Volume 4 | Issue 3 | July 2023
District Updates & Highlights
Air District to Lead U.S. EPA CPRG Grant Process for the Sacramento Region

The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (Air District) will serve as the lead agency for the Sacramento region under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grants Program (CPRG). The two-phase CPRG will provide a total of $250 million for planning grants and $4.6 billion for implementation grants to develop and implement climate plans that reduce greenhouse gas pollution and associated criteria and toxic air pollution.

The Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area will receive up to $1 million to develop three required deliverables – a Priority Climate Action Plan, a Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, and a Status Report. As the lead agency, the Air District will work with regional partners on Phase 1 deliverables and apply for Phase 2 implementation grants.

“The Sac Metro Air District is proud to lead this regional effort,” said Air Pollution Control Officer Alberto Ayala. “We are excited to collaborate with our partners to achieve regional goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This includes reducing vehicle miles traveled as part of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments’ Green Means Go program, promoting energy production and energy efficiency with SMUD, establishing mobility hubs in disadvantaged communities, improving water efficiency, managing forests, and mitigating urban heat islands.”

On June 15, Congresswoman Doris Matsui issued a statement of support applauding the Air District for leading and planning the implementation process of the CPRG program on behalf of the seven-county Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom Metro Area.

“The regional climate action plan created under this program will address emissions from the transportation, energy, land use, water, and waste sectors and benefit lower-income and underserved communities, which are most impacted by climate hazards,” said Congresswoman Matsui. “I stand ready to assist the Sac Metro Air District with planning and coordination efforts over the next four years, to deliver a winning climate action plan that positions the region well to compete for CPRG implementation grants. The competitive implementation grants are a game-changing opportunity for reducing Sacramento’s greenhouse gas emissions while creating opportunities for a greener workforce and advancing cleaner air for our communities.”
Twin Rivers Unified School District Celebrates New Electric Bus Charging Depot
In late May, the Twin Rivers Unified School District (Twin Rivers) hosted a ribbon cutting for its new Electric Bus Charging Depot in Del Paso Heights. The bus depot project, which received incentive funds from the Air District, supports Twin Rivers’ commitment to converting its bus operations to 100% zero emission. Air District staff attended the event as a partner in the school district’s ongoing effort.

In 2017, Twin Rivers was the first school district in the nation to deploy zero emission electric school buses. The new depot will have 82 charging stations to support the district’s fleet of 58 pollution-free electric school buses. Twin Rivers continues to add additional buses to its fleet with the help of Air District grants, which have facilitated the early adoption of all-electric school buses throughout Sacramento County with every school district in the county participating.
Sacramento Mobility Initiatives Showcased at the International Electric Vehicle Symposium
The city of Sacramento recently welcomed 1,500 international participants and another 500 from the US for EVS36, the 36th Electric Vehicle Symposium and Expo. The event was held over four days in June at the new SAFE Credit Union Convention Center. The international event is the premier showcase for electric transportation research, technology, and innovation and is organized by the Electric Drive Transportation Association.

The three Air District initiatives prominently displayed at the event include:
  • Net Zero Electric Vehicle Mobility Hub: Located on the corner of May Street and Grand Avenue in Del Paso Heights, the hub is designed to bring various mobility options and related amenities to this community. The project is funded primarily by the Air District in partnership with Green Tech, SMUD, Breathe Sacramento, the City of Sacramento, the California Air Resources Board, Zip Car, and others.
  • Sacramento Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Collaborative Equity Efforts: This work in the region emphasizes collaboration with community partners to advance EV projects in underserved communities.
  • SAVA's EV Lowrider: This new Sacramento Academic and Vocational Academy’s (SAVA) EV Lowrider conversion project seeks to replace the internal combustion engine and related hydraulic equipment with a full battery electric powertrain and actuators. The project promotes electric mobility within SAVA's transportation career pathway department. The Air District is providing funding and technical support for the project.
To learn more about the Air District’s work, please visit www.AirQuality.org and follow us on Twitter @AQMD.
The Hydrogen Industry Convenes in Sacramento at the 2023 California Hydrogen Leadership Summit

On June 20, Air Pollution Control Officer Alberto Ayala kicked off the California Hydrogen Leadership Summit with welcoming remarks for 650 participants from industry, government, and the non-profit sector and highlighted several Sacramento region hydrogen (H2) efforts.

The summit focused on actions California policymakers can take to accelerate the development of clean hydrogen to aid in the state’s decarbonization, air quality improvement, and energy resilience goals. This year, there was a peculiar buzz and excitement in the air due to the anticipation of new, very large federal investments in hydrogen production and related infrastructure as a part of H.R. 5376, better known as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

The Air District is supporting the region’s strategic position for potential new IRA investments by growing the number of H2 projects in the Sacramento region, which also help advance our broader clean air and decarbonization goals. Air District efforts in H2 production, fueling infrastructure, light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles, and power generation include:

  • The Region’s First H2 Fueling Station for Freight Commercial Heavy-Duty Vehicles: The Air District Board recently approved funding for First Element Fuel, Inc. to construct a light-, medium-, and heavy-duty H2 fueling facility located at McClellan Business Park to provide H2 fuel to public and private fleets.
  • Zero Emission Mobility Hub: The Net Zero EV Mobility Hub in Del Paso Heights, funded primarily by the Air District, provides access to H2 fuel cell electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles serving the transportation needs of this underserved community. Similar zero emission mobility hubs are being planned throughout Sacramento County.
  • Sierra Northern Railway Switch Locomotive Fuel Cell Retrofit: Sierra Northern Railway, with funding from the California Energy Commission and in partnership with a dozen local public and private partners including the Air District, is developing the nation’s first H2-fueled switch locomotive at the Port of West Sacramento.
  • Nikola Motor: The Air District Board recently approved funding for Nikola Motor to construct H2 fueling stations for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. The stations will be located at the Sacramento Metro Air Park, North Highlands, and Elk Grove.  
  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD): The Air District is working with SMUD and other partners to advance the use of renewable H2 to fuel existing and new power plants and as a fuel source for transportation, including long-haul trucking. This effort is particularly relevant since the U.S. EPA has released new regulations for the power sector calling for the growing use of H2 for co-firing natural gas power turbines. 
  • Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT): In a development applauded by the Air District, SacRT is constructing a shared-use regional H2 hub and converting its renewable CNG buses to H2 fuel cell buses. The H2 hub will be at Bus Maintenance Facility #2, located at McClellan Business Park.
  • Sacramento Regional Sanitation District (Regional San) and Sacramento County Kiefer Landfill: The Air District continues to promote the growing use of bioresources at facilities such as Regional San and Sacramento County Kiefer Landfill for renewable energy production, hence avoiding combustion engine emissions. The growing role of H2in the U.S. energy transition presents a unique strategic opportunity for local bioresource owners while improving air quality and sustainability.
District Debuts New Portable Air Monitoring Lab in South Sacramento-Florin and Celebrates With Community Event
The Air District, in collaboration with the South Sacramento-Florin Community, has deployed a new portable air monitoring laboratory. 

The portable lab will be located at Fern Bacon Middle School for up to one year to determine what type of air pollution is impacting the community.
The lab measures particulate matter (PM2.5), ground-level ozone (also known as smog), nitrogen oxides, black carbon, volatile organic compounds, and other air pollutants. Data from the portable lab will help the Air District determine future actions, strategies, and resources needed to improve air quality in the South Sacramento-Florin Community.

In late April, the Air District debuted the new lab during a community celebration featuring tours, food, kids' activities, and exhibitor tables with information about air quality and other topics of interest.

Speakers at the event included:
  • Sarah Aquino, Air District Board Vice Chair and Folsom Councilmember
  • Eric Guerra, Air District Board Member, City of Sacramento Vice Mayor, and California Air Resources Board Member
  • Jamee Villa, Sacramento City Unified School District Board Trustee representing Fern Bacon
  • Vincent Valdez, AB 617 Community Air Protection Steering Committee Co-Lead

Air quality data from the portable lab will be available at www.AirQuality.org/CAM. More information about the Sac Metro Air District’s Community Air Protection Program is available at www.AirQuality.org/CAP.
District and City of Sacramento Conduct Innovative Street-Level Monitoring

In addition to launching its new portable laboratory, in February and March 2023, the Air District conducted innovative street-level monitoring in North and South Sacramento neighborhoods using a van equipped with sophisticated air monitoring equipment.

Watch this short video to learn more about this partnership with the City of Sacramento.
PepsiCo Unveils New Fleet of Tesla Semis Funded by the Air District

On April 11, PepsiCo unveiled a new fleet of Tesla Semis and chargers at its South Sacramento facility made possible through the Air District’s incentive programs and Community Air Protection dollars. Speakers at the unveiling event included Air District APCO Alberto Ayala, Air District Board and CARB Director Eric Guerra, Congresswoman Doris Matsui, Lt. Governor Eleni Kounalakis, and several Pepsi executives.

For this project, the Air District partnered with PepsiCo to secure up to $5 million, enabling them to replace up to 18 diesel trucks with zero emission Tesla Semis and build four Tesla Semi chargers. The estimated air quality impact from this project, which includes a total of 21 Tesla Semis, is equivalent to 1,392 metric tons of greenhouse gas annually.

By replacing its older higher-polluting trucks with electric Tesla Semis and constructing high-tech charging infrastructure at its facility on Reese Road, this project will directly benefit South Sacramento-Florin residents by reducing their exposure to toxic diesel emissions. The project also furthers our region's progress on innovative, zero emission solutions for the transition to the green economy and advances the Air District's clean air and climate goals.
According to PepsiCo, the event garnered nearly 647 million earned-media impressions, with 200+ placements across broadcast, online and print. Notable coverage includes The Sacramento Bee, Univision, CBS Sacramento, Fox40 Sacramento, and national stories like Inside EVs and Elektrek. Additionally, news stations across the country shared the announcement in broadcast segments in top markets such as New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Houston, and Baltimore. With such extensive media coverage, the Air District’s work to advance clean transportation was widely disseminated and received more than $2 million dollars in free publicity.
Save the Date: Biomass Conference October 5-6, 2023

Mark your calendars for this two-day conference intended for local and state stakeholders including agricultural businesses, regulators, researchers, and policymakers.

  • Hear from experts on biomass research and entrepreneurship 
  • Discuss the air quality benefits of alternative biomass uses
  • Take part in key policy roundtable discussions
  • Foster collaboration with other stakeholders during networking sessions

Event registration and more information coming soon! Conference registration will be free for all participants. If you are planning to stay at the Hotel Winters, please reserve your room as early as possible. A discounted room rate is available here

Check out the event webpage at www.AirQuality.org/Biomass.
Clean Air and Climate Resilience Solutions

To improve air quality in the Sacramento region, the Air District funds a wide variety of projects from residents, businesses, non-profits, and public agencies that reduce fossil fuel combustion pollution, advance our efforts to meet federal air quality standards and state decarbonization goals, and result in important economic development co-benefits. The Air District strives to advance environmental justice principles by giving communities an opportunity to participate in decisions about activities that may affect their environment and/or health and delivering projects that improve air quality in underserved communities bearing a disproportionate share of negative environmental impacts.

Incentive Projects

The Air District is disbursing millions of dollars in mobile incentive funding to improve air quality and promote cleaner technology in the Sacramento region. Approximately $22 million in funding is currently available to replace existing heavy-duty vehicles with zero or near-zero emission trucks and buses, replace older farm tractors, upgrade locomotives, install low-carbon infrastructure, e.g., EV and hydrogen charging stations, and implement other innovative clean air solutions. The Air District is currently accepting applications for this program. To apply or learn more about this opportunity, please visit the Air District’s website here.

Grant recipients ready to take their projects to the next step are listed below. Congratulations to all our partners for helping to attain clean air and a low-carbon future for all!
TH Mello & Sons Dairy
Galt, Ca
Diesel Tractor Replacements
Aaron Beaver Farms
Isleton, CA
Diesel Tractor & Excavator Replacement
Joe Avis Farms
Elk Grove, CA
Diesel Tractor Replacement
Eddie Demelo
Galt, CA
Diesel Tractor Replacements
Allied Waste Services
Rancho Cordova, CA
EV Charging Infrastructure & Zero Emission Refuse Vehicles
CF United, LLC dba Apro
Sacramento, CA
EV Charging Infrastructure
Stephen Keema
Galt, CA
Diesel Tractor Replacement
Edward Cuneo
Wilton, CA
Diesel Tractor Replacement
Arden Acres
Sacramento, CA
EV Charging Infrastructure
North Market LP
Sacramento, CA
EV Charging Infrastructure
Vierra Custom Harvesting
Elk Grove, CA
Diesel Agriculture Equipment Replacement
James Hardesty Farms
Galt, CA
Excavator replacement
Twin Rivers Unified School District
Sacramento, CA

With a $2.3 million infusion of funding from the Air District, Twin Rivers Unified School District is growing its all-electric school bus fleet with 10 more clean, green machines!

Sacramento Public Library Serving Sacramento County With Two New Zero Emission Bookmobiles 

Have you seen the Sacramento Public Library’s two new bookmobiles in your neighborhood? Thanks to a grant from the Air District, these new zero emission vehicles are out in the community and ready to bring the library (and cleaner air) to you!

Visit a bookmobile to:
  • Check out books, DVDs, and audiobooks for all ages
  • Get reading recommendations from library staff
  • Place holds online and pick them up at your neighborhood bookmobile stop
  • Find a book in your first language
  • Check out hotspots to use for work or school

Check the library’s mobile services webpage to see when one of these bookmobiles will be in your area

From now through the end of the 2023 season, Spare The Air will sponsor the free bike parking area at all Republic FC home matches, making it easier for fans that use alternative modes of transportation on gameday.

The Sac Metro Air District, on behalf of the air districts of the Sacramento region, administers the annual Spare The Air program from May 1 through October 31 to encourage residents to drive less and protect their health when air quality is poor.

The next home match is scheduled for Saturday, July 15 against Memphis 901 FC. For the team's full 2023 schedule, visit SacRepublicFC.com/Schedule.
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