Jesus talked a lot about seeds. He talked about soil, and he talked about the harvest. He impressed some insight upon today.
The first stage of the seed is the planting or receiving the seed into your life. We read in In Matthew chapter 13 about the four types of soil being: The Wayside, The Stony, The Thorny, and The Good.
In order for that seed to grow it must have good ground for the seed to be planted in. Good ground is relevant to one that hears and understands the Word of God. Good ground will cause that seed to sprout and grow.
The second stage of the seed is growing that seed. To grow healthy and strong it must be in an environment that helps it to develop. Too much sunlight or too little water can affect it for good or bad. It must be nurtured and kept free of disease and insects.
The third stage of the seed is when it has brought forth fruit. No one plants a seed without expecting to receive fruit from it. Yet often fruit isn’t harvested when it is ripe, and it falls to the ground and is no longer viable. How sad this is to have gone through the process, but never enjoy the fruit of the labor.
How does this relate to you and me? First, we must be hungry to receive the seed which is the word of God. It must be a priority in our life to be fruitful. If we do not desire the Word of God, then we must repent and determine that it is a priority in our life.
Then, when the seed is planted the second stage is growth. One can read the word but not understand it. This is where the Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, Apostle, and Prophet come in. The seed develops through faith. Faith comes from hearing the word of God preached under the anointing. As we hear the word, our faith grows and causes that seed to mature.
The third stage is fruitfulness. It is not a one-time event. Fruitfulness must be a continuous process in our lives. In John 15 Jesus spoke of himself as the true vine (vs. 1) but he also taught that we are the branches attached to that vine. In verse 2 he speaks of purging the branches or cutting them back so they can bring forth more fruit. Verses 4-6 speak of abiding, which means to stay attached. We cannot bring forth fruit without abiding in Jesus, because verse 5 says “…for without me ye can do nothing.”
God wants us to be continuously receiving seed, growing that seed, and bringing forth fruit from that seed. John 15:8 says, “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” The sign of a true disciple of Jesus is that they are fruitful. This is not speaking of the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. This is speaking of reproducing yourself by witnessing to the lost and planting the seed of God into their lives that brings them salvation. If we want to please Jesus and glorify the Father, being fruitful is the only way to do that. It isn’t about how much money you give, or the church you go to. It is about being the person that knows the value of God’s seed, which is the word of God, and plants it into another person’s life.
What season are you in? Is the word of God (the seed) being planted in your life? Are you nurturing that seed, so it grows, or are you in the bearing fruit stage? Whatever stage you are in, keep growing, and glorify the Father.
Thank you for being with us today.
Russell and Helen Sanders
Spirit of Life Ministries International, Inc.