Upcoming Dates
December 7 High School Christmas Dance
December 9 Feast Of Immaculate Conception Mass
December 10 Faculty/Staff Meeting - Classes Start at 10:00 a.m.
December 10 Junior Ring Ceremony at Gesu Church
December 11 Advent Penance Service
December 12 Christmas Celebration of the Arts
December 18 Christmas Sweater Day
December 19 Term 2 Exams - Blocks 3/4 and 5 (12:30 p.m. Dismissal)
December 20 Term 2 Exams - Blocks 1 and 2 (12:30 p.m. Dismissal)
December 23 - January 3 Christmas Break - No Classes
January 6 Faculty/Staff In-Service Meeting - No Classes
January 6 Term 2 Make-up Exams
January 7 2-Hour Delayed Start (10:00 a.m.)
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Letter from the Principal |
Dear SUA Families,
We are excited to share that St. Ursula's STEM Team competed in the Falcon BEST Robotics Competition and have advanced to regionals where they will compete in robotics against top teams from all of the other competitions in Colorado Springs on Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8.
Falcon BEST Robotics is a competition where teams are given eight weeks to design, build, and test a remote-controlled robot. They are also responsible for creating a robotics company with an exhibit booth and marketing presentation to explain and market their robot as well as an engineering notebook that details the design process.
This year's theme is Low G. The competition course is designed to mimic working in a low gravity environment on the surface of the Moon. The competition field is made of a canvas tarp suspended by bungee cords, making it extra challenging to maneuver the robots. Each robot has to perform various tasks including carrying an astronaut, fixing a radio antenna, moving module boxes, and collecting Moon rocks, to score points.
We are very proud of our thirteen robotics students led by their STEM Team moderator, Dr. Jennifer Greco. We will be sending them off with a traditional SUA Sendoff!
Elizabeth Huebner
Interim Principal
Advent Giving Tree
During Advent this school year, we will have an Advent Giving Tree in the Angela Lobby. This tree will have ornaments with the names of individuals served at our Labre Program, their wishlist item(s), and what size they need. Students and their families are encouraged to grab an ornament(s) and bring back new or gently used items for those we serve at Labre on these cold Monday nights! All gifts should be returned unwrapped with their tag to Campus Ministry by Friday, December 20.
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Legally Blonde tickets are on sale now!
There are two ways to purchase tickets: on the Valentine Theatre official website or by calling the Valentine Theatre box office at 419-242-2787. Please note the following:
• Ticket fraud has become a big problem for all local theatres. The Valentine attempts to combat this by only selling tickets online to zip codes within a 60-mile radius. If you have family members attempting to buy tickets outside of this radius, they will have to call.
• Online ticket purchases carry additional online transaction fees. Before January 1, phone orders carry fewer fees, however, on January 1 all credit and debit card orders (online, in person, and on the phone) will charge additional fees. Get your tickets before January 1 to avoid additional fees.
• All tickets are non-exchangeable and non-refundable. If we are close to selling out, SUA will start a Google Doc where people can list tickets to sell/exchange with each other. The Valentine Theatre will not refund or exchange any tickets for a different performance for any reason.
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Become a Patron
Ticket sales cover about a third of our production costs, so we would love the support of our SUA community. We have ad space available in quarter-page, half-page, and full-page sizes. Patron packages include ad space in the program and an invitation to our Patron Reception on Friday, January 24, 2025.
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Midterm Progress
Midterm progress for Term 2 is ready to view in PowerSchool as of Wednesday, November 20.
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Best of Toledo
St. Ursula Academy has been nominated for Toledo City Paper's 2024 "Best of Toledo" Private School! Thank you to all who nominated SUA.
Click on the link below to vote for SUA in the Best Private School category! Voting has started and you can vote daily until December 15. You know your daughter goes to the best private Catholic school, and the rest of Toledo should know, too!
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Monthly Angela Reflection
DECEMBER 2024— In the poem “Love Is the Soul of Hearts”, by Susan Polis Schutz, the essence of love and the joys of Advent and Christmas are
captured well. Read More
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Labre Donations
Labre is looking for casserole donations! Anyone interested in making casseroles or donating pre-made casseroles to Labre can reach out to Campus Minister for Christian Service Samantha Meklus at smeklus@toledosua.org.
If you would like to donate money to support Labre, please see the SUA giving page on our website (Please mark your gift as Other and enter Labre in the comment box). Thank you for your continued support of our ministry!
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Attendance Office Protocols
All absences must be reported to the attendance line at (419) 329-2222 by 9:00 a.m. This line is available 24 hours a day for messages.
For early dismissals because of appointments, etc., please send a note with your daughter before school starts so that her dismissal can be recorded in PowerSchool well before the appointment time. Runners are not available to retrieve students from classes for last-minute dismissals. Students will exit the building at the Main door after signing out in the attendance office. Please wait in your car at that door to pick her up. Doctor, dental, etc. notes are required following all appointments.
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Winter Celebration of the Arts Volunteers
Please help the Hospitality Committee with the SUA Winter Celebration of the Arts on Thursday, December 12, by dropping off a drink or treat. Drop treats off in a bowl or on a festive platter, ready to place on the refreshment table. You will be reimbursed for everything you purchase if you turn in your receipt. Please click below to view the Sign-Up Genius.
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Bagel Sale Volunteers
The Prom/After-Prom Committee will sell Barry's Bagels again this year during the break on Term 2 Exam days (December 19 and 20). We need volunteers to serve both upstairs and downstairs each day. The bagels, including cream cheese, will sell for $2 each. All proceeds will go towards making Prom and After-Prom amazing! Please use the link below to sign up.
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Christmas Staff Luncheon Volunteers
The Merici Society is facilitating the Christmas Staff Luncheon on Friday, December 20, after exams. We are looking for volunteers to help set up the "SUA Chalet" (Dining Commons) and work the luncheon. We are also looking for donations of Christmas cookies. Please sign up with the link below. If you have questions, please direct them to Kristi Soller at klsoller@msn.com.
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BAND App Communications
The Merici Society has mainstreamed all forms of communication by using the BAND App. The app is used to share information about The Merici Society, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Parents are encouraged to download the BAND App and join using the QR code below. If viewing on your mobile device, click here to join.
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Winter Athletics Update
The Swim team begins its season this weekend as they travel to Columbus for the Ned Reeb Invitational.
The JV Basketball team has begun its season with wins over Bowsher and Toledo Christian, improving to 2-1! Varsity and JV will travel to Wauseon and Lima Senior before hosting Southview on Monday. The Freshman Arrows will travel to Perrysburg on Friday before hosting Southview on Monday.
The Dance team will perform at halftime of the Varsity Basketball home game against Southview on Monday, December 9.
Gymnastics continues to prepare for its season-opening meet on December 23.
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Congratulations to our Senior Athlete of the Week, Emma Jones! | |
SUA Athletics Information
Website and Social Media
Information about Arrow Athletics can be found on the SUA website. Athletics also has accounts on Facebook, Twitter (X), and Instagram.
Home Game Ticketing
Spectators may purchase tickets through the SUA website at the link below or with cash at the event. Spectator tickets for adults cost $8 online or at the door. Adults over 60 and students who do not attend SUA can purchase tickets at the door for $6. SUA students are admitted free to home events with their student ID. SUA faculty and staff are admitted free to home events and may bring one guest.
Game Tickets
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