Capture the Moment with SYA
May, 2020 Newsletter
The SYA Moments is a monthly e-newsletter to keep you informed on all SYA sports and community events
Message from the SYA President
It is my sincere hope that all of our families are safe and healthy during this crisis. We at SYA are busy preparing for a return to play. Summer and fall registrations will be opened as soon as we have confirmed that facilities will be available. As we wait for the day that we can be together on the courts and fields, we have shared a number of on-line resources to help keep our kids active during this difficult time. Please visit our website at
www.syasports.org for the latest virtual offerings.
Finally, many in our community are in need and we are doing what we can to support those families who need assistance. If you are able, I would encourage you to donate to our local food banks. SYA will be participating in the Stuff the Bus Campaign. Please see details in the article below and help if you can.
All the best,
Jeff Stein
Southwestern Youth Association
Please support the upcoming Stuff the Bus campaign to help those who are in need, as SYA families have been doing for years. Two events will be held this coming week - Thank you!
Event: Stuff the Bus 2020
Date: Saturday, May 16th and Tuesday, May 19th
Time: 10 am - 3 pm
Location(s): Centreville Regional Library
14200 Saint Germain Drive
Centreville, VA 20121
SYA Recipient: Western Fairfax Christian Ministries
Listed below are the items needed
Food & Beverages
Canned Tuna or Other Meat
Canned Fruit
Canned Vegetables (no Green beans, corn or Peas needed)
Canned Pasta (ravioli)
Rice (small bags or boxes)
Mashed Potatoes
100% Fruit Juice
Pancake Mix/Syrup
Flour/Sugar/Vegetable Oil
(NOTE: Toiletry items cannot be purchased by our clients with their food stamps)
Toilet Paper
Diapers Size 5, 6
SYA Offers 16 Different Sports
Babe Ruth Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cricket -
, Field Hockey, Tackle and Flag Football, Lacrosse, Little League Baseball and Softball, Rugby, Soccer, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee -
Volleyball and Wrestling
Basketball, Travel Basketball, Rugby, Track & Field and Ultimate Frisbee -
SYA to Offer Summer Camps
Did you know that SYA has many summer camps? Most of our summer camps are sport specific - Soccer, Volleyball and Baseball to name a few! This summer, due to uncertainties with facilities, SYA is planning to offer several summer clinics/camps that will provide fun activities in a variety of different sports that SYA offers. More information will be updated on our website and Facebook pages as our local officials inform us of facilities access. So please frequent our sites and like and share!!!
SYA's Fields of Dreams SPORTS PARK
Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, the Sports Park is currently closed except to maintenance personnel. We are keeping your park in great shape, with reduced services so that we are ready to open when we get through this crisis. Stay safe!
Located at 6626 Bull Run Post Office Rd, Centreville VA 20120
Get to Know Your SYA Board!
Each month we will highlight one of our SYA board members.
Meet SYA Treasurer Bryan Hunt
Bryan has been involved in SYA for over 20 years. Since 2003, Bryan has been the Executive Treasurer of SYA. Prior to that Bryan was the SYA Soccer Treasurer, brought on to help the fast growing soccer community by Jeff Stein. Bryan is a small business owner (Bryan Hunt CPA) and has been in business since 1998.
Bryan is first and foremost a family man. Married to Suzanne with two daughters, Bryan and Suzanne love to bike ride and bowl. Bryan’s daughters played SYA sports, including SYA Soccer, until graduating high school. Now with their children grown, Bryan still volunteers his time to keep track of all of SYA's financial issues. Bryan has also volunteered in many other organizations, from his neighborhood's HOA’s Treasurer to the Centreville Foundation Treasurer, and several other charitable groups.
Bryan received the SYA Presidents Award in 2003 for his volunteer work at that time with SYA Soccer and SYA overall. Bryan has been an exceptional leader and volunteer and has many accomplishments in the soccer arena. Bryan has also been named the 2001 Centreville Citizen of the Year as well as the 2017 Centreville Days Business Person of the Year by Sully Supervisor Kathy Smith. Most recently, he was inducted in the SYA Soccer Hall of Fame in its inaugural Winter Gala earlier this year.
The 2020 Froghair Golf Classic
has been Rescheduled to Aug 21 at Twin Lakes Golf Course
SYA and CYA teaming up to bring you a fun filled day of golfing that is formatted to challenge the beginner and expert alike. Get your team together and sign up.
Better yet, get your team
sponsor a hole and sign up!
We are looking for sponsors, golf committee members and helpers on the day of the event too. Please contact us at 703-815-3362 or email us at sliskey@syasports.org
ONLY $99!!! What a deal!
Coaching at Home
At Positive Coaching Alliance we believe life is a team sport. Given the abrupt ending of the athletic season, we want to provide all of the resources necessary to empower moms and dads everywhere to play the role of coach for that team. We couldn’t think of a better sub!
Below is a list of practical coaching exercises that parents can adapt to ensure positive experiences and positive outcomes for their children while at home:
Fill Emotional Tanks. Being couped up each day at home can be a very trying time for your children and your overall family dynamic and it’s important to know that in general, praise has a more powerful and long-lasting impact on development than criticism or correction. So much so that on the playing field we know it takes a five-to-one ratio of positive to negative input (at least) to maintain a relationship where an athlete is progressing and performing at their peak capability. Striving to maintain a five-to-one ratio may also prove to be helpful more generally if this difficult time begins to place strain on relationships.
Teach mastery by focusing on effort, learning, and mistakes (ELM). We know that athletes thrive and improve when they maintain a growth mindset and focus on what is in their immediate control. Parents can help their children acquire and maintain this way of thinking by helping them focus on what is within their immediate control and by showing them the ways in which those “controllables” are leading to improvement. Help your child learn that mistakes (especially when they are learning a new skill using maximum effort) are an essential part of the learning process and that they must “flush” a mistake from their psyche to move on to the important next play.
Be a “Double-Goal Coach.” Our fundamental model of excellent coaching is one in which the coach is constantly working to improve athletes’ skills and to help the athletes learn important life lessons. Sports can teach life lessons beautifully and vice-versa. As you coach your own children at home, help them see the points where the skills you’re developing will be useful in their daily goals as they adjust to this new normal.
Honor the Game by respecting its ROOTS. Effective coaches place value on modeling and teaching that great athletes and teams show deep respect for the
fficials, their
eammates, and them
elves. At home parents can maximize their coaching effectiveness by modeling this respect in their conduct and in how they talk. They can point to the many examples of great athletes whose respect for these elements has paid dividends in performance, resilience, and longevity.
The SYA "Meal-Deal" Card is HERE!
SYA Families and Friends,
As we all continue to navigate through the Covid-19 and all the challenges it presents, SYA would like to send a note out asking you to remember to support our restaurants that are struggling. We ask that you support all of our local restaurants and would like to highlight some of the SYA partners here. All of these restaurants are open for curbside take out and also have delivery (either themselves or through a third party delivery). Last month SYA introduced its “Real Deal” card that offered discounts at 17 local businesses. All the restaurants below have offers that are listed on this card. If you would like to purchase this card please click this link and order. Thank you for the support. We will mail the card to you.
Fosters – Westone Plaza –
Jersey Mikes – Westone Plaza – 571-299-4980
Firehouse Subs – Centreville –
Paisano’s Pizza – Fair Lakes/Chantilly – 703-266-1400 (Fair Lakes) – 703-378-3400 (Chantilly)
Carrabas – Centreville –
Bricks Pizza – Centreville –
Eggspectation – Westone Plaza – 703-263-7444
BoneFish – Centreville/Farilakes – 703-815-7427 (C-ville) –
703-378-4970 (Fairfax)
Moe’s – Westone Plaza –
Thank you very much for supporting both SYA and our local businesses.
: SYA Meal Deal Discount Card
Price: Only $20
How to Buy it
We will mail the card to you once your order is finalized or you can purchase cards at the SYA Office!
Questions? contact
Scott Liskey - sliskey@syasports.org
All funds raised support the SYA Sports Park and All SYA SPORTS!
THANK YOU for Supporting the Southwestern Youth Association!
SYA (Southwestern Youth Association)
5950 Centreville Crest Lane
Centreville, VA 20121