SWAT Academy News May 2016
Upcoming Events

Rep Sessions- 
Every Monday in May from 6-7pm

Softball Pitching Camp- 
May 3 - May 24 (Every Tuesday from 7:30-9pm)

SWAT Fit Camp- 
May 16 - June 13 (Every MWF from 7-8pm)

Summer Camp - 
June 6 - June 9 (9am-12pm)

Friday Family Fun - 
Every Friday in June, July, and August
Practice Factory   Hitting- 
Every Tuesday from 6-7pm

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18U Showcase Baseball Schedule - Summer 2016

June 3rd-5th: Oklahoma Christian University

June 9th-12th: Cameron University

June 16th-19th: University of Oklahoma

July 14th-17th: Johnson County Community College (Overland Park, KS)

July 22nd-24th: Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS)

July 28th-31st: Wichita State University (Wichita, KS)

SWAT is still looking for a few more 18U players that are interested in playing summer baseball on college campuses. If interested in trying out for the team please contact Chris Wimmer.

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Annual Spring BBQ & Home Run Derby a Hit in April at SWAT
Thank you to all of our members that attended the Spring BBQ Event and especially to all of the volunteers who made it possible! We had a great turnout, and we love the fact that SWAT is about family beyond just baseball and softball. Also, we would like to thank Justin Madden of Madden Bats for donating the trophy bats for our home run derby champions! Here are some of the pictures:

Advertising at SWAT
We have thousands of families that visit SWAT's facility and website every week. 
If your company is looking for a way to gain local visibility, we now have a GREAT opportunity to advertise your business in our facility AND on our website! We are seeking companies that want to promote their work that serve families: pediatricians, dentists, auto repair shops, restaurants... The possibilities are endless! If you're interested in learning more, please give a call to Shane Bailey at the facility. 
AND... if you are REALLY looking for something unique and special... how about renaming our indoor field to YOUR COMPANY NAME? Think about it!  Click below for more info!
Special Shout out to the following sponsors of SWAT!
The Angels Foundation
SWAT Academy has partnered with The Angels Foundation, a non-profit organization seeking to raise money for kids and families with financial hardships to help support them with the costs associated with playing sports. Any sport!
Each year, SWAT hosts a poker tournament to raise money for the foundation, but they are taking year-round donations in hopes of supporting athletes of all sports. They are currently putting on a raffle, giving away two ProScan Internet Tablets. Each $10 donated will earn one ticket in the raffle. 
Because The Angels Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, each donation is 100% tax-deductible, so if you or your business is ever in need of a tax write-off please consider supporting this amazing cause! 100% of all donations will always be given to athletes that need financial assistance.
Click below for more info and/or to make a donation to the foundation!

Dear SWAT Supporters,


     The month of May will be a busy one as we start multiple camps and begin preparing for nine of our softball girls' graduations (all nine have received softball scholarships), our annual summer camp, showcase tournaments for our older teams, etc. We are also installing industrial fans this month to improve air circulation throughout the batting cage area of the facility in preparation for the summer heat! 


     Bo Harley recently became a certified NESTA instructor and will be leading an all-ages fitness camp (adults too!) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday starting on May 16th. The annual four-day summer camp will be starting on June 6th and will run each day from 9am-noon.


     We are also adding a special family membership for the summer! The Friday Family Fun membership will be $90 (or $35 per month) and will allow up to five family members to have an all-access pass to the facility every Friday in June, July, and August. This includes the indoor field for games like kickball, wiffle ball, and dodgeball as well as any of the cages or Pro Batter.


     We are currently in the process of building our 18U baseball team that will play showcase tournaments throughout the summer. The schedule is attached below the upcoming events section. We are still looking for 3-4 more players. Contact us if you have any questions or have a player interested in trying out.


     In our upcoming newsletters, we will start to feature some of our players, so stay tuned to find out more about the amazing players that make up the teams at SWAT.


     Check out the Upcoming Events section for more events at SWAT; keep reading to get information, dates, and times, and don't forget to check out our social media platforms and our website page to keep up with what is happening at the Academy!

     - Twitter: @SWAT_Academy

     - Instagram: @swatacademy

     - SWAT Academy Facebook Page

     - SWAT Rebels Baseball Facebook Page

     - SWAT Rebels Softball Facebook Page 


Love This Game,
Tim Horton
Academy Director

SWAT's 10U Baseball Team Visits the OKC Dodgers!

Huge thank you to the Oklahoma City Dodgers organization for giving our 10U team VIP treatment! In April, the team went to the ballpark for a round of afternoon batting practice, got to take a stadium tour, meet a bunch of the players for autographs, and shag baseballs on the field for batting practice! The kids had a blast, and we owe it all to the Dodgers for making them feel so special!


Kalynn Schrock Pitching Camp

Fitness Camp Info

Summer Camp Info

New Family Membership!

Practice Factory Info

Private Lessons Available
Just a reminder - we do offer year-round private lessons for hitting, pitching, catching, and fielding for both baseball and softball players of all ages. If you would like to setup a lesson with one of our instructors please give us a call. We are open every day and love to help players master different skills with proper muscle memory that they can use in game situations.