These can be dropped off in the commons in the mail box next to the Parish office door.
This might be a great option for any youth participating in the challenge.
Please note in your submission how you would like
to be identified - full name, first name only, initials only, anonymous.
We will post the stories this fall on the website, in the bulletin and in the Commons. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Remember, no amount is too small to pay forward!
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Attention HOME Gardeners!
With veggie harvesting season upon us, please think about giving part of your bounty to our neighbors in need at The Open Door .
The Giving Garden ministry will make it very easy for you to do so:
- Knock the excess dirt off your veggies (no need to wash), and bag them up however you like.
Haul them over to the STB Giving Garden (in back of the building accessed by the walkway from the south parking lot) on Monday or Thursday mornings before 9:30 am.
We will package and label your produce, then drive it over to The Open Door along with that which we harvest from the giving garden that morning.
We work the garden starting at 8:00 am. If you need to drop produce off earlier, please just leave it at the gate where we will find it upon arrival.
So there is no need for you to package your veggies, or haul them all the way to
The Open Door.
Please DO NOT drop off vegetables in church or at the giving garden any days other than Mon or Thu. We simply do not have a mechanism to handle your donations at other times, and they likely will go to waste.
Your fresh produce will just be another way we can
Love, Serve, and be Hope... Thank you!
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We invite families or individuals to “adopt” a garden plot on our beautiful property.
You are asked to maintain your area for a one-month period, or for the entire growing season. Most gardens involve a few hours of work twice-a-month, and can be done on your own schedule.
If you need help signing up, please call the Parish office at
651-683-9808 and we will be happy to assist you.
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General Schedules page HERE
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Let's pray for each other!
When you get to this page, double click on the brick wall to post your prayer or a prayer request, or click on the "+" on the lower right of the wall.
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September 8, 2024
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
One of the most touching YouTube videos I’ve ever seen is one in which a deaf woman receives new technology to heal her hearing. She hears her husband's voice for the first time — and her own, too — and bursts into tears of overwhelming joy. It must have been like an immovable wall between her and her loved ones came tumbling down.
We are all like this woman, to some degree. We believe in the presence of God’s love, but we can’t hear Him. We can’t speak well about Him. The deaf man who can’t speak properly in the Gospel today is an image of what God wants us to experience again and again. Jesus takes the man aside to a private place away from the crowd, touches his ears and tongue, and says, “Ephphata!” The man’s ears are opened, and he speaks clearly. Contact with Christ has this effect on us.
This experience happens to us in our baptism, almost exactly. It happens to us in the liturgy. It happens in our private prayer. It happens when we hear the voice of God in our conscience. The more we engage these privileged channels of Jesus’ healing, the more we are empowered to hear and speak of the presence of God’s perfect love.
— Father John Muir
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Choosing Deafness
If you’re a parent, you know that hearing evaluations are usually done at a child’s annual physical exam starting around age four. The little person gets hoisted up onto the exam table, fitted with a pair of special headphones, and then they need raise their hand when they hear a sound.
I bet all of us parents who have sat through one of these tests with a preschooler — especially a particularly strong-willed one — have experienced a moment where we ask ourselves: I wonder if there’s something wrong with her hearing. Is that why she doesn’t listen to me? ‘Come here, put on your shoes, pick up your toys, finish your carrots, don’t touch that’ — she isn’t being naughty, she just can’t hear it!
And then that moment, for those of us whose kids passed the hearing test with flying colors, comes crashing down into a realization that, yep, they can hear just find. They’re just choosing deafness.
But how can we really get mad when we remember that we do the same thing to God day in and day out? I often wonder if God, sitting in His Heaven, tires of calling to us in the same way young parents tire of calling out unheeded directions to their small children. Help that person. Hear My voice. Open your heart. Give of yourself here. Talk to Me.
What is the call He wishes you to hear today? Can you hear it? Are you listening?
— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
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Please hold these parishioners in your prayers:
Robert Carraher
Roger Urban
Lynn Galarneau
Gary Hite
Nancy Bailey
If you have someone you would like added to our confidential Prayer Line call Bonnie Berquist at (cell) 612-865-3691, (home) 651-450-1043 or email her at Bonnie_B_02@msn.com.
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Is 35:4-7a/Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 (1B)/Jas 2:1-5/Mk 7:31-37
1 Cor 5:1-8/Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12/Lk 6:6-11
1 Cor 6:1-11/Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a and 9b/Lk 6:12-19
1 Cor 7:25-31/Ps 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17/Lk 6:20-26
1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14ab, 23-24/Lk 6:27-38
1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6, 12/Lk 6:39-42
Nm 21:4b-9/Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38/Phil 2:6-11/Jn 3:13-17
Next Sunday: Is 50:4c-9a/Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9 (9)/Jas 2:14-18/Mk 8:27-35
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The Catholic Community of Saint Thomas Becket is dedicated to protecting children and vulnerable adults. Your cooperation and support strengthens our parish’s commitment to keeping children and vulnerable adults safe in our community. Volunteers serving with minors and vulnerable adults must complete requirements before engaging in ministry. For more information contact:
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