January 20, 2022
Registration is now open
Wednesday, January 26 ● 12 noon – 1:30 pm
Join with Coalition volunteers and partner organizations for this “good news” event! A series of fast-paced presentations by our action teams will feature Sustainability Coalition accomplishments of the past year and plans for the coming year. Click HERE to register.

The first 150 people who register and attend the event will be entered in a drawing for a gift card from First Alternative Co-op. There will be three lucky winners – each winning a $100 gift card!
During the past year, the Coalition’s action teams have pursued major projects, such as
  • Solarize Corvallis to help our community make the transition to renewable energy
  • It’s On Us Corvallis to support our local restaurants and help people in need of a meal
  • Nearly 1,000 plantings to regenerate our local streams
  • No Food Left Behind Corvallis to address the environmental, social, and economic impacts of wasted food
  • …and many more!
Much of the work done in 2021 – the Coalition’s 15th year – focused on climate action and social equity. Several Coalition projects have been helping to implement the Corvallis Climate Action Plan, while others strive to address systemic inequities, and some do both.
The Coalition’s action teams work on projects in 12 topic areas: Community Inclusion, Economic Vitality, Education, Energy, Food, Health and Human Services, Housing, Land Use, Natural Areas, Transportation, Waste Prevention, and Water. Come and hear what they’ve been doing to move our community forward. 
This event is open to the public. As in past years, the Coalition’s Annual Meeting sponsor is First Alternative Co-op.

For details, visit www.sustainablecovallis.org.
Please forward this “E-UPDATE” to members of your participating organization and to other interested individuals.