Rainbow Tree Updates


January 1, 2025 | Winter

Dear Families!

Happy New Year 2025! The dates of our 13th season of camps have launched! There is so much packed into this newsletter! We have daytime peer groups! We have after school peer groups in May! And of course our Summer Camp dates are posted!

I am looking forward to the year 2025! Our mission: To support your child or children and you as the family unit in building resilient capacity while increasing feelings of ease and joy so that you can blaze your own trail and climb your own mountains to engage in meaningful occupations and take on the challenges of living with increased confidence and self compassion.

The name Rainbow Tree Therapies, LLC was inspired by a deep love for trees, which was passed down to me from my parents. My mom has a special bond with her cottonwood tree, and my dad cherishes his apple trees. The “rainbow” part of the name came to me one morning as I was driving to work in Somerset. I had been pondering the name Rainbow Tree, but I wasn’t sure if it was quite right. As I drove, I looked up and, to my surprise, saw a vibrant rainbow stretching across the sky—without a drop of rain in sight! In that moment, I knew it was a sign, confirming that rainbow was meant to be part of the name.

Rainbow Tree Therapies emerged as a deep longing to bring back childhood for children and to bring children together with their peers. Though back in 2013, I didn't have the hard research to back my sense of purpose, I can confidently say that all we do at Rainbow Tree Therapies is backed by evidence. Some of you may know that I even created a practice framework called Rooted in Rhythm to guide the work that we do with children in the natural environment.

THANK YOU families for entrusting your child with us whether we have come to know your child in private therapy or within our summer camps or both, we are so thankful to know you. We truly do adore children here and see the potential in each child. In the small steps and in the big steps we rally around children in becoming themselves!

A shout out to my dear friends and colleagues Michelle, Rachel and Sean who have dedicated many years to the Summer opportunities that we provide. It is rare to find people who share your vision and mission. They bring years of lived experience in the therapy world while also bringing their individual talents and interests! I look forward to their return.

Rainbow Tree Therapies is also dedicated to shaping and giving back to our college age students who are seeking professional degrees in therapy fields. If you know someone who is planning to apply to OT, PT, or Speech/Language graduate school or even in graduate school, we welcome volunteers to full fill their need for volunteer hours and our need for more hands on support! VOLUNTEER FORM HERE. We invest much time sharing our experience with the students who support our work. It is true mentorship!

We are so grateful for your continued support of Rainbow Tree Therapies! In this newsletter you will find:

1) Summer Camp Dates

2) After school options in May

3) Daytime peer groups starting in February

4) Private Therapy wait list for Summer

5) Parent Coaching Information

6) Remote Safe and Sound Listening Therapy option.

7) Handwriting Enrichment

8) Winter activity ideas

Thank you!

Lisa and team

P.S. Here are some tips: Winter - Sensory Friendly Strategies for Clothing

Find Your Rhythm First Level

Ages: 7-12

Dates: June 16 - 20, 2025; Monday-Friday

Time: 9:00-Noon (note longer time)

Sign Up Here

Find Your Rhythm Next Level

Ages: 13-19

Dates: June 9 & June 23; July 7 & 21 and August 4 & 18.

Time: 5:00 p.m. -7:30 p.m. Note that we are returning to evening time.

Sign Up Here

Brain Boost June

Ages: 3-7

Dates: June 24, 25 and 26 2025

Time: 10-Noon

Sign Up Here

Brain Boost July

Ages: 3-7

Dates: July 29, 30, and 31 2025

Time: 10-Noon

Sign Up Here

Social Connection Camp

Ages :8-12

Dates: Juy 14-18 Monday-Friday

Time: 10-Noon

Sign Up Here

All Boys Survive & Thrive

Ages: 9-14

Dates: August 12, 13, & 14 2025

Time: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Sign Up Here
Waiver Form HERE

Safe and Sound Listening Therapy

This is a listening therapy designed to directly support the nervous system in feeling safe in order to enhance social comfort and engagement. It is available through remote access for children and adults! We are expanding this offering to adults as well. Click the button below to learn more about this protocol or email lhaverly@rainbowtreetherapies to learn more.

Information about Safe & Sound Listening Protocol
Information Here Available Starting January 2025


Winter Therapeutic Play Group - Saturday

Join us for Come Build a Snowman March 1, 2025!!! Snow much fun to be had! We will focus on body awareness, strength, motor coordination, and play engagement with peers!

Sign Up HERE

Power of Play with Peers

Thursdays 12:30-2:00 p.m.

Starts in February

We are providing a designated time to play with intention to support social engagement along with building brains and bodies! PLAY is essential. Schedules are busy. Let us help you dedicate this time to play and be with peers. We have an amazing outdoor space that cultivates powerful play opportunities! We hope your child or children can join us. Waiver accepted. Thursdays starting in February!

NEW ~ After School Opportunities ~ Spring 2025

Tuesdays 4:15- 5:30

Ages: 8-12 years

Dates: May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3 & 10

Wednesdays 3:30-4:45

Ages: 10-14 years old

Dates: May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4 & 11

Thursdays 4:15-5:30

Ages: 3-7 years

Dates: May 8, 15, 22, 29 and June 5 & June 12 

After School Groups Sign Up HERE

Private Therapy at Rainbow Tree Therapies


Individualized Support?

We have limited spots open for private therapy but please reach out to us! Our next package starts in February 2025! We are happy to jump on a call with you as well! If you are a current client, and you know you want to continue in summer, please add your name to this list.

Winter & Summer WAIT LIST

The video above is one example of skill and confidence that can be cultivated. We value the partnership and collaboration with your child, you as the family member(s) and even school staff! The school staff member was amazed by the progress made! We love hearing stories like this!

Parent Coaching Info

Parent Coaching

Do you have questions about sensory processing? school based services? typical development? baffling behaviors? Lisa Haverly is now offering parent coaching calls to offer more understanding. The more you can understand, the easier it is to support. The information provided can help you make decisions, increase understanding and perhaps give a next step direction.

Handwriting Enrichment

Does your child need handwriting support?

Email Lisa at rainbowtreeinfo@gmail.com to learn more about scheduling and availability!

Learn More Here
Visit our Website