SVR Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, October 4, 2022;
7 pm; targeted to end by 9 pm
Minutes taken by Rik Larson ---- comments, actions, etc. are in italics
Meeting called to order at 7:03 pm
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
Excused --- Nancy Olson, Secretary
Vacant -- Social Director
Chairs Excused:
Introduction of guests:
· Kirk Bradford
· Collin Fat
· Rick Duste (currently is Vice President for Redwood Region)
Any Changes or Additions to the Agenda?
· Zone 7 Report --- Collin Fat ---- expectations for 2023
o 3 AX’s and 2 concours remaining in the 2022 calendar year
o There are two candidates in the running for the Zone 7 Rep term beginning January 2023. Collin indicates that Rik should be receiving a call/email by the end of November looking for comments.
E-Mail Business Conducted?
· Motion to approve the September 2022 Minutes by Mike Willis; second by Bob Peake; APPROVED
1) Old Business
a. DRAFT Minutes from board meetings held on September 13, 2022 – see EMAIL business above
b. CRAB 38 --- standing item – update
i. Mardi Quain has volunteered to be,in charge of decorations
ii. The MSR site is about 98% complete
iii. A ZOOM meeting will be held in late October with the committee
c. 60th Anniversary event - Kirk Bradford – update --- event is closed out
d. Charity Auction event - Dick MacFarlane -- update -- final accounting ---- presentation to charities; amount to give to each charity; special request to direct donation to specific charity by donor
i. We collected over $5000 (outstanding from a group of just over 60 people attending
ii. There was a $500 donation received requesting that it be applied to one of the specific charities.
iii. Motion was made by Bob Peake to contribute $3500 and $3000 to the charities. Seconded by Mike Willis and approved.
e. New Member Event ---- Eduardo Ortega, Jr. -- September 24th – Very successful event. We had 2 cancellations; 38 cars; 60 people (50 of which were new members).
f. Rescheduling of Gold Rush Tour to November 2022?? --- event cancelled for this year
g. ZOOM account for SVR ---- Bob Peake -- satisfied? One year contract? – Completed and in use!
i. Storage Shed --- smaller unit and relocation -- Bob Peake ---- One year contract? Who has keys? Moved contents to a smaller unit. Thanks to Collin Fat, Steve Long, Mike Willis, Kirk Bradford, Eduardo Ortega, Jr. and Rik Larson for making this happen in just under 2 hours.
ii. Also sold the BBQ.
iii. Keys are in the possession of Bob Peake, Collin Fat, Mike Willis, and Rik Larson.
h. Event Cancelled --- SUV 4WD Tour -- October 9th
2) Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed Waivers, Expenses, etc
a. SVR New Member Event -- Ortega --- September 24th
b. SVR Breakfast -- Alter -- October 1st
3) Social Media Status
a. Content?
b. Postings/Administration/Monitor
c. Facebook/Instagram/Twitter
d. Interest in helping out -- Josh
e. Jody Rosner and Josh (associate SVR member) to meet and discuss how to use what we have to get more interest.
4) Future Board Meetings to continue via ZOOM
a. Possible in person meetings beginning October 2022 at Firehouse #32 in Fair Oaks (Dick MacFarlane)
b. Not for October
5) New Business
a. Budgets for upcoming events:
i. none
b. Board and Chair vacancies (Social, Tour, Historian, etc.)
6) Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. SVR LongCreek Winery Tour --- Bulhoes --- October 8th
b. SVR Caffeine and Porsches at CAM -- Alter and Nelson ---- October 15th
c. SVR AX -- Leet -- October 22nd
7) Board Reports
a. President
i. Use of GLOVEBOX vs. DROPBOX ----- defer to October discussion – defer again
ii. 2023-24 Zone 7 Representative --- 2 candidates? No update – see earlier discussion and notes
iii. Review of BOARD and BOADPLUS forwarders? – Rik to work with Jody
b. Vice President (see calendar in the DRIFTER and on the website)
i. Other upcoming events
ii. 2023 Events --- February Dinner, San Simeon Tour dates, CRAB 38, 356CAR, Parade, Rennsport VII
c. Secretary – excused, not present
i. MSR experiences
ii. MSR -- pend(?) discussing PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE event postings for SVR event (other than AX's and Concours)
d. Treasurer (see attached documents ---- 3 of them coming)
i. Any outstanding event budgets not complete?
ii. 2022 SVR Annual Budget (Rik to finish up typing and distribution) - did not happen - defer
iii. IRS and FTB transactions – continued discussions and paperwork and correspondence
e. Membership Director
i. New Member event - invites sent by Rik to approximately 250 members
ii. Name Badges ---- new members and old member requests, checks that Ken has, etc.
iii. No response from Ken (emails, phone call --- July)
iv. Steve has had some business cards made for his position. APPROVED!!
f. Social Director -- vacant
g. Past President
i. Nominating Committee members
1. Collin Fat
2. Steve Nieslony
3. Mike Willis (chair)
ii. Next step --- what do the SVR By-Laws say? Timeline? Who does what? This is the first election held under the new SVR By-Laws.
iii. Jody Rosner to populate the ballot and test. Expected to open to voting on November 1st. Candidate statements have been received and published in the October DRIFTER.
8) Chair Reports
a. Safety
i. AX is handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events are handled by Rik Larson until we get a Safety Chair
b. AutoCross - updated AX schedule
i. AX schedule updated
ii. AX Trailer inventory reported (to Rik)
c. Charity - Auction - was combined with SVR 60th Anniversary event on September 10th
d. Concours
i. SVR event for 2023 -- not scheduled yet
e. CRAB 38 --- covered under OLD BUSINESS as a standing report
f. DRIFTER Editor -
g. Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin ----- 2022 event support continues
h. New Member Group -- pending Membership Director??
i. Rally Richard is proposing a Zone 7 Rally School to be offered in March/April 2023. It will likely be held at Porsche Fremont. This will be targeting folks in Zone 7 to help with the awareness of the use of the Richta app (scoring and timing) that will be used at CRAB 38 (April) and the Porsche Parade in Palm Springs in June. We have had great success in presenting previous rally schools in 2012, 2014, and 2017.
j. Share the Wealth --- tickets ----- Rik gave to Cyndee Peart (for February dinner); Rik also has a supply that he took from the storage shed.
k. Technical Chair
l. Webmaster -- transition status; any software purchases needed? Election, forwarders list
9) Next Meeting
a. Tuesday, November 1st, location ZOOM (maybe the fire station?)
10) Adjournment
a. Meeting adjourned at 9:44 pm (long meeting tonight)