First of all, thank you for sharing your artwork, , with us for the Sacred Threads 2022 exhibit.
As you might already know, we publish a catalog available to the public featuring the quilts in the exhibit. To do this we use the images provided by the artist but sometimes things don’t always work right the first time. You are receiving this email because we need a new image of your piece so we can show it in its best light.
There are a variety of issues but most are images with low resolution, bad lighting or edges cropped off. Here are some guidelines to use in submitting your new image:
1. Resolution
Images need to be saved at least 2500 pixels on the shortest side. Don’t worry about sizing it down, we can take care of that on our end.
2. Cropping
To edit these images, we are erasing the background from behind the quilt and thus need to see the edge all the way around. It will be easier to do this if in your new picture, the backdrop is a flat, contrasting color.
3. Color Correction
If your basement studio has bad lighting, we can color correct digitally but need your new image to include a small piece of very white, and very black paper or fabric arranged next to your quilt but not touching it. You might also be able to photograph your work outside in soft daylight to reflect the actual color of the materials.
4. Skewing
Some photos we received are not straight. They are taken from an angle. We need your picture to be straight with the camera focused on the center.
Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions
We must receive your new photo by April 30th to include it in the catalog.
When you are ready to submit your new photo, please fill out this form