Nancy Olson, Secretary
SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Approved November 2, 2021
Meeting called to order at 7:05
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Excused --- Mike Willis
Present: Rik Larson, Sally Boeck, Bob Peake, Nancy Olson, Jerry Alter, Ken Shaboina Richard Wetzel
John Lanting and John Hawk joined to report on Crab
Richard MacFarlane joined at 8:16
Introduction of guests: None
Any Changes or Additions to the Agenda?
● Email Business Conducted
● MRS - cancellation of Sept dinner and refund status
● Release Forms
1) Old Business
a. DRAFT Minutes from board meeting held on July 6, 2021
*Bob Peake moved and Sally Boeck second. Motion passed
b. DRAFT Minutes from board meeting held on September 7, 2021 *Mike Willis and Bob Peake second. Motion passed
c. Motion for acceptance of July 6, 2021 minutes *see above
d. Motion for acceptance of September 7, 2021 minutes *see above
e. Christmas Party ---- Mike Willis --- update; Charity Event (CHiPS for Kids --- PCA subsidy YES; 24
people signed up so far.) *Rik reported on Christmas Party progress. Bob Peake reported that only 9 people of paid via MSR
f. SVR 60th Anniversary Event - Kirk Bradford --- update after January 2022 ----- meal pricing not available until then)
g. Sacramento Auto Show participation by SVR? -- Dick MacFarlane (see attached Exhibit Space Agreement)
i. October 15-17, 2021 at Cal Expo
ii. Event cancel by organizer --- COVID
iii. Contract was signed by Rik and forwarded to the organizer as requested.
iv. Event was cancelled by organizer
v. We will look forward to participating next year.
h. CRAB 38 --- updated from John Lanting and John Hawk *John Hawk reported from the financial prospective - connection issues. John Lanting - 4 additional volunteers (new members). Need experience people to assistant major positions. No communication from Food/Beverage Chairman.
Some of the sponsors from last year are no longer in business. Nancy Olson will be Registration and will work with John Lanting discuss registration progress. Cost per person may need to be increased from $125 due to lack of sponsors. Funds spent on 2020 crab have been transferred to
2022(deposited) and awards have been prepped/paid. 8 positions left to fill - names have been suggested as possible chairmans. It was suggested that CRAB be moved to 2023 due to lack of chairmans, sponsors and COVID. *It was moved by Sally Boeck and second by Bob Peake to postpone CRAB to 2023. Motion passed.
i. other????
2) Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed Waivers, Expenses, etc. PLEASE NOTE that a number of reports for events have not been filed per Collin Fat, Zone 7 Representative. We will discuss in more detail at the meeting.
a. SVR Tour to Long Creek Winery, October 2nd ---- reports filed, article for November DIRFTER?
b. Chairs will send waivers to VP to be stored.
c. Nancy will research how to gain access to sign forms on MSR
3) FACEBOOK Status
a. Rik has not forwarded letter to FACEBOOK yet (been just a little busy).
4) Future Board Meetings to continue via ZOOM
a. Possible in person meetings beginning January 2022 at Firehouse #32 in Fair Oaks (Cookie)
5) New Business None
6) Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. SVR AX, October 16th - Bob Peake will be attending the event.
b. SVR Caffeine and Porsches, October 31st (6 kids registered so far) 28 attendees and 8 children *Jerry Alter - reported on the event. Ken Shadoian will reach out to new members.
c. SVR Mendocino Tour, November 5th-7th *Rik gave a report and will provide Sally with event information for insurances.
d. SVR Breakfast, November 6th *Same date as Mendocino tour
e. SVR CAM Christmas Tree Decorating at CAM, November 28th (details needed, budget)*More details will be provided later
7) Board Reports
a. President
i. Christmas Party ---- program, awards, etc. *Discussion on program - Rik is “wide open” on the program for this event. Board agreed awards for events
b. Vice President (see calendar in the DRIFTER and on the website) *Sally reported on insurance requests completed/pending.
c. Secretary (see attached minutes for July 2021 and September 2021 for approval)
i. MSR experiences
ii. Refunds process
iii. Concerns with tracking funding i.e, events with multiple options - Bob Peake
d. Treasurer (see attached documents ---- 3 of them)
i. DROPBOX invoice (Gregg Plourde) ----- annual renewal ----- who uses this ---
background?*Gregg was reimbursed $199 renewal fee for DROPBOX. Bob Peake reported that Gregg was unable to cancel account. Bob reviewed what was stored in DROPBOX and the amount of megabytes used by each file. Rik suggested that a meeting be arranged with Gregg to discuss contents of DROPBOX and purge unnecessary files.
ii. *Bob Peake reviewed Treasurer's report and Banking Summary (see attachment documents)
e. Membership Director (see attached); also SVR logo image needed for 'intro brochure'?*Ken Shahoian on membership numbers and creating a “brochure” with QR code to handout - card like
size. Bill and Ken will work together on creating a card that reflects Sac Valley members.
f. Social Director - No report
g. Past President - No report
8) Chair Reports
a. Safety
i. AX is handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events are handled by Rik Larson until we get a Safety Chair
b. AutoCross
c. Charity (Charity auction to be handled by Dick MacFarlane in 2022 --- none in 2021)
d. Concours
i. GGR Zone 7 event on October 24th is not open to the public
e. CRAB 38
i. Covered under OLD BUSINESS as part of ongoing report - Board voted to postpone CARB
to 2023.
f. DRIFTER Editor - No report
g. Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin (excused --- on the road) *No report
h. New Member Group
i. Rally (possible co-sponsoring a TSD Rally in 2022 with Redwood Region)*Richard Wetzel reported
on Redwood Region’s events
j. Share the Wealth
k. Technical Chair
l. Webmaster -- still looking for a volunteer
9) Next Meeting
a. Tuesday, November 2nd, location ZOOM
10) Adjournment : Adjourn at 9:01pm
a) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (chairs ---- tour, webmaster, historian, safety)
b) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs; location of boxes, assets, etc.
c) 2021 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
d) 2022 Calendar
e) 2022 SVR Planning Meeting, Thursday, January 6th at Round Table Pizza
f) 60th SVR Anniversary ---- September 24, 2022 --- next report in January/February 2022
g) MSR - Nancy
BOARD OF DIRECTORS (quorum is 4)
x President Rik Larson
x Vice President Sally Boeck
x Secretary Nancy Olson
x Treasurer Bob Peake
x Membership Director Ken Shahoian
Social Director Eduardo Ortega, Jr.
Past President Mike Willis
x 1st Saturday Breakfast Chair Jerry Alter
Advertising Chair Mike Willis
Autocross Chair John Leet
Charity Chair Dick MacFarlane
Concours Chair Al Price III
x CRAB 38 Co-Chair John Hawk
x CRAB 38 Co-Chair John Lanting
DRIFTER Editor Mike Willis
Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin Kim Nelson
Event Liaison to California Automobile Museum Kim Nelson
Vacant Historian Chair
New Member Chair Alma Thompson
x Rally Chair Richard Wetzel
Vacant Safety Chair
Social Media Chair Al Price III
Technical Chair Al Price III
Vacant Tour Chair
Webmaster Bill Fargo
Zone 7 Representative Collin Fat