August 2024

Updates from the SW Center and Educator Preparation Programs at KSC

Welcome Back!

The SW Center welcomes you to a new school year! We wish you ongoing opportunities to connect and engage with your students in the classroom and the school community. We're here to support you in meeting your professional learning needs.

KSC Summer Institute Recap

The 2024 Summer Educators Institute and New Teachers Retreat was once again an overwhelming success! We're grateful for NH Education Department Title II, Part A funding and support from the SW Center that allowed us to offer this excellent professional learning experience at no cost to participants. We are continuing to gather evaluation feedback that will enable us to offer innovative future professional development activities based on your needs.

Virtual Follow-up Sessions

As a follow-up to the 2024 Summer Institute and New Teachers Retreat, we're excited to be offering two free virtual workshops on September 5th and 26th, 2024. Building on Dr. Brooklyn Raney’s keynote presentation, as well as the reading of her book One Trusted Adult, you are invited to a virtual discussion with Brooklyn focused on the following topics: Building Belonging & Establishing Boundaries as Individual Educators, and Creating Opportunities for Connection & Implementing Community-wide Initiatives as a Team. There will also be time for general Q&A and open discussion. Each session will run from 4:30 - 5:30 PM. You can find the workshop description and more detailed information HERE.

We hope you will join us for these important discussions!


Resources to Jump Start the School Year!

One Trusted Adult Kickoff Kit

Brooklyn Raney's One Trusted Adult program shared this free resource to help teachers with back to school community building. The resource includes ideas, activities, and posters to help build a foundation of strong trust and healthy boundaries in Middle and High School classes,clubs or advisory groups.

One Trusted Adult Kickoff Kit

Ted Talk - Every Kid Needs a Champion

We viewed this inspiring talk by Rita Pierson at the 2024 Summer Educators Institute to end our day together. Even if you've seen it before, it's well worth watching again. Enjoy!

Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, once heard a colleague say, "They don't pay me to like the kids." Her response: "Kids don't learn from people they don't like.'" A rousing call to educators to believe in their students and actually connect with them on a real, human, personal level.

KSC Graduate Education Programs

Are you looking to further your education and expertise with a Masters Degree? Check out the innovative and flexible Education Leadership programs available at KSC:

Questions? Email Steve Bigaj, Coordinator of Graduate Education Programs or call 603-358-2872



Contact: Steve Bigaj / 603-358-2872