Projects and kits for curious kids!
Reply to this email with your order and
we will have your goodies ready for contact free curbside pickup
between noon and 4:30 p.m. on Monday, or 9:30-4:30 Wednesday.
Motorised Box Racer $17
Eco Science Toys $15
Motorised Box Dino $17
Soda Can Robug $14
Thames & Kosmos
Electricity & Magnetism $60
Scope Constructor $60
Mini Volcano $10
Cosmic Colors $10
Flower & Leaf Press $10
Kitchen Science $15
Geek & Co
DIY Solar System $20
Hot Ice Crystals $20
Neon Light Writer $20
Candy Science $24.99
Circuit Clay$21.99
Ultimate Spy Vault & Code Kit $24.99
Chain Reactions $21.99
Gadgets $24.99
Make Your Own Movie $24.99
Crazy Action Contraptions $21.95
To the lab!
Smartphone Science $20
Talking Microscope $40
You-Track-It Weather Lab $15
A few things to help fill up those Easter baskets...
Large plush duck $12
Gund plush duck $8
Gund plush bunnies $5
Rubber ducks $3
Grass growing and egg coloring kit $10
Apple Scented Pencils $2
Small bristle chicken $3
Glitter Easter Stickers $1.99
Easter egg stickers $1.99
Easter basket stickers $1.99
Neville Public Museum Foundation | 920-448-4460 |