Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
President Jon Wroten called the Meeting to Order at 7:00 pm
Chaplain Larry Niekamp gave the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by Tom Carpenter and the Pledge to the SAR led by Russ Kaiser.
Welcome remarks and introductions were given by President Jon Wroten. Special guests recognized were Susan Broderick, Vice President General of DAR and Gretchen Johnson, our guest speaker.
There being 20 SAR chapter members in attendance, a quorum was duly established.
1. Compatriot Tim Mihalakos gave the 250 minutes. The story of The Rhode Island Regiment and their involvement in the Battles of Brandywine, Trenton, and Yorktown were described. The Regiment’s flag was also presented.
2. America 250 Bronze medals were presented by President Wroten to Karen Faulkinbury, Scott Brooks, and Russ Kaiser for achieving the cumulative required points for award of the Chapter level medal and certificate.
3. Ernie Garcia was presented the Henry Knox Medal by President Wroten for countless years of service and significant contributions to the Chapter.
4. Scott Brooks was presented with the Roger Sherman Award by President Wroten for his dedicated service to the Chapter in multiple roles chairing the calling committee, as guardian of the flags and historian, as well as Sergeant-of-Arms.
5. Wes Anderson was presented with the Meritorious Service Award by President Wroten for his dedicated service to the Chapter as editor of the newsletter.
6. David Beach was presented with the Distinguish Service Medal by President Wroten for his dedicated service to the Chapter as Commander of the Color Guard.
7. John Mohamed was presented with a Military Service Medal and Certificate by Larry Niekamp for his dedicated military service.
8. Russ Kaiser presented certificate awards and glass steins to David Beach, Don Littlefield, and himself on behalf of the Coast Guard Commander in appreciation for the three performing Color Guard duties at the recent Change-of-Command ceremony for the local Coast Guard Stations.
9. Dinner - A break in the program was taken to allow attendees time to socialize and enjoy their dinners.
10. Gretchen Johnson, a 5th grade teacher at Deterding Elementary was introduced by Executive Vice President Craig Anderson. Ms. Johnson spoke to the Chapter.
about the value and benefit she and her students are receiving and enjoying from the Chapters gift of a classroom set of books, specifically, Sophie’s War.
There being no further business, the SAR Recessional was recited led by Larry Brasher, followed by Chaplain Larry Niekamp offering the Benediction. Those in attendance sang God Bless America.
President Wroten adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jon Wroten, President