Join Us THIS Sunday, June 5th!
Hopes and Notes
June 3rd, 2022
A Message from Rev. Jessie Lowry
Hello everyone, 
This coming Sunday is an incredibly special day in the life of COA! We will be celebrating 40 years as a church family!! Yet, unlike most of us who may struggle with forty launching us into "middle age", forty for churches is just the beginning!!! I pray that everything that has happened so far in our history is simply a foundation for many generations to come. And every single one of you has played a part in that. 
This Sunday, we will welcome several visitors and clergy from our past both in person and as part of a masterful sermon video created by our Media Specialist Anna Latta. The service will feature prayers and liturgies from our years together, and there will be a display table set up with all kinds of COA memorabilia. This service will be fascinating and energizing to longtime members and to our newest people because as we remember, we will also pray and dream about our future. 
Following the worship service will be a celebration with catering from Mission BBQ (thanks to our Deacons), a bounce house and cotton candy machine outside, and most importantly, fellowship with friends both old and new! ALL ARE WELCOME!!!
A couple logistical things to keep in mind:
  • Please wear red because it is Pentecost Sunday and that is the liturgical color, and it could make for some pretty great photos with each other as well.
  • Please plan (if you are able) to park over at the Harbour School next to COA to allow room in our lot for visitors and those with accessibility needs. 
  • Please bring your "to go bags" created by the Green Team or your own from home with reusable plates and utensils to minimize waste. 
Can't wait to celebrate with you all!
Pastor Jessie
Join Us In-Person or Tune in with the
on Sundays at 10:00 am for live-streamed worship
(No Facebook Sign-Up is Needed)

40th Anniversary Video
Created by Anna Latta
Introduction and Final Reflection
Rev. Jessie Lowry
Pastor Jessie will be embarking this summer
on two fun and thought-provoking sermon series:

Dr. Seuss Shares the Gospel
In response to great dialogue from several summers ago, we will spend a few weeks focused on Gospel messages in beloved children’s literature, specifically by Theodore Geisel, AKA Dr. Seuss. In a family of faith like ours, we can appreciate that Jesus tells us to “become like children” (Matthew 18:3), and we all can find growth in going back to basics of our faith. Just like Dr. Seuss helped so many of us to enjoy reading, maybe he also can help us understand deeper truths of our face in fresh and new ways.

How to be Blessed: The Beatitudes
Who among us does not want our lives to be happy and blessed? We receive all kinds of advice from our world about how to achieve exactly that, and yet we find that much of it falls short. Jesus has different ideas of what it means to be blessed, and we find those in His Beatitudes. We are going to spend time with each one of His sayings on blessing found in Matthew 5 and consider other places in scripture that affirm the same sources of blessing for us.
Christian Education Corner

*ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IN THE NURSERY IN JUNE & JULY 2022. Contact Debbie Barbour, the COA Christian Educator at [email protected] if you are able to help keep this important ministry running. Thank you!*

COA Youth Group - NEXT MEETING - SUNDAY June 5th 5:00 - 7:30 PM
Contact Megan Preston ([email protected]) for more details
SAVE THE DATE - COA Vacation Bible School 2022 is Coming!!
June 26 - June 29, 2022
JUNE 26, 2022 &
VBS WEEK: JUNE 26 - June 29, 2022

Stay Safe. Be well. Seek the joy.
Join Us On Monday!
A Mission Opportunity from
the COA Mission Committee
Starting now through June 30, angel donors have agreed to match all donations made to The Light House up to $100k! So, if you’ve been thinking about making a gift to the Light House to support our neighbors in need, now would be a most excellent time.
The COA Green Team would like to remind you to bring your
"to-go kits" on Sunday for the food and fellowship time after worship. 
Green Tip of the Month - June
Let There Be Light!

Our new storage shed now has inside lighting and an electrical outlet. 
A special thank you to Randy Bohlman for donating his time and the materials to run the electricity from the main building to the shed. 
Mike Henderson, Tom Rorick and Rick Link did the trenching for the electrical conduit. We also saved money by recycling LED panels from the office that were replaced as part of the comprehensive LED relighting of the entire property in 2020.
A Well Lit Shed!
Thank You Randy Bohlman!
Mike Henderson and Rick Link
hard at work!
Please prayerfully consider joining our Christian Education Volunteer team in 2022
All adult volunteers will need to show proof of current COVID-19 Vaccination & complete our newly streamlined COA Safe Sanctuaries training program --through a software called Protect My Ministry---BEFORE you can volunteer. To start the volunteer process, click the buttons below for the COA Safe Sanctuaries Policy (read) and COA Volunteer Information Form (print, complete, & return).
Additional information and/or to volunteer for:
*COA Nursery & FUN-Day (Sunday) School - contact Debbie Barbour at [email protected]
*COA Youth Group - contact Megan Preston at [email protected]
Opportunities for Fellowship
We have many opportunities for virtual fellowship each week.
(not just those local or connected to COA)
Prayers and Celebrations
A Note About Praying for Each Other...
Just as we are in danger from an economic recession, we are also in danger of a social recession. Loneliness is already at all-time highs even before COVID-19, particularly for our elderly. We must make sure that we are not losing touch with each other at the time of our greatest need. Please contact the COA Church Office at 410-974-1713 or at [email protected].

New This Week
  • Lawrie Gardner: friend of daughter Jess lost her two year old son after he was hit by a car.
  • John Kokish: prayers for their neighbor Chad who had to moved home with his parents after suffering a stroke and has little to no other support.
  • Linda Link: neighbor Cathy is recovering from serious back surgery and also has an adult special needs child at home.
  • Diane Rey: prayers for her mother who has been weighed down with worry over a terminally ill family member.
  • Butch Rodak: former sister in law Vicki's husband Mack died on 5/29.

Two Weeks Ago
  • Judy Clark: prayers for several friends who are all dealing with new diagnoses of cancer.
  • Madison Davis (brand new member): her uncle Jim has a new diagnosis of ALS and is awaiting a treatment plan.
  • Winifred Forti: continue prayers for Cameroon where violence is getting continually worse and also prayers for the mental health of our young people.
  • Jeanne Fryer: for her friend Allen who was in the hospital with many symptoms and had cancer found on his kidney and also for her sister in law Ellen whose Huntington's Disease is progressing and whose husband Lenny is her caregiver.
  • Linda Link: a colleague from My Brother's Pantry is recovering from major surgery, but luckily follow up tests showed good results.
  • Jessie Lowry: for clergy colleagues who are experiencing a great deal of burnout and mental health crises in these times.
  • Alice Robeson: for all those affected by the tornado in Gaylord, MI where two died and 44 were injured.
  • Prayers for all those affected by the horrific mass shootings in recent weeks in Buffalo and California and especially the killing of 19 elementary aged children in Uvalde Texas--for meaningful changes to prevent this violence finally in the future.
  • Overwhelming gratitude for all of those who have been a part of COA's life together during the last forty years
  • Congratulations to recent graduates Drew Urlock and Aimee DeRenzo and to those graduating in the coming week: Zoe Barbour, Sean Cain, Paige Fullerton, Riley Fullerton, Maile Peacock, Sophia Wais, James Wais III, and Isaiah Wambugu.

Anniversary Celebrations
  • Charles and Marion Wear 6/7
  • Mike and Amy Jarjoura 6/8

Birthday Celebrations
  • Lawrie Gardner 6/6
  • Shannon Maker 6/8
  • Heather Kelley 6/2
Ways to Give Online

Please click here to take a look at the attached PDF for information about ways to continue to support COA. 

Giving consistently, as you are able, is crucial for our church right now. 
Mailing Offering Checks to COA…
In addition to giving online or using your bank’s online bill pay system, you may also mail your check directly to Christ Our Anchor. The church’s address is 1281 Green Holly Drive, Annapolis, MD 21409. Please contact the church if you have any questions. (410) 974-1713 or [email protected]
1281 Green Holly Drive,
Annapolis, Maryland 21409