Welcome to SVCW’s monthly newsletter! There are many exciting events and experiences occurring at SVCW, some of which you’ll read about in this edition. Of particular--and exciting--note, Salus, the tunnel boring machine, completed its tunneling for our new gravity sewer, which will convey wastewater from our community members to our treatment facility. We made the decision to use a tunneling method four years ago with many questions and unknowns at the time. Due to the robust planning, background investigating, and engineering diligence, tunneling went extremely smoothly and successfully. I give high credit to our SVCW Commission for entrusting staff to make the project a success and to the project team who continue to work closely and collaboratively. The work is not done – there is another year or so to go – but the tunneling portion of the project has been completed.

A couple of weeks ago, it was an honor and privilege to host U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael S. Regan, Oro Loma Sanitary District Board President Rita Duncan, and other local officials to announce Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loans totaling $168 million for water system upgrades in Redwood City and Alameda County! We are immensely grateful and proud of the partnership SVCW has with EPA, a collaboration that has allowed SVCW to lead the industry with innovative and sustainable capital improvement projects. We look forward to our continued alliance by advancing our shared commitment to the protection of public health and our environment for generations to come.

No article from me would be complete without a note on safety! Our culture around safety is strong and enduring; it revolves around physical, emotional, and mental safety, encompassing all aspects of the human experience. Two high-risk areas that we see occurring worldwide are COVID-19 (and all its variants) and cyber-attacks. At SVCW, we place a high emphasis on both, and while I don’t write regularly about our cyber-security efforts, we take this form of safety and security seriously. SVCW’s efforts ensure that our wastewater conveyance, treatment, and disposal facilities function without a hitch and that our staff’s personal information is maintained confidentially. I have a high level of confidence in our Information Services Division to keep our information safe, and an equally high level of confidence in our employees to approach cyber-security as part of our overall safety culture.

Thanks for visiting and please be safe and healthy!