Daily Reflection

Daily Reflection:
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
My Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
BROKEN…I feel broken…I feel broken because our Nation is broken…We need healing…from the pandemic…and from systemic racism which has once again raised its ugly head…
We need to continue to seek healing for both…we seem to be slowly finding our way with the pandemic…but once again we need, after so many fits and starts, to face systemic racism which is making us, as a society, terminally ill from within…
My Daily Reflections will focus on this issue for the next couple of days.
Today, I encourage you to read Bishop McElroy’s statement: “Finding Grace Within Our Republic of Suffering.”
Focusing on this quote from his statement: “Genuine healing for our nation can only be found in a radical effort to accompany the African-American Community in their weariness and rage and hope and despair that have been formed and deformed upon the anvil of racism,” I will, in the next couple of days, provide “Black Voices” to speak, and I ask us to silence our “Voices of White Privilege” to listen and reflect upon what they have to say.
We pray for physical, emotional, spiritual, and moral healing for us as individuals and for our nation.
--Fr. Mike

Many of us make our contributions when we attend Mass each week. Our Parish still needs our weekly contributions even though we cannot attend Mass, so that we can continue providing services and ministering to you. Please consider giving online, using text-to-give, or mailing in your contributions to STM at 1450 S. Melrose Dr., Oceanside, CA 92056. Thank you!

If you know Parishioners or have family/friends who do not have access to email, please share this information with them. Thank you!

If you or anyone you know needs anything, please contact the Parish Office. We are closed but checking voice mail regularly and will do our best to help. You may also call
2-1-1 for assistance with resources of various types.

The bulletin link is available in every email we send (see golden orange button below. People without email or internet access will be able call the Parish Office and leave a message requesting a bulletin via snail mail each week during this time. Thank you!
Take a photo of your family celebrating Mass at home with online video.
Click HERE to upload the photo.

The Larger Church 

Priesthood Ordination
The Priesthood ordination is scheduled for Friday, June 5 at The Immaculata at 4:00 p.m. All priests, deacons, and people of the diocese are invited to view the ordination online by visiting the diocesan website at sdcatholic.org .
Diaconate Ordination
The Permanent Diaconate ordination is scheduled for Saturday, June 6 at The Immaculata at 10:00 a.m. All priests, deacons, and people of the diocese are invited to view the ordination online by visiting the diocesan website at sdcatholic.org .

Click on the image below for more information about a free online marriage workshop...

Faith Walk--Online Resource for Prayer and Information
Developed by Christ Renews His Parish alumni – and backed by numerous bishops and priests in the Kansas and Missouri Diocese – we are pleased to introduce MyFaithWalk.org . Described as “Google for Catholics,” Faith Walk is an easy-to-use online tool for your personal spiritual journey. One reviewer noted, “Faith Walk fits into the cracks of what you’re already doing.” Click on image below to find out more.

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