Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we enter this new year, I want to extend my warmest greetings and best wishes to all of you and your loved ones. 2024 is not only going to be one for reflection but also an opportunity to embrace new possibilities and set the course for our collective journey.
As the President this year, I am filled with gratitude for the dedication that our SWSO members, committees and executive board have demonstrated throughout the past few years.
Looking ahead, 2024 holds great promise for SWSO. It is a year with opportunities for growth, innovation, and the continued pursuit of excellence. Our constituency has always been at the forefront of leadership and innovation, and I am confident that we will continue to build on our successes and elevate SWSO it to new levels in the coming months. As we are continuing to foster the spirit of collaboration and partnership with our Southern colleagues, we are looking ahead to finalize the last few steps for the “merger” and form a strong new Constituency which will secure a successful future and carry us to new heights and allow us to better serve our members.
The diversity of expertise, knowledge and ideas within our executive board, state and local leadership is our greatest asset, and by working together, we can address challenges, capitalize on opportunities, and contribute to the advancement of our beloved profession. I am also very excited about the upcoming leadership development class in March 2024. We have received more applications this year then we can host, and it was so exciting to see the enthusiasm of this new dynamic group who is willing to get involved and serve.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the AAO in New Orleans in May, as well as at the joint Annual Session of the SWSO and SAO in Orlando in September which will be a one of a kind experience full of excellent CE opportunities, camaraderie and fun in the beautiful City of Orlando. Don’t forget to bring your family and staff. Your engagement is crucial to the success of SWSO, and your participation will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact.
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful, prosperous, and fulfilling New Year!
Warm regards,
Dr. Onur Kadioglu
SWSO President