Sacramento Chapter SAR Meeting Notes
by Secretary Mark Mozdy
Monday, March 15, 2021
Zoom Technology
Number of Attendees: 22 Attendees
Call Meeting To Order: 6:36pm
Invocation: Phil Noble
Pledge Allegiance: Craig Anderson
Pledge to the SAR: Don Littlefield
Introduce National and State Officers, Past Presidents – Jim Faulkinbury Past President, Sacramento Chapter, Genealogist General, National Society, Minuteman Class of 2019; Don Littlefield California Society President, Past President of the Sacramento Chapter; Craig Anderson Vice President of North California Society, Past President Sacramento Chapter; Tom Chilton Past President Sacramento Chapter, Former California Society for four years; Russ Kaiser Past President Sacramento Chapter, Northern California Color Guard Adjutant (Absent); Del Hanson Past President Sacramento Chapter (Absent). William Van Valkenburg Past President Redwood Empire Chapter, John Hendon Past President Yosemite Chapter, Randy Dhindsa President of the Yosemite Chapter
Introduce Guests – Marilyn Chilton, Sacramento DAR, California Society Ladies Aux Member and former treasurer for the Ladies Aux; Our guest speaker Lt Castaneda who is the commander of the JROTC of Yuba City HS; Cadet Emma O’Leary of Yuba City High School JROTC.
Don Littlefield: Gave the Chapter an update on the donation of the 1770’s Mariners Quadrant that was donated to the SAR National Society. Don’s slide presentation explained the History of earlier navigation techniques in the 1700s. William Mann who made the Quadrant was a skilled tradesman who specialized in mathematical instruments… specifically, navigational instruments. The West Sea Company, San Diego, had a 1770’s Mariners Quadrant that was identified by the Curator of the SAR Museum as a prized addition to the SAR Museum… in need of a benefactor. The Sacramento Chapter Executive Committee reviewed and approved the purchase ($1,700) on January 29, 2021 and then gifted it to the SAR Museum.
This museum quality instrument measures 17 ¼ inches tall and 13 ¾ inches wide. It is in excellent overall condition considering its 240+ years The quadrant is complete with index and horizon mirrors and a full set of 4 pivoting index shades. The Quadrant will be displayed at the National SAR Museum in Louisville Kentucky once the Museum is completed. If you are interested in donating any artifacts to the Museum, please get ahold of Kent Gregory first to see what they may need.
Carl Ahlberg: Gave us an update on his work on the School Guard program. Due to COVID-19 Carl has had to switch from an in person format to a Video presentation which hasn’t worked too well. He is currently using Green Screen technology, lights and green screen software. This has helped a lot. He is currently working on a video for Valley Forge in the Winter. Carl contacted the Philadelphia Continental Chapter and was able to have a member go out to Valley Forge and take some pictures in the Winter with lots of snow and very few visitors. Carl noted that this is a very tedious and slow process. He has two videos in the process and is hoping to have the Valley Forge one out to the schools in the April/May timeframe.
Roy Adkins: Introduced Lt. Casteneda who gave an overview of the Yuba City JROTC. Lt Castaneda is a 22 year veteran of the US Navy, having served on Fast Attack Submarines. The Yuba City JROTC has only been in existence for a few years. Cadets have several Naval History courses to choose from along with Naval Science classes. Lt Castaneda said that Emma leads by example, her writing is impeccable and she is a dead-plate leader. The Lt teaches Team, Unity and Family (TUF).
Lt Castaneda introduced Emma O’Leary:
Emma’s Essay was titled:
“How JROTC has prepared me to be a better citizen of the United States of America”.
Emma pointed out how proud she is to march with the Color Guard at school events. She has met many amazing people being a member of the JROTC. JROTC has taught her three core values; Honor, Courage and Commitment. Emma said that the JROTC promotes volunteering in the community and hosting fundraising events as well.
Roy Adkins presented, via ZOOM video*, Emma as the second Place winner an Engraved Good Citizen Medal and a Certificate of Good Citizenship. She was also given a National SAR Challenge coin and a Spring Meeting Challenge Coin. Her Commander, Lt Castaneda, was also presented a Challenge coin a letter of Participation.
*Subsequently at school, lCadet LCDR Emma O’Leary received the Sacramento Chapter Good Citizenship Medal and Certificate of Recognition from Yuba City High School Senior Naval Science Instructor LT Castaneda for her 2nd place essay in the Sons of the American Revolution Enhanced Cadet essay contest. The wardroom, officer staff, and Principal were all on hand for the ceremony.
Q &A for Cadet O’Leary and Lt. Castaneda
Michael Hull Asked Emma if she came from a Military family and why did she join the JROTC?
Both of Emma’s parents and grandparents were in the Air Force. Emma joined the ROTC because she wanted to give back to her Country.
Roy Adkins asked Lt Castaneda what the little Red/White/Blue means to the Yuba City ROTC? The red white and blue ribbon is given to a cadet in the JROTC unit when a cadet commits to military service while still in the Yuba City high school JROTC.
Roy Adkins also asked Cadet O’Leary if she was planning to go to OCS or was she going to go to continue in an ROTC college and what flight school was she planning to do her aviation training.
Cadet O’Leary’s future goals include attending Texas A&M University (Go Aggies) and hopefully allowing her to reach her goal of becoming a Navy Fighter pilot by completing her flight school in Pensacola Florida.
Meeting Adjourned by the Chapter President Michael Hull at 7:45pm
Recessional – Jim Faulkenbury
Benediction: Phil Noble
God Bless America: Tom Chilton
Respectfully Submitted,
Mark Mozdy