January 22, 2025

Lunch Menu



SUA Website

Upcoming Dates

January 23-26 SUA Musical Legally Blonde

January 27-31 Catholic Schools Week

January 27 Feast of St. Angela Merici Mass

February 4 College Credit Plus Parent Zoom Meeting

February 6 Parent/Teacher Conferences

February 7 Sophomore Retreat

February 7 Two-Hour Delayed Start (10:00 a.m.)

February 13 All School Mass

February 14 Arrow Card Day Off - No Classes

February 17 Presidents Day - No Classes

February 18 Arrow Card Day Off - No Classes

February 21 Black History Month Assembly

February 23 JA Father/Daughter Dance

2024-2025 Calendar-at-a-Glance

Letter from the Principal

Dear Families,

Don't miss out on seeing Legally Blonde performed at Toledo's historic Valentine Theatre THIS WEEKEND! The shows are on Thursday-Saturday, January 23-25, at 8:00 p.m., and Sunday, January 26, at 2:00 p.m. 

There are two ways to purchase tickets: on the Valentine Theatre official website or by calling the Valentine Theatre box office at (419) 242-2787.

Buy Tickets

To the cast and crew of Legally Blonde—break a leg!!

Soli Deo Gloria,


Elizabeth Huebner

Interim Principal

STEM Team Experiment Day

Join the SUA STEM Team for Experiment Day on Tuesday, January 28, from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in Room 120 (Physics Lab)! We will make Ooblek and Elephant Toothpaste and test Mars Landers! This event is open to all SUA students (both JA and High School). If you have questions, please email Dr. Greco at jgreco@toledosua.org.

Term 2 Grades and Honor Roll

Final Term 2 grades and report cards are officially posted in PowerSchool. Report cards can be viewed by logging into PowerSchool, clicking Student Reports on the left side, and then clicking on 2024-2025 Term 2 Report Card. The Honor Roll can also be viewed on the Report Card, and the full Honor Roll list for Term 2 can be viewed here.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

We are looking forward to Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, February 6. You may sign up for conferences using PTCFast.com (linked below) to make the process as convenient as possible.

Conferences will be scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Remember that each conference is only five minutes long. If you require more time, please schedule another time with your daughter’s teacher. Members of our Counseling Department will be available to schedule conferences with as well. Please do not schedule a conference with your daughter's Seminar teacher or her Sorelle moderator.

You will receive an email from PTCFast with your conference schedule. 

If you have any questions, please email Kathleen Schramm at kschramm@toledosua.org

Schedule Conferences

College Credit Plus (CCP) Virtual Meeting

If your daughter is interested in taking CCP courses during the 2025-2026 school year, please attend the mandatory Zoom meeting for students and parents on Tuesday, February 4, at 6:30 p.m. More information and the Zoom link can be found here. 

School Closing/Delay for Inclement Weather

If Sylvania Schools are closed or delayed, St. Ursula Academy will be closed or delayed accordingly. Radio and television stations will not mention St. Ursula by name for weather-related delays or closings.  

Support SUA Students and Receive a Tax Credit!

Make a difference for St. Ursula Academy students by contributing to the Pathfinder Fund. Your donation directly supports scholarships and qualifies for a dollar-for-dollar Ohio income tax credit—up to $750 per individual or $1,500 per married couple. Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in our students and benefit from this unique tax credit. 

Make your SGO Gift

A Trip Around the World: A Celebration of Cultures

SUA's Diversity Advisory Committee (DAC) is excited to announce A Trip Around the World: A Celebration of Cultures, an event taking place on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, in the SUA Field House during lunch and seminar.

We invite you and your daughter to participate in this inaugural cultural day! To express your interest, please complete the form linked below. We will accept responses until all spaces are filled. 

Please note that parent/guardian participation is expected with your daughter.

For any questions, please contact Mrs. Abayateye at cabayateye@toledosua.org or Mrs. Durden at ydurden@toledosua.org.

We look forward to celebrating with you!

Interest Form

Labre Donations

Labre is looking for casserole donations! Anyone interested in making casseroles or donating pre-made casseroles to Labre can reach out to Campus Minister for Christian Service Samantha Meklus at smeklus@toledosua.org. There are still several spots open for January, so please make sure to check out the open dates!

If you would like to donate money to support Labre, please see the SUA giving page on our website (Please mark your gift as Other and enter Labre in the comment box). Thank you for your continued support of our ministry!

Casserole Sign-Up

Attendance Office Protocols


All absences must be reported to the attendance line at (419) 329-2222 by 9:00 a.m. This line is available 24 hours a day for messages.


For early dismissals because of appointments, etc., please send a note with your daughter before school starts so that her dismissal can be recorded in PowerSchool well before the appointment time. Runners are not available to retrieve students from classes for last-minute dismissals. Students will exit the building at the Main door after signing out in the attendance office. Please wait in your car at that door to pick her up. Doctor, dental, etc. notes are required following all appointments. 

The Merici Society


BAND App Communications

The Merici Society has mainstreamed all forms of communication by using the BAND App. The app is used to share information about The Merici Society, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Parents are encouraged to download the BAND App and join using the QR code below. If viewing on your mobile device, click here to join. 

Arrow Athletics


Winter Athletics Update

The Swim team will compete on Thursday at St. Francis in the Toledo Invite. It will also be Senior Night.

The Dance team will compete in the OASSA State Championships before heading to UDA Nationals next week.

Freshman Basketball defeated Notre Dame! The JV and Varsity host Father Gabriel Richard tonight and then travel to Farmington Hills Mercy on Friday.

Gymnastics will compete in the Toledo Cup in early February.

Congratulations to our Senior Athlete of the Week, Ashley Wagner!

Register for Prep Clinics

SUA Athletics Information

Website and Social Media

Information about Arrow Athletics can be found on the SUA website. Athletics also has accounts on Facebook, Twitter (X), and Instagram

Home Game Ticketing

Spectators may purchase tickets through the SUA website at the link below or with cash at the event. Spectator tickets for adults cost $8 online or at the door. Adults over 60 and students who do not attend SUA can purchase tickets at the door for $6. SUA students are admitted free to home events with their student ID. SUA faculty and staff are admitted free to home events and may bring one guest.

Game Tickets

Contact Information

SUA Main Office

(419) 531-1693


(419) 329-2222

Elizabeth Huebner, Interim Principal


Mary Werner, President


Jennifer Guzman, JA Program Director


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