November 13, 2024

Lunch Menu



SUA Website

Upcoming Dates

November 14 College Kick-Off Night

November 14 Winter Sports Parent Meetings (JA and High School)

November 15 JA Mother/Daughter Turkey Bowl

November 24-26 Kairos

November 26 Thanksgiving Prayer Service/NHS Induction

November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break - No Classes

December 2 Advent Prayer Service

December 3 Giving Tuesday

December 7 High School Christmas Dance

2024-2025 Calendar-at-a-Glance

Letter from the Principal

Dear SUA Families,

Today, SUA celebrated an exciting National Signing Day with three of our student-athletes who signed commitments to continue their academic and athletic pursuits at the college level:

  • Devin Dzienny - Volleyball, University of Florida 
  • Emma Jones - Volleyball, Heidelberg University
  • Ciara Lalor - Soccer, Bryn Mawr College 

We are proud of each of these girls and the dedication each one has to her respective sport. Thank you to the parents and siblings, coaches, teammates, and athletic trainers who supported the girls through the years!

Left to right: Ciara Lalor, Devin Dzienny, Emma Jones

Soli Deo Gloria,

Elizabeth Huebner


Scrip News - Kroger Community Rewards

SUA remains appreciative of all families who shop at Kroger and designate our school as the recipient of their Community Rewards funds. October 31 was the end of a Kroger quarter, so it is now time for Community Rewards participants to view their contribution balance.

If you wish to receive tuition credit, please click here for instructions.

New Mass Communication System

Since 2017, St. Ursula Academy has used Swift K12 to deliver critical information about events, school closings, safety alerts, and more. Swift K12 has been discontinued, and St. Ursula Academy is implementing a new mass communication system, SchoolMessenger.

With the introduction of SchoolMessenger, parents, students, faculty, and staff must opt-in to receive text messages. On Thursday, November 14, at 3:15 p.m., a text message will be sent asking you to opt-in to continue receiving important informational text messages from SUA. Instead of waiting until November 14, you may opt-in by texting “Y” or “Yes” to 67587.

If you do not receive the opt-in text message from SchoolMessenger, please confirm that your cell phone number is correct in FinalForms. Also, you will not receive the opt-in text message if you have already opted-in to SchoolMessenger with another school. If you opted-in to SchoolMessenger with another school, St. Ursula Academy will automatically be added to your SchoolMessenger account.

In addition to text messages, SchoolMessenger will send important information through email. There is no requirement to opt-in to receive email messages.

You may always opt-out of either text messages or emails by replying “STOP.”

If you have any questions about SchoolMessenger, please contact Mark Miller, Director of Technology, at

Best of Toledo

St. Ursula Academy has been nominated for Toledo City Paper's 2024 "Best of Toledo" Private School! Thank you to all who nominated SUA.

Click on the link below to vote for SUA in the Best Private School category! Voting has started and you can vote daily until December 15. You know your daughter goes to the best private Catholic school, and the rest of Toledo should know, too! 

Vote for SUA

Music Ministry

This year, we created a new music ministry to sing and play at our school Masses. If your daughter sings or plays an instrument and is interested in joining us, we'd love to have her! This is open to all high school students. If you're interested, email Dr. Greco at


Monthly Angela Reflection

NOVEMBER 2024A word used by the Ursuline Sisters in years past, especially in the training of novices (women learning the life of a religious) and young students in Ursuline schools, was “DECORUM.” Read More

Labre Donations

Labre is looking for casserole donations! Anyone interested in making casseroles or donating pre-made casseroles to Labre can reach out to Campus Minister for Christian Service Samantha Meklus at

If you would like to donate money to support Labre, please see the SUA giving page on our website (Please mark your gift as Other and enter Labre in the comment box). Thank you for your continued support of our ministry!

Casserole Sign-Up

Attendance Office Protocols


All absences must be reported to the attendance line at (419) 329-2222 by 9:00 a.m. This line is available 24 hours a day for messages.


For early dismissals because of appointments, etc., please send a note with your daughter before school starts so that her dismissal can be recorded in PowerSchool well before the appointment time. Runners are not available to retrieve students from classes for last-minute dismissals. Students will exit the building at the Main door after signing out in the attendance office. Please wait in your car at that door to pick her up. Doctor, dental, etc. notes are required following all appointments. 

Arrow Athletics


Fall Athletics Update

Volleyball was defeated 3-1 in the OHSAA State semi-final by Gilmour Academy, who eventually went on to win States. Congratulations on a fantastic OHSAA tournament run!

Congratulations to our Senior Athlete of the Week, Kendall Jankowski!

Register for Prep Clinics

SUA Athletics Information

Website and Social Media

Information about Arrow Athletics can be found on the SUA website. Athletics also has accounts on Facebook, Twitter (X), and Instagram

Home Game Ticketing

Spectators may purchase tickets through the SUA website at the link below or with cash at the event. Spectator tickets for adults cost $8 online or at the door. Adults over 60 and students who do not attend SUA can purchase tickets at the door for $6. SUA students are admitted free to home events with their student ID. SUA faculty and staff are admitted free to home events and may bring one guest.

Game Tickets

Contact Information

SUA Main Office

(419) 531-1693


(419) 329-2222

Elizabeth Huebner, Interim Principal

Mary Werner, President

Jennifer Guzman, JA Program Director

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