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Every June, we celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Legend has it that the first spoken words by St. Aloysius Gonzaga were the holy names of Mary and Jesus. Pretty amazing to think your little one's first words would be Jesus and Mary! Obviously, the baby would be repeating what had been heard. It just confirms the influence one's environment has on behavior and the importance of the domestic Church, our families (ref. CCC2204). Proper catechesis is essential to understanding what Holy Mother Church teaches so we can apply it in our daily lives and be good role models.

As Matthew 5:15-16 says, "Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father."

We are called to be light in a world covered with the darkness of sin, so we must know our faith to walk in the light and Magnify the Lord. If you are not already participating in a prayer group, Bible study, religious education classes, attending retreats and conferences, reading the lives of the saints, etc., then you may want to consider checking these out for your own spiritual growth. The Lord always calls us to go deeper!
This summer, with the help of the Holy Spirit, may we all focus on growing closer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Donna Ross, Coordinator
Central Service Team (CST)
Pope's Intentions

For the abolition of torture
We pray that the international community may commit in a concrete way to ensuring the abolition of torture and guarantee support to victims and their families.

For a Eucharistic life
We pray that Catholics may place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives, transforming human relationships in a very deep way and opening to the encounter with God and all their brothers and sisters.

For World Youth Day
We pray the World Youth Day in Lisbon will help young people to live and witness the Gospel in their own lives.
Liturgy of the Hours
A book of prayer and contemplation

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Psalm 63:2-9
A soul thirsting for God
Whoever has left the darkness of sin yearns for God.

Ant. 1 Jesus stood and cried out:
If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.

O God, you are my God, for you I long
for you my soul is thirsting.
My body pines for you
like a dry, weary land without water.
So I gaze on you in the sanctuary
to see your strength and your glory.

For your love is better than life,
my lips will speak your praise.
So I will bless you all my life,
in your name I will lift up my hands.
My soul shall be filled as with a banquet,
my mouth shall praise you with joy.
On my bed I remember you.
On you I muse through the night
for you have been my help;
in the shadow of your wings I rejoice.
My soul clings to you;
your right hand holds me fast.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be for ever. Amen.
Eucharistic Sacred Heart     
By Elise Botch, CST Newsletter Editor

As I gaze at this beautiful image of the ‘Eucharist Sacred Heart’ it reminds me of an experience I had thirty some years ago. I was attending Mass for the May Crowning of our Blessed Mother and during the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer I saw a ray of light shine through a small window high above a corner of the church. During the Consecration, I saw this red hue stream through the ray of light with the vivid image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. The two hearts stopped above the priest as he was holding up the host and then the chalice. In amazement, I was hoping everyone could see what I saw at that moment. I never doubted the true presence of Christ’s body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist, but it was a defining moment for me, an incredible sign of His endearing sacrificial gift of love for the Body of Christ.

Since then, I have had a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. My parish priest has also commemorated an ‘Enthronement of the Two Hearts’ in my homes. I highly recommend having an enthronement in your home to dedicate your family to the consecration and protection of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
It is no coincidence that we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi after Pentecost and a week later, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. There is a profound relationship between the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Eucharist is the Heart of Christ pierced on the Cross. The ultimate sacrifice of his body and blood perpetually given to us. The Eucharist can only be explained by love. The mystery of His human and divine love in the Eucharist are inseparable. Many Eucharistic miracles throughout the Church's history have proven scientifically His heart is living and beating in the Eucharist.

Christ's heart of flaming love finds its truest expression in the Blessed Sacrament. His desire is to remain with us always. His infinite love for us would not allow Him to forget about us nor does He want us to forget about him. St. Francis de Sales tells us, our great intention in receiving the Eucharist should be to advance in the love of God, to become intimate with Him. You cannot intimately love someone you do not know, you must develop a relationship. Desiring to spend time with Christ in sacred holy moments celebrating the Eucharist, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, silent listening in Adoration, fervent prayer and studying scripture will empower the Holy Spirit within us to unite our hearts to Christ.

At the end of each Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we are commissioned and sent out carrying him in our hearts full of love, to bring forth the Savior into the needy world. What greater model to help us do this than Our Blessed Mother Mary, and her Immaculate Heart, the ultimate ‘Christ-bearer.’ The Immaculate Heart of Mary signifies the great purity of heart and love she has for our Triune God. This purity is manifested in her fiat to the Father at the Incarnation, her love and cooperation with her Incarnate Son in His redemptive mission, and her docility to the Holy Spirit, where she experienced both joys and sorrows, yet remained faithful. We too are called to be ‘Christ-bearers' and to remain faithful.

Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true, with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living sanctuary for you!


In March, the CST was able to visit most of our Chapters in Florida and then in April, they were on to Colorado, New Mexico and Texas. It has truly been amazing how the Lord has gone ahead and prepared the way! Every visit has been so blessed and grace-filled. It has been so encouraging to see many of the Chapters coming out of the covid period stronger than before. Praise God!
Region 3
Grapevine, TX
Las Cruces, TX
San Angelo, TX
Fort Worth, TX
Pikes Peak, CO
Denver, CO
Region 5
Miami, FL
Visit with Kathy
The CST visits with Coordinator Emeritus Kathy MacInnis
Miami Chapter held a Meal in May with Special Guests
By Maria Luque- Rautio, Coordinator

At our last Magnificat Meal, we were blessed by having with us the CST, Donna Ross, Pat Higginbotham and Jackie France, during their Chapter Visitation in Florida. Our Spiritual Advisor, Father Hector, shared a brief teaching on "Joy throughout Lent". Our Chapter has experienced some challenges through the illness of one of our Service Team members, but the way the Lord has covered her with favor has been a magnification of His love. Our Service Team has increased in number and we're excited by what the Lord is doing in our Chapter through us.
Our Meal Speaker was Floredenis Brown. The way she proclaimed the Gospel through her personal testimony, gave us encouragement of hope, trust, and perseverance in relying on Jesus. She emphasized the importance trusting in the Word of God and to claim all His promises, because He is a faithful God.
Head Table - Left Front - Floredenis Brown, Speaker, Valli Leone, Fr. Hector, Jackie France, Donna Ross, Pat Higginbotham, Marie Luque-Rautio

Miami Chapter Service Team and CST
Attendees listening to Donna Ross
Praise & Worship
Memoriam of Puddin McNamara
By Marilyn Quirk, Founding Coordinator of Magnificat

I met Puddin for the 1st time at a Bridal Shower in my home, in the fall of 1969.She immediately began inviting me to attend a Prayer Meeting at Loyola University. She was persistent in calling me every week to invite me to it! I thought, at the time, she is going to wear me out! She told me she wanted me to meet a Jesuit priest, Fr. Harold Cohen. Because of her persistence, I finally gave in and went with her and a couple of friends to this Prayer Meeting that happened to be the 1st Catholic Charismatic Renewal event in the New Orleans area! My life began to be transformed!

Puddin and I would begin traveling back and forth with a group of women every Thursday night and sit out in a van sharing and praying together! I thought at the time, this is not safe for us to do, so I said, why not meet in my home one day a week, my 4 children were all in school for the 1st time! This Prayer Meeting for Women began to grow and multiply throughout the New Orleans and regional area!

Not too long after the Women’s Prayer Meeting began, Puddin’s husband decided to run for public office! Puddin dropped out of all her activities to be at her husbands side!

With Puddin away, who would lead this Women's Prayer Meeting? The women said that I should! I said ‘‘No way,” but they persisted! With the grace of God, I said ‘‘Yes!”

Like Our Lady, Puddin has endured the deaths of two of her four children and her beloved husband! She is truly, ‘a woman to be admired’. She lived her life according to the Scripture,  “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.”  Luke 1:38

Alma Loisel "Puddin" McNamara Obituary The Times-Picayune Click Here
Walnut Creek Chapter Hosts Monsignor McLaughlin
By Jennifer Rogers, Secretary
The Servants of the Immaculata Chapter of Magnificat in Walnut Creek, California, of the Diocese of Oakland, held their second in person breakfast post-pandemic, on April 22, 2023, at a newly discovered venue, Queen of Heaven Retreat Center, nestled in the hills of Lafayette, California. With the assistance of Spiritual Advisor Father Erick Villa, the Service Team was grateful to learn that Monsignor McLaughlin would be available to speak at the breakfast following notice that our scheduled speaker, Lily Loh had entered her eternal glory.

Reverend Monsignor John McLaughlin, a graduate of Boston College, worked as a high school wrestling coach and real estate agent prior to joining the priesthood. He served at multiple parishes, was appointed National Vocations Director of the Archdiocese of Military Services, Chaplain of Boston University’s Newman Center, and Director of Spiritual Formation at Saint John’s Seminary. In 2012, Pope Benedict XVI bestowed on him the title of Monsignor. He currently ministers in the Oakland Diocese giving retreats and sharing his wisdom and insights with clergy and lay faithful alike.

Monsignor McLaughlin provided a beautiful story of his conversion to the priesthood and the holy town he grew up in – a town that continues to foster priests today. As a young man out of college, he stayed active making a living in real estate and coaching high school wrestlers. As his real estate portfolio grew, he became disenchanted with his success and more moved by the young boys he was coaching in wrestling. After an unfortunate automobile accident on the way home from a competition, resulting in death and severe injury, the young boys turned to their faith as they navigated their lives post-accident. Monsignor was so impassioned by their demonstration of strong faith and tells this story so passionately from the heart with humor and conviction. There were over 90 guests in attendance and the room was filled with the Holy Spirit. Monsignor’s testimony moved hearts that day and will continue to inspire the lives of many.

Please join us for our next breakfast on Saturday, September 30, 2023, at St. Raymond Catholic Church in Dublin, California. Our speaker will be Father Jimmy Macalinao of St. Perpetua Church, Lafayette, California.
June 2023
Fr. Erick Villa- Spiritual Advisor,
Msgr. John McLaughlin, Speaker
June 2023
Fr. Erick blessing our raffle gifts
June 2023
Service Team - Kim Sullivan, Jen Rogers, Linda Atkinson, Fr. Erick Villa
June 2023
Fr. Erick Villa visiting a guest table
June 2023
Sacred Heart Band - Mario & Ana Garcia Lopez,
their children, Grace and Jacob
June 2023
Sr. Irene, Daughters of St. Paul, Books & Media
Palm Desert Chapter's Friday Night Speaker Dinner
Palm Desert 2023
Friday night Service Team dinner with Cindy Rippee, Speaker for Our Lady's Desert Roses, (left middle - in light pink top.) Palm Desert, CA Chapter breakfast Meal on 6/10/23. Cindy is Coordinator of Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapter of North County San Diego, CA. The breakfast Meal was full of hope and love with the theme “The fulfillment I seek can only be found in Jesus as Lord.” Colossians 2:6-10.
Experience the fullness of Magnificat as we celebrate our 42nd Anniversary in Pittsburgh. Invite your Magnificat sisters, family, and friends!
Come and be renewed in the Holy Spirit!
Click on the picture to register today!
2023 Conference Daily Prayer Intentions

As we prepare for the Conference, let us be united in prayer. One of our CST Advisory Team members, Kay Burkot, has written daily intercessions for all of us to say leading up to this extraordinary gathering. You can visit Facebook starting in July to find these daily prayer intentions or click here to conveniently print them out. We invite you to join with the entire ministry as we prepare for our Conference in October. Come, Holy Spirit! Come!
Fairfield County, CT hosts an April Meal
By Elvira Gonzales, Historian
On April 22, 2023, the Triumphant Heart of Mary Chapter was blessed to celebrate their 20th Anniversary at a Meal attended by more than 100 guests. The room was filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit as Fran Fraleigh Karpiej, OFS, a prior Coordinator of the Chapter and a leader in Catholic Charismatic Renewal, gave her moving testimony illuminating the ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit have been a part of her life. Father Larry Carew said a blessing and led the breakfast in prayer, while Deacon Steve Hodson led the group in praiseful song. Also in attendance were the Chapter’s Coordinators, past and present, along with some familiar faces and new guests. The Chapter’s Service Team was grateful to all in attendance and all who volunteered to make this 20th Anniversary breakfast a glorious Meal which lifted the hearts of all those who attended in spirit.
Fairfield County
Father Larry Carew joins Coordinators of the Chapter (past and present), Carol Flynn, Fran Karpiej, Roxane Angotta, Sue Tesoriero, and Fran Hood
Fairfield County
Attendees of the breakfast accompany Deacon Steve Hodson in prayerful song
Fairfield County
Father Larry Carew and Fran Karpiej
Stark County Hosts June Meal
By Emily Voegele, Asst. Coordinator
Fr. Tom Cebula celebrated Mass for our attendees at 8:00 am before our breakfast. Our speaker, Pat Higginbotham, was surprised and touched when she heard that the Mass was offered for her. At the breakfast, Fr. Cebula gave a teaching about the history of the Feast of Corpus Christi and a beautiful testimony about making a conscious act of faith as a seven year old, receiving his First Holy Communion.

We had approximately 70 people in attendance to hear Pat share her testimony about the power of the Holy Spirit in her life. During a difficult time in her life when she felt like she “was in a pressure cooker,” she started attending a new parish which was charismatic and attending a prayer meeting with a friend. It was through this experience that she developed relationships with the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Mother.

Pat said throughout her life she has discerned three things that the Holy Spirit was telling her after she ignored or questioned promptings of the Holy Spirit:
1) Don’t let your sinfulness keep you from My call.
2) Don’t let your family keep you from My call.
3) Don’t rationalize My call.

These three statements can be applied to all of us. What is keeping us from His call?

We had our last drawing for a free Magnificat Conference fee. Debby Bentivegna was the lucky winner!

We also had a raffle of a Magnificat logo bag filled with a variety of beautiful items, including a Magnificat rosary, Marian notecards, and a decorative plaque with a picture and psalm. Margaret Durkin was the winner of the raffle!

We look forward to our breakfast in September when Sara Schroedl will tell us about her “life behind bars”- the handlebars of a bike!
Stark County-2023
Speaker, Pat Higginbotham
Stark County-2023
Praying over speaker: (l to r) Rosemary Pfiffner, Coordinator, Diane Stropki, Historian, Pat, Diane DeBarr, Treasurer, Jackie France, CST, Emily Voegele, Asst Coordinator (Beth Masserant, Secretary hidden behind Jackie)
Stark County-2023
Diane DeBarr,Treasurer, Margaret Durkin winner of raffle, Fr.Cebula
Stark County-2023
Winner of Conference Give-a-way with
Fr. Tom Cebula
Stark County-2023
Diane Stropki, Historian, with Team gift she created for Pat
Stark County-2023
Attendees: (l to r) Carol Frient, Carol Mc Connell, Ann Harty
May we unite our hearts and every heart so that all hearts may live in unity in imitation of that sacred unity which exists in these Two Hearts. Triumph, O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary! Reign, O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! – in our hearts, in our homes and families, in the hearts of those who as yet do not know you, and in all nations of the world. Establish in the hearts of all mankind the sovereign triumph and reign of your Two Hearts so that the earth may resound from pole to pole with one cry: Blessed forever be the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary!
Fr. Angelos - Vicar General speaks at Orange County Meal
By Lourdes Carroll, Secretary

On Saturday, March 4th, 2023 the Orange County, California, Our Lady Queen of Peace Magnificat Chapter, hosted it’s first Meal at Christ Cathedral Campus in the Cultural Center. The breakfast was very well attended reaching the maximum capacity. Among the guests who attended: Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of Orange, our Spiritual Director, Fr Bao Thai, and several other priests, deacons and religious sisters. Donna Ross, CST Coordinator, gave an inspiring overview of the history of the Magnificat Ministry.

We were privileged to have Very Reverend Angelos Sebastian as our speaker, a native of India, ordained a priest in 2001. He came to Orange County in 2007 by invitation of Bishop Tod Brown in June 24, 2022. He was appointed Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese of Orange. He also serves as Pastor of St Kilian’s parish in Mission Viejo, California.

Fr. Angelos started with a scripture from Jeremiah 1:5 which sums up his story, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” Fr. Angelos believed his story began when the Lord formed him in his mother’s womb knowing the plans He had for him to be a prophet, a spokesman for God striving every day to live up to his calling. Fr. Angelos shared that the greatest privilege and honor in his life, is not just being a priest, a pastor, and a vicar general, but being a child of God, living as a child of God, and experiencing his overwhelming love and protection.

Fr. Angelos quoted from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through God who strengthens me.” Looking back he acknowledged the many miracles, blessings and joys he experienced in his life. Now looking forward in his journey, Father is confident that with God, who strengthens him, he can do all things for His Greater Glory.
Orange County
Fr. Angelos, Speaker, Dr. Elizabeth Kim,
Fr. Bao, Donna Dostalik
Orange County Service Team & Fr. Bao
Orange County
Orange County Catholics article on the Magnificat Meal at Christ Cathedral
'Woman of Faith' awarded to Rochester Chapter Member
By Jeanne Walker, Historian
Over 100 women were in attendance at the Meal on Saturday, March 11, when our own Service Team Coordinator, Louise Carson, gave her inspirational testimony! Louise shared her experience of having and relinquishing a vocation, marriage, career, difficult child, grandson and more. Her presentation was enhanced by the accompanying music of Steve Petrovich and finally the distribution of her poetic prayer about her grandson.

A “Woman of Faith” was awarded to Lynn Agnello, longtime volunteer in support of the Magnificat Ministry. Her answer is always “yes” when asked to help out. She is always the first smiling face that greets all the guests at the breakfast. Beautiful spring-themed baskets, created by members Kathleen Sullivan and Cathy Gluckman, were raffled.  The generosity of our Chapter members is remarkable!

Louise Carson - Guest Speaker
Woman of Faith Recipient - Lynn Agnello
Raffle Tickets Anyone?
Janet Pontarelli, Secretary, CeCe Crawford, Treasurer, Fr. John Gagnier, Spiritual Advisor
Winnie - Raffle Ticket Winner
Debbie - Raffle Ticket Winner
The Spouse of the Holy Spirit Chapter Hosts June Meal
By Jeanne Walker, Historian

On June 3rd, The Spouse of the Holy Spirit Chapter hosted a Meal in Rochester, NY. We were all blessed to have Amanda English of Buffalo, NY share her testimony with the spirit-filled women of Rochester. Captivated by the consuming and merciful love of God, Amanda told her amazing and heartfelt witness how she made a decision in her 20's to explore what is meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus.  What a treat for the mom's and grandma's who brought their daughters and granddaughters. Amanda speaks to the youth every chance she gets.
Rochester NY
Amanda English, Guest Speaker
Rochester NY
Fr. John Gagnier
Rochester NY
Amanda English with Service Team
Rochester NY
Amanda English, Louise Carson
Rochester NY
Amanda, husband Rich, Louise Carson & musicians
Rochester NY
Praise & Worship
Phoenix Chapter hosts a Meal in March
By Cathy Cato, Asst. Coordinator

Mary, Cause of our Joy Chapter held a Meal at Corpus Christi Catholic Church on March 18th in the south Phoenix area. We were pleased to have Roberta Bazaldua as our Speaker. She currently works at St. Thomas the Apostle as the Marriage Preparation Coordinator and Nullity Minister.  She has been Coordinator of the yearly Women’s Conference for the past 12 years. Her strong charism of leadership has brought her many opportunities to serve in the Church. She is very involved with the pro-life movement, Rachel’s Vineyard, and on staff of the Cursillo. Roberta has 4 grown children and 10 grandchildren and takes great joy in being present to these souls that God has entrusted to her care.  Roberta had many touching stories to share of God’s powerful redeeming love and mercy in her life and others.
Phoenix AZ 2023
Roberta Bazaldua-Speaker
Phoenix AZ 2023
Mei-An and Esther Ramirez

Magnificat Store
Did you know there is a wonderful shopping opportunity just waiting for you? Explore our shopping cart for rosaries, apparel, books, jewelry, statues, CDs and much more.
To find great gifts for family, friends and YOU, we invite you to visit
The Gentle Woman of Praise May Meal
By Nancy Hooley, Asst. Coordinator
The Gentle Woman of Praise Albany, NY Chapter hosted its second breakfast of the year on Saturday, May 20th at Wolferts Roost Country Club in Albany.
Since the month of May is in honor of Mary, the room decor was a sea of blue & white. We dedicated our breakfast to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots. 
Led by our music ministry, Joyful Heart, we began by singing “Come Holy Ghost” inviting the Holy Ghost to come with the fire of love. Together we then prayed the prayer of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
We were blessed to have Sr. Teresa Grace Baillargeon, C.R., serve as guest Spiritual Advisor that morning. She gave a beautiful reflection on our individual call to grow in holiness.
The guest speaker was Anne Costa from Syracuse, NY. A wife, mother & best-selling author, Anne’s life story is one fraught with heartache & personal hardship. She shared her painful struggles with addiction, broken family relationships, an unexpected medical diagnosis & depression. Realizing she was powerless on her own to change her circumstances, Anne cried out to God in surrender to His will.  Slowly but surely the “knots” in her life were undone. She gives God all the glory for transforming her life. She credits Jesus, Our Lady & the saints in helping her show forgiveness and love.  In her words, she became “a new creation in Christ” and found healing, hope, peace & joy.   
All too soon our breakfast ended but Anne’s story truly touched many hearts that morning – a true testament to God’s ever-faithful presence in our lives. We thank the Holy Spirit and Our Lady for another blessed & graced-filled Magnificat breakfast!

To Read About Albany's March Meal Click Here
Albany May2023
Albany, NY Chapter head table
Albany May2023
Service Team and Sr. Teresa Grace praying over Anne Costa
Albany May2023
Joyce Papa - Our Lady of Undoer of Knots blanket
Albany May 2023
Nancy Hooley, Kelly Stiffen, Carol Heckman, Anne Costa, Diane Bigos, Sr. Teresa Grace, Fran Schmidt
2023 Giving Opportunity
Please consider supporting Magnificat in our mission to evangelize and serve Catholic women through joining our Five Star Share giving program. Your financial gifts enable the Ministry to maintain current outreaches to over 80 Chapters worldwide, develop new programs and materials for individual and community spiritual growth and development. These funds also help women forming Magnificat Chapters in new locations. 

Click on Five Star Campaign or the Our Lady of Guadalupe icon to donate.

Together, let us proclaim the greatness of the Lord to all the world!
God loves a cheerful giver! 
(2 Cor. 9:7) 
San Gabriel Valley Chapter is in full swing again!
By Peggy Gruytch, Secretary
Praise God! San Gabriel Valley Magnificat celebrated our first Prayer Meal on May 13th since covid and after being on a short sabbatical. There were 75 people in attendance. Elise Botch, Region 1 Communications Rep and Donna Dostalik, Asst. Coordinator of the Orange County Chapter were also in attendance. We began our Meal in thanksgiving honoring Our Blessed Mother with our Hostesses in a lovely rose procession and crowning.
We were blessed to have guest-speaker, Alma Reyes. Alma served 20 years of active-duty service in the United States Marine Corps. During that time, she wandered from her faith and conformed to the ways of the world, lost and unhappy. Her testimony revealed God’s love and mercy, echoing the power of forgiveness.
It was a beautiful event and indeed the Holy Spirit was present. We are motivated to evangelize in future prayer meals. We thank you for all your prayers and support. God is good! 
June 2023
San Gabriel Valley Service Team: (l to r)  Peggy Gruytch, Secretary, Clara Luera, Coordinator, Carmen Henry, Treasurer, Anna Shiroma, Asst. Coordinator
June 2023
Rose Procession and Crowning Honoring Our Blessed Mother
June 2023
Head Table - Praise and Worship: (l to r) Alma Reyes, Speaker, Clara Luera, Coordinator, Anna Shiroma, Asst. Coordinator,  Peggy Gruytch, Secretary, Carmen Henry, Treasurer 
Magnificat Orange County Meal - June 3rd
By Lourdes Carroll, Asst. Coordinator

On Saturday June 3rd, 2023, the Orange County, CA Our Lady Queen of Peace Magnificat Chapter was blessed to host Fr. Patrick Crowley. He was born in Western Ireland in 1938, ordained to the priesthood 1963, entering the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary, SS.CC. in 1956 where he has been serving since then. Fr. Pat is celebrating his Diamond 60th Jubilee of Ordination this year!  Fr. Pat is currently serving as Spiritual Advisor to the North County San Diego, CA Chapter of Magnificat.
He felt privileged to share his testimony giving witness to the power of the Holy Spirit with deep gratitude to Almighty God for His mercy at work in him and through him.
Fr. Pat has been actively involved in the healing ministry within the Charismatic Renewal since 1972. Since then, he has witnessed many spiritual, physical, and emotional healings. He shared that after being
Baptized in the Holy Spirit, his priestly life was enriched with new charisms that empowered him to be a vessel of healing and deliverance to others, hanks to the mercy of Almighty God. His talk reminds us that we should never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.
June 2023
Speaker - Fr. Patrick Crowley
June 2023
Lori Loy - May Crowning
June 2023
Orange County Service Team with Fr. Pat and Fr. Greg. (l to r) Pam DeMarco, Historian, Dr. Elizabeth Kim, Coordinator,  Donna Dostalik, Asst. Coordinator, Fr. Pat Crowley, Speaker, Michelle Harnish, Treasurer, Lourdes Carroll , Secretary, Fr. Gregory Dick, Spiritual Advisor - substituting for Fr. Bao
June 2023
June 2023
.Praise & Worship with Donna Lee
June 2023
Praise & Worship
Second Monday of each month.
7:00 pm CENTRAL time.
Please join us on Facebook for Praise, Worship and Adoration.
Order your copy of 

Magnificat Spirituality


Look for the Spanish version coming in 2023!
The new Magnificat Spirituality book brings the principles of Magnificat into one concise volume. Now, we can be informed and instructed in what it truly means to say "yes" to God like Mary and join her in proclaiming His greatness in word and deed through Magnificat membership.

“But the hour is coming, in fact has come, when the vocation of woman is being achieved in its fullness, the hour in which woman acquires in the world an influence, an effect, and a power never hitherto achieved. That is why, at this moment when the human race is undergoing so deep a transformation, women impregnated with the spirit of the Gospel can do much to aid mankind in not falling…”
– Second Vatican Council message to women

"Magnificat Spirituality is a response to this proclamation, echoing in our times, calling us back to personal holiness, community, and service in obedience to the Holy Spirit. The world needs a compelling manifestation of God's love and power to heal broken lives and institutions. With Mary, as our model and greatest intercessor, we believe Magnificat, with Chapters worldwide, has been called and equipped "for such a time as this."

– Magnificat Central Service Team
MAGNIFICAT Prayer Booklet
The MAGNIFICAT prayer booklet has been a daily companion to thousands on their spiritual journey, enriching their prayer life and helping them grow in love and knowledge of Christ and the Church. Every subscription to the MAGNIFICAT publication directly benefits our Magnificat, A Ministry to Catholic Women worldwide.

Regular Edition first subscription $49; second subscription $39; and subsequent subscriptions $35; Large Print Edition: first subscription $64.95; second subscription $55; and subsequent subscriptions $49. It is available in several languages.

P.O. Box 822
Yonkers, NW 10702
(866) 273-5215 

Office Depot logo
Magnificat has worked with Office Depot for several years to provide discount pricing through the use of in- store purchasing cards for our Chapters and all of their members.

Now Office Depot is also know as ODP Business Solutions. This change impacts how Magnificat Chapters, members, family and friends place their orders to get the best negotiated discounts. All updated ODP materials can be found on the Magnificat Website under STORE: OFFICE DEPOT-ODP

Magnify the Lord!

Book #3 in the Magnificat Proclaims series. Another 19 powerful testimonies to inspire and touch hearts. Available in the Magnificat Store or

Great summer read!
Friendships with many faithful Catholic women in Magnificat have brought me closer to the Eucharist.
Did you know that you can hear great Magnificat testimonies, teachings, and encouraging words on your computer, tablet, or phone? Click on Podcast icon and enjoy listening to the variety of programs available to you. You can save programs as a favorite to your computer or phone and listen to them anywhere and anytime. Tune in regularly and don't forget to sign up for updates!

This Newsletter is brought to you by the Central Service Team

Elise Botch - Editor
Colleen D. Swiatek - Layout Page Designer
CST Communications Team

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