Ever since the beginning of mankind there have been temptations. It started in a garden when Satan tempted Eve. Temptation is not sin; it is when we give into temptation that sin happens.
What is temptation? It is a strong urge or desire put out by Satan to have or do something bad, wrong, or unwise. Satan does not cause us to sin. We sin because we choose to listen to him instead of God.
God gave the ten commandments and the Word of God to teach us what things are good and what things and actions are to be avoided.
We are a three-part person, made up of a spirit, soul, and body. Satan works in our soul (mind, will and emotions) and our flesh to tempt us. When we know what God’s will is for our lives, then we must choose not to do the things that displease God. God is not withholding things to be mean. He knows that many things are not good for us and will eventually bring us destruction. He wants us to have the best life possible, free from failures caused by giving into temptation which will result in sin.
Is it easy to live a sin free life? NO! It takes work to say no to things that are not good for us. It is a daily battle to yield to God and not yield to the desires of the flesh and soul. A fleshly carnal life may seem pleasant for a while, but it will end up bringing death!
Even though God has given us his written Word so we can know right from wrong, God does not treat us like puppets. He gives us the ability to choose, out of love, what is good for us.
The easiest way to determine what is sin, is to ask yourself “would Jesus do this with me?” If you cannot say yes, then do not do it. Do not let your flesh control your spirit. Let your spirit that has been reborn by God dictate what your flesh will do, and you will never regret it.
We may fail many times before we do what is right, but the results of continuous living in the spirit are worth it. Do not put off denying your flesh. Start today if you have not already. You will be glad that you did.
Thank you for being with us today.
Russell and Helen Sanders
Spirit of Life Ministries International, inc.