Hawthorne Stigma-Free Zone
Features Advocate Sean Campbell

Hawthorne held a public night last month to discuss mental health and wellness during the Holiday Season. The Stigma-free team, including local town officials and religious leaders, invited Sean Campbell, award-winning NJ mental health advocate and speaker, to lead the conversation at the local library. The presentation opened with basic education on mental health and wellness, briefly identifying the 8 spheres of wellness based on the SAMHSA model.

Sean then further identified the role of trauma and its effects on people, as well as the impact of stress on youth. Sean was able to share some of his own personal experiences, and touched briefly on the significance of the spiritual or “purpose” in efforts to build up wellness in one’s life. Lastly, tools were identified to help participants through the holiday season, a time which often brings increased stress and emotional pain.

Sean also brought other notable ideas to promote a stigma free community :

When seeking a therapist, do not think of it as “needing to go to somebody who will tell me what to do because I can’t do that for myself,” but rather “going to a healthy place where ‘you’ lead the conversation into areas you want to address".

Be aware of how often you assign people an identity associated with a mental health diagnosis. We do not do this with a physical diagnosis, yet people are often heard saying, “Oh, she is bi-polar,” when they would never say, “Oh, she is heart disease."

If concerned about friends or family struggling through dark times, do not question them but rather identify observations you’ve made and listen non-judgmentally to discover if there is any accuracy - see what that person thinks of their situation.

Click our You Tube link at the bottom of this newsletter to watch video of Sean accepting the NJ Governor's Award for Fighting Stigma!