Our condolences to Sherian Holifield and family at the passing of her sister Kathy Shepard.
Thank you for the Peace Lily along with all the emails, cards, and texts at the passing of Christen’s Papaw. It was comforting to know that our Southwest family was thinking about and praying for us during such a difficult time. We are truly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful church family. T.J., Christen, Maddox, and Malley Thompson
Congratulations to Cooper Cain who was baptized Wednesdy, February 15th. Cooper is the son of Brent and grandson of Cheryl Cain.
SW CHURCH GIVING STATEMENTS: Follow these directions to download your 2022 giving statement or call Darla at the office and she’ll email or mail a copy.
1) Go to: http://swfamily.life
2) Scroll down to: Access ACS Sign-in for your membership account (green button)
3) Sign in using your email address and password. If you do not know your password, select “forgot password” and an email will be sent with a link to reset it.
4) Once you’re signed in, select the GIVING tab at the top of your account.
5) Then select: MY GIVING HISTORY
6) Change the year to: 2022
7) In the grey box entitled “Contribution Information” select SHOW ALL.
8) Select PRINT at top right. You can print a paper copy
9) Or you can select PRINT and choose SAVE AS A PDF which can be saved to a devise or emailed to your tax accountant.