SWTA Bargaining  Update as of
Wednesday,  July 22,  2020 @  6:00 pm
Today SWTA Bargaining Team: Chair Brenda Robles, Alvaro Alvarez, Norma Sahagun, Melissa Romo, Lorena Garcia, Sara Golden and CTA Staff Helen Farias met with the SBUSD bargaining team and began discussions around:

  • The Virtual Teacher Job description was approved by the board without prior discussion with the SWTA negotiating team, breaking past bargaining practice. 

  • The district will contact members that were not able to complete their classroom packing and cleaning with the option to complete on their own or the district will pack the items for the member through an outside source.

Next Bargaining Session August 4, 2020


Brenda Robles (Bargaining Chair), Alvaro Alvarez, Lorena Garcia, Sara Golden, Norma Sahagun, Melissa Romo and Helen Farias (CTA Staff).
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