April 2023
Thanks to all of the members who took time out of their Saturday, on the 18th, to meet at Cattlemen’s in Rancho Cordova for our monthly SAR Business meeting. I really appreciate it. Thanks to Jon Wroten for chairing the meeting. We had a good turnout and a lively discussion on current and proposed programs and future meeting venues. The brownies and chocolate chip cookies were a nice touch. 

In lieu of our April meeting, our membership has agreed to co-sponsor a luncheon on April 22nd at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento conducted by American Heritage Partners. We will have a display table to promote our America 250 program as well as recruit new members. The luncheon will feature Caroline Winterer, a Stanford Professor, who will speak to the audience on “American Enlightenments.” This promises to be a great event. Details can be found below in the newsletter.

Our youth programs are very important to the SAR and to our community. ROTC/JROTC chairman, Roy Adkins, has been working hard with the schools in putting together the schedule for presenting SAR awards to the outstanding cadets in each school. While this is work in progress, I have listed the current schedule below in the newsletter. Our success with these programs depends on you; we need your help! It only takes a few minutes of your time to attend the school assembly and present a certificate and award to the cadet. By helping us with these presentations, you can make these students feel special and show the SAR flag in our community. It’s a great experience!

Our 5th grade living history presentations (School Guard) will begin its first live performance since the COVID shutdown on April 11th. We only have four members currently, and consequently we have a relatively limited schedule; we need more members to make this program effective. If you would like to know more about the program, please contact Carl Alhberg or me. You are welcome to join us as an observer to learn what the program is about; however, you must have successfully passed the SAR Youth Protection Training – it’s online and free and only takes a few minutes to complete. This program has a great positive impact on the students in our schools.

Libertas et Patria

Craig Anderson
VP Programs
Meeting Minutes Banner

Wednesday March 18, 2023

Exec Vice President Jon Wroten called the Meeting to Order at 9:04 am
The Invocation was given by Larry Niekamp follow by Carl Alhberg who gave the Pledge of Allegiance and Brian Alexander who gave the Pledge to the SAR. There being 15 SAR members in attendance, a quorum was established and the following business items were discussed: Click the button below to access the meeting minutes:
In lieu of our regularly scheduled Sacramento Chapter April Meeting, we are co-sponsoring this luncheon event with American Heritage Partners at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Sacramento. This promises to be a great event with an outstanding speaker from Stanford University. Seating will be limited, so reserve early. Click on the link below to download the reservation form.

Tickets can be purchased at the door.
 Members of the Sacramento SAR Chapter at the March business meeting
Craig Anderson presenting a Certificate of Patriotism to Larry Niekamp for his honorable service to the United States in the Korean War.
Executive Vice President Jon Wroten presents a membership certificate to Daniel Johnson.
SAR and DAR Members at the Herbert Green School program in Placerville on March 16th. (L-R) Margi Klein, Carl Ahlberg, Craig Anderson, William Reed, Don Littlefield, Unknown DAR Member. (Not pictured Larry Brasher)

The purpose of The America 250 SAR Program is “To celebrate America’s 250th anniversary with Patriotic, Historical and Educational programs which raises the awareness of Americans about our past and help strengthen our democracy” by...
  1. Raising awareness of the SAR as a patriotic organization and reenergize America’s sense of patriotism. Examples could include but are not limited to color guard participation in patriotic events such as Independence Day, Flag Day, Veterans Day, Patriots Day, etc. Participation in patriotic events such as Wreaths Across America, Flag Retirements. Patriot Sons and Daughter grave marking events, and veterans support activities.
  2. Making the American Revolution and ‘Our’ Colonial History Relevant Again. Examples could include but are not limited to Flag Day, Our Patriots, Revolutionary War Timeline, America 250 minute or Traveling Trunk.
  3. Making the SAR a major source for online information on the American Revolution. Examples could include but aren’t limited to Genealogy Workshops with DAR, Legends, History Explorers, Liberty Tree Environmental, and SAR educational outreach. 
A recognition program has been designed to encourage and recognize those compatriots, chapters and societies that participate in local, state, national and international events which publicly educate, and recognize, honor, and celebrate the events and heroes of the period surrounding the American Revolution. Participation involves the planning and execution of these events, as well as attendance. The awards cover any event celebrating and promoting the 250th Anniversary; therefore, any public events celebrating and promoting the 250th Anniversary in the period from 2014 to 2033.
Scorekeeping is the responsibility of each compatriot and awarding authority. The awarding authority for each medal is as follows.
  • The Bronze Medal is awarded for 25 promotion points as certified by the chapter.
  • The Silver Medal is awarded for 60 promotion points as certified by the state society.
  • The Gold Medal is awarded 150 promotion points as certified by the NSSAR 250th Anniversary Committee.
Awards are based on activity and the awarding of points for each type of activity:
  • Directing, chairing, or co-chairing an event or sub-committee for the duration of the event. (20 points).
  • Participation in the planning, financing, promotion or conduct of an event other than directing, chairing, or co- chairing an event. Those that do direct, chair or co-chair and event and serve as a regular member of a committee or sub-committee in a non-leadership role, may also earn points. (10 points).
  • Attending an Event (3 points).
  • Attending an event in Colonial Attire (5 points).
Questions about this program should be directed to the Sacramento Chapter America 250 Chairman Craig Anderson: craigandersonsar@gmail.com.
Congratulations to Compatriot Carl Ahlberg who was just added to the America 250 Honor Roll. He will be awarded the Bronze and Silver America 250 Medal.
The National Society Sons of the American Revolution awards the JROTC Medal to foster the principles of the “Citizen Soldier” as exemplified by the Minutemen of the Revolutionary War days.
This award is presented to JROTC Cadets who are selected by their commanding officers for having a high degree of merit with respect to leadership qualities, military bearing, and general excellence.
Each year our program chairman, Roy Adkins coordinates with schools to schedule these presentations; he relies on our chapter volunteers to help with these presentations. If you can help, please contact Roy at lifeswindo@aol.com or (916) 687-6735.

The presentations are very simple; the awards are mailed to the schools in advance so all you must do is attend the school event, and personally present the award to the cadet - about an hour of your time. 
Following is the schedule for this year to date; the list will be updated as other schools respond.
Roy Adkins presented Sea Cadet PO2 Ryan Young of the Ticonderoga Division, NSCC the SAR Bronze Good Citizenship Medal.
Charles Dean Vance of Del Campo High School was the 1st runner up for the outstanding JROTC Cadet Award
Colonel Robert Kalteis is the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor for AFJROTC at Del Campo High School, CA-863.
Congratulations!  Welcome to the California Society, Sons of the American Revolution. We are honored that you have elected to join our society of descendants of those patriots and heroes who gave us our freedoms. The California Society conducts many patriotic, historical, and educational programs in our communities, and we rely heavily on our member volunteers to keep them strong and vibrant. 

If you haven’t yet been, you will shortly be contacted by a representative of your chapter; We urge you to meet your fellow compatriots, join them in their chapter programs, and become an active member of your chapter and state society. We are looking forward to meeting and working with you in the future.
Color Guard Commander David Beach
The Sacramento Chapter Color Guard presented the Colors at the March Meeting of the Rancho Cordova School Board. Color guard members Carl Ahlberg, Russ Kaiser, Craig Anderson, and Don Littlefield.
Don Littlefield presents a SAR Flag Certificate to Rancho Cordova School Board President, David Reid. David is also a member of the Sacramento Chapter SAR.
Coming Color Guard Events
April 24th, 2023, The Charlotte Parkhurst Chapter DAR at the veteran's hall, 1300 Forest Ave. Folsom Ca.

June 24th, 2023 The Folsom Hometown Parade

December 16th, 2023, Wreaths Across America with The Charlotte Parkhurst Chapter DAR at the veteran's hall, 1300 Forest Ave. Folsom Ca.
Adam Morrill

Executive VP
Jon Wroten

VP Programs
Craig Anderson

VP Meetings
Larry Brasher

Jim Faulkinbury

Brian Alexander

Don Littlefield

American Enlightenments

Saturday April 22nd 11AM
Sheraton Grand Hotel
1230 J St Sacramento ca

State Society

148th, Annual Meeting
April 14-15th, 2023
Costa Mesa, CA.
National Society
Nationl Congress
Orlando, FL
July 13, 2023 to July 20, 2023
Cyber Scams 

If you receive an email from a purported Compatriot in need of help that is unsigned, with no personal contact information seeking contributions to any type of fundraising site; or an email addressing you by name from another member of your Chapter requesting the expenditure of funds or the purchase of gift cards, consider it a hoax. These messages are getting more sophisticated and may even include the unauthorized use of the SAR logo and/or a pseudo SAR email address. 
The Sacramento Courier is the official newsletter of the Sacramento Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. Unless explicitly. stated, the opinions expressed herein are the opinion of the authors, and not necessarily those of the Sacramento Chapter SAR.

Editor Wes Anderson
The Sacramento Chapter SAR; a 501(c)(3) non profit charitable organization
EIN # 68-0004288