On October 15 SVCW staff participated in the 2020 Great California Shakeout Earthquake Drill to Drop, Cover, and Hold On. This important event, which corresponds with the ShakeOut, helps us prepare to keep staff safe and do what we can to ensure our community remains able to dispose of wastewater in a safe and environmentally responsible manner in an earthquake. SVCW's highest priority is safety for our workforce and community, so we
celebrate this annual event like a holiday. Our Health and Safety Director gave notification at 10:15 a.m., offering the opportunity for everyone to participate in the drill whether working remotely in our homes or onsite at the treatment plant. The more we practice with safety drills we can embed it into our muscle memory. We do this because we want to maintain our record of over 660 days without a safety incident!

Like many of you who grew up in San Francisco, I recall the fall months having an intangible quality to the atmosphere that we described as “earthquake weather," and of course that horrible October day in 1989 when the Loma Prieta earthquake occurred. Since then we have all felt small tremors from time to time, and it's important that we continue to get ready for the inevitable bigger ones. Even if you missed the Great California ShakeOut, it's never too late to practice what to do at your homes and offices in the case of an earthquake. Learn how to practice here.

Tied intrinsically to our safety mission of protecting public health and the environment is complying with the permit requirements under which we function. Our workforce meets these priorities day in and day out, ably and effectively. Sometimes emergency situations or treatment process upsets arise at the treatment plant and our operations and maintenance staff need to respond swiftly and confidently to alleviate the issue. These types of situations occur every now and again, and we are proud that none have resulted in a permit violation. This is a strong testimony to the professionalism and expertise of our workforce.

As we begin to wrap up 2020, our goal in the new year is to continue maintaining the highest standards in pursuit of safety and permit compliance and provide even more transparency in what we do. As part of that, I'm pleased we are getting ready to launch a new website that will share more content on what we do and provide more services 24/7 to our customers. I encourage you to read on below!