Hello everyone, 
As you receive this message, I will have just returned from mission with the youth group at COA. I am writing this ahead of time, which is sort of an interesting exercise. On the one hand, I hope I was able to let go of expectations and receive what God wants for me and all of us on this trip. On the other hand, my hope is that each participant was impacted in powerful ways; that our hearts were opened; that our perspectives were broadened, and that our commitment to justice was deepened. Sometimes the most important parts of these trips (for the youth AND the adult leaders!) is the part afterwards; after we get back to "normal" life. When we return to what we are used to, will we automatically just go back to our autopilot ways of thinking, doing and being? Or will the experience we had change us? I hope you will pray with me about these things. And you can pray by name for all who were involved including...
Ezra Barbour
Ketzel Barbour
Zoe Barbour
Jane Bartlett
Lawrie Gardner
Andy Gish
Casey Gish
Drew Gish
Joleen Mays
Josie Mays
Jen Peacock
Maile Peacock
Megan Preston
Rob Werntz

ALSO I AM SO EXCITED THIS SUNDAY TO HAVE SOME FUN AFTER WORSHIP WITH OUR WATER DAY--- sprinklers, pools, water toys, Kona ice!! fun for the whole family! Invite your grandkids and neighbors and friends! We can't wait to see you there! 

Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Jessie