Sacred Ground
A Film-based Dialogue
on Race and Faith
6 Sundays in June, July, August

This event is now full.

To be added to a waiting list, please send an email to . If there is enough interest, we will hold another Sacred Ground experience.
This summer, The Retreat House will host Sacred Ground, an experience of reading, watching and learning about the history of race and racism in America and the impact it has on our world today.

On these summer afternoons, we will explore a rich online curriculum focused on Indigenous, Black, Latino and Asian Pacific American as their histories intersect with European American history. Each week, we will be given documentaries to watch and articles to read to help inform and enlighten us. We then gather on Zoom for conversation to help us peel away the layers that have contributed to the challenges and divides of the present day—all while grounded in our call to faith, hope and love.

Learning about the origins of the inequities and injustices so deeply embedded in our lives today will provide valuable insight into the deep anger that fuels the protests happening across the country.

This amazing series, developed by The Episcopal Church and Katrina Browne, director of the documentary Traces of the Trade, has been especially designed to help white people engage in conversation about the history of race in America. The series is part of The Episcopal Church’s Becoming Beloved Community which is the church's long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation and justice.

Day's End
Evening Meditation
Weekdays 5:15 - 5:45 p.m.
Listen, breathe, be still.
A peaceful way
to move into your evening.

Join online:
Meeting ID: 212 677 840
Password: 944568
Call in/Audio only: 301 715 8592

Wednesday meditations include focused prayers for special concerns:

1st Wednesday - Prayers for Our Nation and The World
2nd Wednesday - Prayers for Reconciliation, Forgiveness & Transformation
3rd Wednesday - Prayers for Those Impacted by Addiction
4th Wednesday - Prayers for Inner Peace in these Uncertain Times
“We are spiritual beings having a
human experience.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 

It is easy to lose sight of this truth in today's world.

In this short video, Suzanne Straub Foehl talks about her experience with spiritual guidance or companionship.
Find Suzi's information, along with all the Retreat House spiritual directors, in our Spiritual Guidance brochure.