Daily Reflection:
Monday, May 4, 2020

Parishioner, Charlotte Kacmar, offers this reflection as she walks through these difficult days.

If any other Parishioners would like to share some thoughts with me and the STM Parish Family, please email me by replying to this message ( michaelr@stmoside.org )!

I was so looking forward to Holy Week – this would be the first Holy Week at STM for my husband, Ray, and I.

The Season of Lent, Holy Week, and the days of Easter, out of the entire liturgical year, strengthen and renew my faith life.

I had just attended my first Bible Study meeting of “No Greater Love” and met five faith-filled women in my group. I couldn’t wait to go back.

I was also hoping that Ray and I would be asked to participate in any capacity in Parish activities (EMHC’s, handbells, K of C fish fry) desiring to be swept up with our new faith community in Christ’s Passion Journey and Resurrection celebration. I couldn’t wait to see and participate in STM’s traditions and be immersed in the musical selections.

But it was not to be! I woke up on Monday of Holy Week and I was just numb and disappointed.

What I was led to understand from our Lord… “Charlotte, you and I will go through this week together. It is to be a very personal time for us.”

And to be truthful, at times I know that Jesus found me wanting/lukewarm but there were times that he graced me with deeper understanding and a stronger personal experience of his Passion. I was grateful and humbled.

I did miss Church, but I didn’t miss Holy Week. Thanks to all that STM did to bring us closer to experience Holy Week.

When Douglas sang “Were You There”, his voice on the “Oh, oh, oh, oh” just made me shudder and placed me at the foot of the cross. Thank you for bringing us closer to Jesus.

I am so yearning to receive Holy Communion again! Ray and I are receiving our Spiritual Communion daily and it is a wonderful sacrament for us to have and share.

But when I think about receiving Communion in the form of the Consecrated Host – I am excited and can’t wait to receive and believe.

I will never, ever, take this for granted again. I liken it as to receiving my First Communion all over again – the anticipation, the wonder, and the “longing for.”

Thank you, Fr. Mike, for your Daily Reflections… between them and the Missio’s, “Journey with the Pope,” they are the first things I look for every morning.

I appreciate your diversity…one never knows what to expect. You especially spoke to me when you wrote that we all need to work to make sure we do to not return to the world we knew before the Coronavirus – this has given me so much to think about and I have made this my personal goal as well.

I also discovered that when washing ones’ hands that if you say an “Our Father” – that comes to twenty seconds! Double protection!!

My husband and I are so grateful that God led us to STM and all the faithful people here that worship, guide, give service and celebrate!

--Charlotte Kacmar
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2-1-1 for assistance with resources of various types.

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