Daily Reflection:
Monday, April 27, 2020
My Daily Reflection for Friday, April 24, was a Parish Financial Update from Ron Briseno, our Business Manager/Director of Development, and myself.
In light of our present global and economic situation, we were able to report good news saying that we are doing “reasonably well,” all things considered.
Because of so many committed and generous Parishioners, we are seeing our way through the present crisis and we continue to be faithful to our Parish Mission:
“Our Mission is to: worship God, teach and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and serve God’s people in word and deed.”
Recently, I received this email from Jackie P., a member of our STM Faith Family. I obtained permission from her to share it with you:
Why Tithing?
St. Thomas More Parish has always been a huge part of my spiritual life.
I joined 25 years ago, and my son received his First Communion here.
I volunteered as a Reader and a Thurifer for many years as I was working full-time, and donating what I could on a regular basis.
But then Bill, my dear friend, got sick, and I REALLY needed my Parish Family.
Fr. Mike came to pray with him and to give him the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, even though he wasn’t Catholic.
Sr. Maureen and her team met with me to compassionately arrange Bill’s funeral, and wonderful people in the Parish took care of me by putting on a tasty luncheon for my grieving friends and family and myself.
The gratitude I felt for these caring, Christ-filled people cannot be put into words.
And now the Church is supporting me again, as I make friends while serving God.
Remember when I said I was donating what I could?
Well, now I’m a retired teacher with a pension and some investment savings. I’m so lucky!
During this tough economic time, I feel it’s my turn to do more for my Church, because THEY NEED IT.
I’d always wanted to Biblically tithe, give one tenth of my income, or 10%, but was not in a position to do so.
Now I am making the decision to give 8% of my annual income to the Church, and, as Fr. Mike suggests, give another 2% to other Charities.
I donate this money in humble appreciation for all the Parish does for me and means to me!
Jackie, thank you so much! If any other Parishioners would like to share an STM story with the wider Parish, please let me know … I know our STM Staff would appreciate hearing from you.
--Fr. Mike