January 2020 Newsletter
Get Incentivized To Transform Your
Gut Rehab To Energy Star Performance
STRATCO is offering technical support and incentives for building developers that are doing gut rehabilitation projects.

What is the Energy Star Program for NYC?
This program intends to promote the increased levels of performance, up to and including net-zero energy performance, identifying scalable and integrated design solutions by focusing on cost optimization analysis and financing strategies that recognize operational costs and management of perceived risks.

What are the Program goals?
  • Increase awareness of, and demand for, advanced clean energy solutions
  • Strengthen the capacity of clean energy professionals to deliver design and construction services
  • Create a project plan that is at the leading-edge of environmental stewardship
  • Create a process that will create a competitive advantage for the client
  • Obtain third-party certifications to illustrate the property’s technical capability and marketability

What are the benefits of the Program?
  • You will get technical assistance to integrate advanced building design features
  • You will give financially incentivized to install energy efficiency and leading edge products
  • Your projected energy costs will be reduced from your baseline
  • You will enhance your building's compliance with current and projected local laws
  • The recommended program is tailored to the challenges of working on old-tenement NYC buildings
  • You may earn up to $4,000/unit in incentives

Best Candidates
  • Buildings in NYC
  • Buildings undergoing a substantial gut-rehab via DHCR
  • Owners seeking C-PACE financing
  • Owner seeking rebates and incentives on their installed measures
  • Owners that are about to or are in the planning stage of their project

What To Do If Interested
  • Contact STRATCO, send us an email here
  • We will review your scope and provide a scenario analysis of project success
Should you want to learn more or have specific questions you may contact us at the below.
Thank you,
Robert Sedaghatpour